How many do you do, user?
I'm 68 kg, add 10 and I do 10/9/6 2x a week.
How many do you do, user?
I'm 68 kg, add 10 and I do 10/9/6 2x a week.
Other urls found in this thread:
I can do around 20-25 pull-ups at 183 80kg.
I do weighted chins mainly, with 40-50kg added for sets of 5-6
Goddamn I'm a sucker for milkers. I couldn't mutter a single word if I had her in front of me
I didn't know KFC served dairy
Also idk about pullups right now but I can do 4 chinups with 35lbs and I think 12 unweighted but I haven't done them unweighted for a few weeks. I alternate between chins and rows every lifting day so I chin 1-2x a week. I've been doing a warmup set of 4 chins then 2x6-8 weighted and a last set unweighted as many as possible.
182 73kgs I tried to max a few weeks back and got 17
Holy fuck that's a lot
I'm not interested in endurance gains so I do sets of 12-8 on the minute twice a week (one pullups one chins). Usually 12/12/10/8/6.
I only do chinpups. I have a bad shoulder and pullups hurt like a motherfucker.
Anyway, I do chinups with 140lbs in addition to my 205lbs bw for 2-3 reps. I have no idea how many I can do with any extra weight, at least 20.
without any extra weight*
I can't do any. I do chin ups easily but I can't do one single pull up. How do I break the cycle of torment?
>rating every other lift with 1 rep max but not pullups
i can do +45 kgs at 81 for 1 you fucking whore
Do negatives.
do rows, get gud at them then do pullups
negatives are for literal faggots
There's a cute girl in my gym that talks to me for some reason. She has these painted on eyebrows and it's VERY off putting in person. The first time I saw her face up close it was hard not to look shocked.
Negatives (jumping up).
Band assistance (run a training band from your feet to the bar).
Steer away from assisted pullup machines or just rowing if pullups are your immediately goal, they won't help you with technique and will just dealy your first pull-up. Also, remember to tuck your elbows.
>they won't help you with technique and will just dealy
>pullups need technique
fuck off boomer
>dude just grab the bar and pull yourself up
that's literally all it takes though
it's an exercise reliant on strength and not technique
t. someone who just pulled himself up because he wasn't a weak fag
How do you explain shit like this then
I see strong as fuck gym rats doing negatives with 2 plates hanging off them. You are wrong
i'm not watching your shitty fucking video m8
go advertise somewhere else
Stop feeding the troll.
this is me and i've never done a negative in my life
fucking faggot
I've also done +45kg pullups as well, and you do a negative after every rep unless you're a weak-minded faggot who drops like a sack of potatos after every rep.
but you do the full movement you stupid fucking nigger
it's like saying that when i'm doing bench i'm actually doing one positive rep and one negative
stupid fucking dyel making shit up
Bro go read green eggs and ham
They're called concentric and eccentric phases and you don't say it because it sounds pedantic and redundant, but it is technically true. You can make pullup gains by jumping up in the exact same way that you can make ohp gains by push pressing.
>push pressing
ah yes the other lift that screams "faggotry" whenever someone does it
because the only reason he does it is because he can't strict press the actual weight
you faggot
go suck a dick weak fag
I did 18 neutral grip pullups with questionable form. Also did 30kg added weight at 83 kg bodyweight.
>the only reason he does it is because he can't strict press the actual weight
no shit
I can do +50 at 120kg
Rowing is great for pullups same as deadlifts
>dude just grab the bar and pull elbows down
literally all the pullup form you need
in other words complete faggotry
>not interested in endurance gains
>does endurance work
there's 0 way you're natty
I'm natty lmao
bench 160 squat 185 not to depth
t. larping boomer
so a loomer?
I currently weigh 270lbs and I can do 10 pullups.
I drank a shit ton for the past 2 years, so once I get all of this extra weight off and back to my 220 point I'll get back to doing around 40-ish
>if i e-stat the kids will finally accept me
Pretty good, one-armed I assume?
im 67kg i do 100 chinups everyday, 5 different grips 20 each
Can do 20+ a set so i need to add weight
Shitty gym doesn't have a weightbelt so i have to sling a chain across my neck.
Looks pretty retarded but who cares i guess
26 chin, 18 pull.
33 pullups at 81kg bw
No I have 2 arma
Are we talking in a row? Ive done 18 in a row but i did it when i was drunk so i think i could do more. Weighted ive added 60 lbs for 4 reps.
Like 5. I'm 125kg, in severe need of a cut.
200 91Kg, 11 pullups
84kg, been lifting for 6 months
Barely 2
Pointless dick measuring when everycunt in here is probably using different grips
last month chin-1 pull-0,now chin-2-3 pull-1
I literally sleep like that
>pull ups
>different grip
Her name is Shirogane-sama, user
Can do around 22.
Usually what I do is do 15 before I eat a meal.
Well done user, soon you'll be doing 10 or 12