I want to get back into fitness but I'm old at 26 and work manual labor 40 to 80 hours...

I want to get back into fitness but I'm old at 26 and work manual labor 40 to 80 hours. Should I just evolve my routine more cardio stretching and aestics normalfag stuff? I love exercising but I'm fucking dead physically all the time.

Attached: 20398133_452769808411888_999616194619113472_n.jpg (1080x1350, 140K)

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Use stimulants, I load up on a lot of caffeine

I drink up so much caffiene and preworkout it's ridiculous like 1k everyday for years.

Lift light weight everyday dont do heavy gym days, that works for me. I do 40 hours physical work.

Lmao fucking boomer thinks he can get ripped at 26 it's way too late bro

It isn’t bad for you unless you’re using hardcore stimulants everyday. Look up why ray peat recommends caffeine so much.

Is this bait?

Don't listen to this faggot

Im already in shape I'm just mentally and physically fucking drained. I literally just did 3 weighted dips with 35 pounds and my bodies in fucking pain ..___..

Who is this

Attached: hitomi.jpg (1080x1350, 1.76M)

I'm pretty sure she's a pornstar. Forgot her name, though. Shouldn't be hard to lookup an asian pornstar with short hair.
Who's that tho?


It's xia li a wwe diva

This. I'm 27 and I work a minimum of 60 hours a week with a very random schedule. On my feet all the time. I couldn't work out until I started taking d bal and loading up on caffeine. I'm a fucking machine now at work and the gym

Make sure to get enough sleep,
Quit drinking/smoking
Get your diet dialed in and consistent.

Your problem right now is that any exercise will just be over training, you will feel worse than you do now, and get little to no results.
Get those 3 things above dialed in, and you should look and feel much better.

If top tier diet, proper sleep, and clean living still aren't enough;
100mg test-e every Monday and Thursday morning for the rest of your life.

Same here. Been browsing Jow Forums for over 12 years now, course I feel old af.

25 here
been browsing Jow Forums for 11 years
you're old af ;)

Honestly just add a little bit to your routine at a time.
You first have to increase your work capacity to some degree to work this much and have some level of fitness outside of work
Something like couch to 5k might be a good idea. You can adapt it to rowing to make it more of a whole body thing.

haha best post


Attached: boomer.png (521x598, 26K)

>old at 26
what kind of horrible fucking shape do you have to be in to feel too old to exercise at fucking 26? are u like 360 pounds and in a wheelchair?