how are straight guys supposed to approach women sexually?
How are straight guys supposed to approach women sexually?
From the rear
From the front
c'mon, i have no idea what to do
With a wad of cash and a sock stuff in your pants.
be gay
Me neither homie, as far as i can tell if i dont find my wife in the next 4 years of uni its over
how are gay guys supposed to approach women sexually?
i enjoy pussy, i just don't know how to go about getting it. anytime i've had a new partner it was because she threw pussy at me like some emaciated animal.
>i just don't know how to go about getting it
>anytime i've had a new partner
Well obviously you know something
You exist in the same group as them, you are a little mean to them jokingly, they give you a hint they like it, you get their phone number for arbitrary reason or through a friend, you send a text hey it's user, want to grab a coffee some time?
By not doing it. I haven't talked to a girl outside of my family in person since 2016.
I wish I did. It's all too random
Coffee does not equal sex
I feel ya OP
>I wish I did. It's all too random
I can agree, ive only managed to get laid from acting on obvious signals or the girl hitting on me
Everytime i try to pursue a girl she always has a bf and he shows up just on time always
Getting laid is very random for guys, it seems. Not alot you can do to improve chances overall except increase exposure
Not him, but no you're right coffee doesn't. You work up to sex by building at least some sort of relationship first, you dumbass.
How else are you expecting to get it? rape?
A woman who's not a friend to you doesn't go out for coffee with you 1 on 1 without realising that you want her.
>be friendly with female
>joke around, lightly flirt, see how she reciprocate
>find reason to be alone doing something
>joke around, flirt, see how she reciprocate
>invite her over
>joke around, heavy flirt, see how she reciprocate
The trick is constant escalation, the worst you can do is becoming stale
What are you at BYU?
OP here, I've been rejected a few times by inviting girls to coffee 1 on 1. The problem here is my not knowing how to approach sexually.
So what's escalation? How do you flirt?
>So what's escalation?
first it's compliments, then playful teasing, then physical teasing and invading of personal space, as in you're comfortable around each other, also dreamy eyes and looking at her for just long enough than normal. then sexual flirting and compliments, and see where that takes you, next step should be arms around her bringing her closer for a kiss or a hug.
Read Get in her mind get in her bed.
Ay bby u want some fuck?
If ur hot enough it will work.
How do I tease effectively? I'm not reading anymore books on this
This is possibly the most realistic option
Women are the goalkeepers for sex, men are the goalkeepers for relationships/marriage. If this doesn’t make sense, you’re too young.
Also noticing there’s so many sexually frustrated Jow Forumsizens these days. I don’t miss that feeling
>men are the goalkeepers for relationships/marriage. If this doesn’t make sense, you’re too young.
Im unironically 30 and this doesnt make sense to me
There are more men looking for hookups/a quick fuck than girls to be sure but alot more guys who are looking for something serious too.
Girls however reject mens advances for relationships AND sex so they are the goal keepers of both from my experience
OP again, I know this. Are you suggesting that I should give up trying to make sense of sex or trying to gain some control of when it happens?
tinder is the only way i've had any real success just hooking up with women NSA. Good pictures, interesting but short bio, but you have to be good looking.
Assuming you have all that, just say hi and then feel it out from there. be playful in a sexual way and be open, every situation is different.
in real life, you make friends and meet girls through friends. you build a rep and people vouch for you, set you up with people, etc. it's about making connections, and the way you do that is be more open. pretend you're jim carey in the movie "yes man"
rape ass from behind
shut up boomer, you need face to slay and get relationships. you think a girl gives a crap if some boomer 'withholds' from entering into a relationship with her? Unless he's the king of spain there are dozens of better men that the can can instantly hook up with and go exclusive if she wants. shut the fucking hell up boomer faggot
>Im unironically 30 and this doesnt make sense to me
Not sure if thats a comeback or a subtle jab at me
My point still stands, women at 30 are in an equal position to get laid or get a bf as a chick in her 20s
Just go after what you want. Nothing wrong with being blunt.
Most guys don't, and purely get girls from their social circle. Approaching attractive strangers is hard mode.
>grill told me I look like Ryan Gosling while giggling with her friend
>it's a house party and whenever I'd go near them to the fridge etc., they always went "oh shiit, he's here!"
>find out she has a bf later
w-was she taking the piss lads?
Straight guys as supposed to how are gay guys should sexually approach women?
I tried batting out of my league and got the “let’s be friends first” shit. I’m pretty sure if I was a shredded sick cunt with cash, she would have been on my dick without me even trying anything.
She would've cheated on him because she's a whore
>I’m pretty sure if I was a shredded sick cunt with cash, she would have been on my dick without me even trying anything
How long did it take you to get to this conclusion, that girls are attracted to attractive rich guy?
It’s a fact that I find myself forgetting every so often. Sometimes I actually delude myself into thinking they care mostly about personality which I honestly think I have in spades.
Sometimes it's hard to remember women are not real human beings and don't feel things like men
kek never change fit
say you want to give them the ol lickaroo