Plateau Bench

How the FUCK do I break my bench plateau? I've been at 215 for nearly two months. I can't fucking break it. I work out my arms -- focusing on triceps. I work out my shoulders. I work out my legs to ensure that I'm boosting my testosterone levels. I'm consuming protein power immediately after workouts.


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>read the sticky

Eat more idiot


Do something else. Take a break and learn yoga. Do 130 pushups

Ask for a spot, and then you won't be scared of dying.

>I work out my legs to ensure that I'm boosting my testosterone levels.
>protein power
I bet you can't even read the sticky
Just so you know, I'm implying you are retarded

This. Switch up your program.

>I work out my arms -- focusing on triceps. I work out my shoulders.
You should probably do less of that... Drop the isolation exercises IMO. If you do accessories, make it more specific. For example:
close-grip bench, 3 sets of 3-4 at 175#
incline bench, 3 sets of 8 at 115#
What does the rest of your program look like?

>Do something else
I agree with that... but I wouldn't replace lifting with yoga/pushups

Look senpai, its not that hard. Bench more.

If bench is all you care about go do smolov or something else stupid.

I couldn't break 225 for a long time. Shifted bench to secondary lift, mainly out of frustration, and alternated dips and incline bench as main push lift. Did three sets of push ups daily during the same time.

3 months passed. Went back to test my bench and hit 225, 3x3 with no spotter. Next week, 225 3x4, by end of month was 225, 3x5.

Attribute it mainly to dips. As an aside, turns out I wasnt using right support muscles on dips, and fucked up my sternum joint for a good 6 months. so be careful

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I go straight to db press when I get stuck on bench

One of my favorite techniques is to drop back down in weight. The thing about benching that I have found is that the most important set is not the last set, but the set before. I do 5 sets of 5 (a lot, I know but I like benching) and recently did 225 5 times. Now, I'm going to go down to near 180, and work my way back up. 4 lifts later, Im back at 225, but I also (usually) end up passing whatever weight I get stuck on. It also really helps me with form. Hope this helps!

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Jesus christ the level of advice is terrible
It's common knowledge that the cure to stalling is to change the routine whike training the same muscles

>take a deload week
>return full of vigor
>lower the weight and change the excercise
>pause bench, dumbbell bench, incline/decline
>progress slowly on new excercise
>after two months return to normal bench
>first workout is shit, you can make progress again
>in three months you will have made actual bench progress without getting fat

Either that or texas method

i bench 215 no problem for 8 reps x 3 sets and i still look like a DYEL

how do i break my muscle size plateau? i literally was standing in the middle a conversation between a milfy coworker and another admin, and the milfy was describing some dude and said something along the lines of "no, no he was not a buff or big muscular guy, just average normal size, like user here" while gesturing at me with her elbows

she said it so matter of factly, i immediately went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. help guys, i look like a DYEL, and especially even more so when im wearing a collared shirt at work

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>I work out my arms -- focusing on triceps. I work out my shoulders. I work out my legs to ensure that I'm boosting my testosterone levels. I'm consuming protein power immediately after workouts.
>bro split
Get over 150 reps on a bench per week at 70-85% of 1rm for a month then test.
stop being a ppl brainlet

post pic

>texas method for bench


i will try but im not phoneposting and dont have a working smartphone right now since i dropped my phone last week so its gonna be a while while i get my digicam and do it the old fashioned way but doing a google search i look close to this guy on the left but have a worse potbelly

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>they guy on the left
Two plates is 100kg

go do metcons for six weeks and then go back to bench. you will get 225 no problem

i dont know in KG amount but i can do about 6 reps of 2 45lb plates which is 225, usually like this:

6 reps, 4 reps, 3 or 4 reps

yeah im not a buff chad i just want bigger muscles and they never grow. im thinking of going low weights and high repetitions now, like maybe just do my normal warmup of 1 plate on each side, but do it like 15-20 reps x 3 or 4 sets if i can even do that. at least work towards that as a goal

>6 reps of 2 45lb plates
So 2 45lbs plates each side?
Totaling is 4 45lbs plates


do you actually count the bar?

that's not really getting stronger
>plateau 300 lbs squat at 150lbs BW
>(((eat more)))
>break plateau after some time and reach 310lbs while gaining 20 pounds in the process
>no longer squat double BW
he should incorporate more advanced periodization instead of trying to outfat the lift

Do high volume dropsets after your standard bench workout, which should be different from whatever you do right now.
>put 5 fives on each side (or whatever is the equivalent in yuroweight)
>do ten reps, drop a five, repeat
>after the bar is empty, go back up by one five, do ten reps, repeat
I do this with 10s instead of 5s (I lift 285 on bench) and I can't finish the last 10. If you find this is too easy, do it with 10s, maybe only 4 10s. As an aside, I'd also incorporate DEEP dumbbell presses. You want the whole dumbbell lower than your chest (with an arch) so you can work on that bottom movement which is the hardest for bench.

Doing it without a spot is better so you will be afraid of dying so you'll actually get the weight.

>pause bench
This. I went from struggling with 275 to being able to squeeze out 3 reps because of this.

Train like a bodybuilder

Bench more. It's not fucking rocket science.

>"How do I break my bench plateau?"
>"I train arms and legs, nothing's working!!!"

Have you tried training chest?

Swap out barbel Bench and do dumbbells only for 4 weeks.
If you're doing sets of 5 try sets of 8-12
If you usually do sets of 8+ try more sets of say 3 reps
Train your back more
Add more shoulder accessory work once a week
Try removing bench and going incline or decline only for 4 weeks
Pyramid drop sets on cable work so you're totally destroying yourself.
Eat at a big calory surplus (+800 a day) for two weeks
Reduce your overall volume on chest days a touch, but train it twice or three times a week depending on your schedule.
Floor press
Slingshot overload work
Timed negative reps
Close grip, incline, decline, JM press, strict military press, diamond pushup/elevated pushup supersets.

Mate chest plateaus are the easiest of all to break. If you don't know how to do it yourself already then you should take that as a indication that you really don't know much about fitness and - without trying to trigger you - you should probably read more and start with things such as the sticky and introduction to powerlifting guides and shit.

yes bar is 45 pounds, standard olympic size

yes, 2 plates each side, does anybody count by the total? i thought it was always a given you just say how much is on one side only

i dont know what that means. but i have done starting strength for a few months when i got back into lifting after taking a year long break. obviously i never finished the program because it gets impossible after a certain point, i made it like halfway through before my body craps out and gains stop happening. im curious if anybody has actually been able to do the starting strength routine as its written all the way through without blowing out their knees or back

Add some incline and flat db bench. Also train your shoulders and back if you want to look like you lift.

yeah ive been contemplating going to dumbells for a long time, will do friendo

Best thing that helped my bench was focusing on rear delts and back. They're the base of your bench and will keep you more stable

Acquire more volume, get enough recovery

>I'm consuming protein power immediately after workouts
kek, why you fucking faggot?

Heavy dips

250 bench at 175

Drop the weight, increase the volume. Faggot!

Reported for name calling