C'mon user just one slice

>c'mon user just one slice

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I would just start eating that pussy instead.


Lemme get a slice of that butthole

>t. beta male

nah I don't like roast beef

enjoy your throat cancer

Pizza doesn't have terrible macros

back to r9k with you

Will you just have sex with me instead lol

>papa johns

Can someone make her a pepe

cardio kills gains

You fat, hoe. Lose weight

What is wrong with her foot

Eating pussy is alpha. I eat pussy on the first date every time

Away with you gains goblin

I'll get on that when I get back from the gym


literally nothing. Wtf is wrong with your feet?


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Umm tomato or marinara, or regular pizza sauce i'm assuming

Imagine the greasy, cheesy braps

*eats your pussy instead*
heh nothing personnel

Who's she?

Thank you

>What is wrong with her foot
You mean hoof?

hannah hays

Dingle berries, on my pizza?

I'd rather feed her the entire pizza. Fat wife/fit husband is the only way to go.

>coal burner

oh you dont say? dipshit

those are some hobbit tier feet


I'll dip it in her pussy



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Im bulking so yes, maybe the rest of what you got there actually





When panties are too small to cover up the anus. That's my fetish.

>those feet
get the FUCK outta my room bitch

Hard to say if this is wise, the cheese will definitely have more protein but the bread will have less carbs.

Can you fully penetrate the pussy or does all that fat on her thighs fuck things up?

That pussy looks dirty

im wondering this too. as a pathetic 5 incher i really shouldnt be attracted to women like this but i am


that's because she sweats a lot down there while her thighs are blobbing together. It's pathetic. Probably makes it 10x to get a disease.

Underrated post

He's right, eating pussy gives you cancer


>implying I can do more than 8 reps

Ewww I don't want someone's butt near my food. What if she farts?

>Feet aren't on the pizza

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yeah aight but get your fucking snatch away from it

Who's this hurricane factory?

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yeah we all know true alpha males suck dick like you user

Do you faggots even read your studies? Even people with the virus were only likely contract the cancer by a margin of

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Eating pussy is a thing for numale basedboys that respect women

Wow hehe totally unexpected. Alpha as fuck.
>fuck you

>"oh yea sure"
>*reaches out for a slice*
>*she swiftly grabs the box to place it beneath her rump*
>"still want some you dumb nigger faggot? LOL"

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No! You just BRappPEd allll over it

with that diet, she will stink.

Can you imagine pulling back your shower curtain and seeing this?

I know


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She is fat.

yes, and?


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im only doing 5 sets of 5 max

At least post a more attractive sow.

>not eating the crusts


Low Test

High Test

Didn't know we were having cream pie tonight

>papa johns

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footfags need to be gassed

usually I hate fat girls (even slightly overweight) but this is top tier braphog posting.

>Papa Johns
throw her fat ass out for shit taste

Wasn't it obvious in the first picture?
She's ugly af I don't get why so many people here are liking her

Me too haha

That looks like pretty shitty pizza, tbqhwy famalama


gawd daum
The things I'd do

I just had 8 slices lol
tfw 6'1 bulking on 4k so I can get away with it

There nothing wrong with eating pizza, so okay

>be me
>22 year old bodybuilder
>beta as fuck
>I'm about to do a show so I've been cutting for about a month now
>its close to the show and I haven't had carbs for about a week
>gf usually does a bunch of shit to piss me off and embarrass me in front her friends
>3 days ago
>"wow, Stacey! Your boyfriend is sooo buff!"
>my gf laughs "yeah but that's just because he's compensating. Isn't that right, boo?"
>usually I just laugh and mutter something but this time something in me comes loose for just a second. My mindset shifts
>I snap back with a "Your friends would disagree, bitch."
>room is quiet.
>my gf's friend lets out an awkward laugh.
>my gf sends her home
>since then my gf has been withholding sex but acting really provocatively. Basically being a total tease. She knows I'm hurting from my cut too so she's been eating junk food around me.
>all the food smells amazing and she always offers me some, knowing fully well I have to say no.
>come home from shitty session. My lifts were all way down and I could barely get a pump. I'm in a bad mood.
>open door and my gf is on the couch eating pizza. She's in a small pair of underwear and a sexy bra.

Part 2
>oh my god that ambrosial smell
>she sees me
>"oh hey, baby. I got sooo hungry and I decided to order some pizza." She wiggles on the couch for emphasis.
>"good for you" I mutter and start walking away
>she giggles and shifts her legs suggestively "user, you know I can't finish this all by my tiny self. Why don't you give me some help?"
>I don't know whether to stare at the pizza, her jiggling tits, or her slightly wiggling ass
>I take a breath, controlling myself. "You know I can't have that."
>she pouts at me "oh come on! You say that all the time! You've earned a cheat day!"
>"that's kind of the thing. I can't have cheat days so close to competition."
>"one slice wouldn't hurt, baby. Cmon, user. Just one slice."
>something in me snaps I go on auto pilot
>this bitch is going to finally get what she's had coming for months
>I hit her in the face. She shrieks. I hit her again and again.
>she's dazed. Her eyes drift around unfocused.
>I yank off her clothes and plow her. I don't even give a fuck anymore. I nut in her.
>I grab the pizza walk outside and throw it to the neighbor's dog
This was about an 15 minutes ago. What do, anons?

>what do anons

Not write such a long story with no good hook or punchline next time

what the fuck even is your relationship, this is the most immature shit ive ever read, just break up already

how much g4p does a 22 year old bodybuilder have to do to be able to afford living on his own?

i onced pushed my ex when she was annoying me and it felt so fucking good it actually scared me. She just blushed and got sort of huffy

get better at writing greentexts

>moved onto the next slice of pizza before finishing the previous one

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No, you roastie whore.

I swear, why is proving that I'm a fun, not-uptight guy a prerequisite to entering every vagina. You don't get a god-tier body by eating pizza.

>You don't get a god tier body by eating pizza

She sure did tho