Some user linked this in a random thread, and its really interesting.
What did you get?
my squat is only at 110kg 5x5 and i'm starting to get super jittery/anxious each day about having to increase the weight. this odd feeling that i'm building my own gallows . help bros
how to train the muscles that are purple in your pic, with a bodyweight routine? hanging leg raises and variations?
squat more, negro
>Used to be green in most areas
>got lazy, lost weight and strength
>lately check symmetric strength
>untrained and novice on most parts
im a twink, bodyweight squat dont do shit, also i probably do something wrong since i NEVER felt once those muscles doing anything
6'5 222# as of this morning. Feels 6'8 wingspan mayne
lower body is where bodyweight exercises fail
do some pistol squats or something, but even then there's not much you can do other than squatting with a backpack full of rocks or something
symmetric strengths standards are a joke tho. 5pl8 @80kg is not "elite". Id consider myself an early intermediate
Atta boy
split squats, hill sprints, box jumps and a fuck load of volume might stop them from being stick-like.
My OHP is so bad and I have no idea how I'm gonna get it up. Stalling out at 105 and I'm not sure if it's just bad form or if I'm really just bad at it. Maybe I should reset even lower than before and get the form down. Any advice for adding in some assistance for OHP (exercises, reps, etc)?
I swear everyone on this board either has an inferiority complex or a superiority complex.
Eat more, add more pressing volume, add 3-4 sets of lateral raises per workout, and probably most importantly double or triple your upper back work.
why do I have to have a complex. Im just being realistic
i think they count the bar too
What happens when you do calisthenicfagging and neglect push-ups. I do PPL now
If you feel uncertainty with any lift anytime you approach the bar then you need to revise your form. Good form will maximize your gains. Remove uncertainty by watching form videos, good luck.