Is running really the best all in one exercise one can do?

Is running really the best all in one exercise one can do?

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swimming > running > biking

Rowing >>>>>>>>>

rowing is GAY

Must be why all fags are ripped

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boxing without a round limit

Its actually cross country skiing.

we need a new /run/ general

Just finished my daily 3 mile run. Feelin dat dere runners high brehs

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>35 minute 5k

Jesus user

You got it

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glad you're feeling good. Now cut that 5k time in half, fatty.

Yes, it's good for your heart.

When i run i finally lose my shyness and stop giving a fuck about what people think of me

Feels free man

Rowing is based

Very nice, idk when this board became casual 5k athletes but you dun fine son.

Pretty sure that climbing is as good as it gets. The problem being that it's not always available, while running is.

Get in my level.

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How do I get into running? As in what mileage is a good starting point and how long should a beginner take to do it?

Run til tired. Stop run. Eat. Sleep. Repeat until destination is found.

made the switch a month ago, running never felt better

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how bad is that? cause i'm following couch25k and the whole concept is based on the assumption that 5km (3.1 miles) = 30 minutes

100m sprints is the best

>god tier for your heart
>burns fat
>makes you feel good

If you don't run you're a faggot

Well its better than someone running with no legs. So there is that. But seriously, I wouldn't worry about your exact time in the beginning as long as you're progressing and congrats for actually finishing a 5k.

I used to have chest pain episodes from time to time. I was super scared I wasn't going to be able to run/workout. I went to the cardiologist, based oldbro told me my heart was fine.

Basically, it was anxiety causing my chest pain, and running helps with that, too!

the thing is, the problem doesnt tell you to run 5k, it just tells you to run 30 minutes (and assumes it's a 5k). I need to find a way of tracking distance.

problem = program*

>Is running really the best all in one exercise one can do?
no that'd be rowing, followed by elliptical and biking and then running

what does rowing do for your legs?

This is my first week of running. I've got just shy of 10 miles so far, a lot of that was walking though.

>how bad is that?
Bad, I finish 3.1 miles in 18 or 19 minutes.

keep at it, bro

rowing hits everything in your legs provided your form is correct and you're not trying to only use upper body

what does running do for your arms

You should be shooting for 8 min miles

I didn't claim running was an all in one exercise

34 minutes? Fucking hell I did my first one ever with only elliptical training in 28 minutes what are you doing wrong?

There are a couple of steep inclines at my local lake that I am used to slowing down and just walking. Really affects my time. I get a mile in 9 mins so idc, its much better than i could do last summer. I never claimed to be the best, but hey I'm out there every day and i run. More than a lot of posters here. My goal is to be able to run it all in 15 minutes. I hope i can be able to do this by the end of summer

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Kek okay user. Try going outside and not relying on a machine for cardio.

It's bad cause it's not as fast as your time? I never understood why you people love to cut others down instead of motivating them to get on your level, at least that seems to be the norm on this board

>comparing machines to the real thing
are you serious

He will never make it. Chads raise others up. Chadlites put others down.

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he said he ran a 28 minutes 5k after having only done ellliptical training. learn to read, mans