Night height

Just lol @ manlets measuring their height in the morning. You can lose several inches throughout the day. Do you really think the women at the club cares about the height you were in the morning?
Night height is everything. If you aren't at least 6'2 at night you might as well end it buddy boyo.

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A thread died for this.

Super sage.

2 manlets 1 bottle of tren

i am 5 11 in the morning and 5 10 at night. i wear 1.5 inch height increaing insoles in 2 inch thick shoes. that gives me 3.5 inches. assuming that the average shoe sole is 1 inch, i am 2.5 inches bigger than usual. even if i take .5 inches because of the lose of posture, i am 6 1 in the morning and 6 in the evening...







what the actual fuck

Moutht manlet threads have no place here. Derailing.

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Kitchen - 6
Doctor - 2
Sound system - 4
Workshop - 6
PC with games - 10
Skylight - 2

See you in 10 years


easy peasy

And you starved to death congrats retard

kitchen, gym, 18 year old, library and garden for $5m

Literally the exact same.

>I spent 18 points on this
What all of you will be thinking after a month alone with an 18 year old girl.

How can I starve to death with a fully equipped kitchen and unlimited supply of ingredients?

>barry bonds
>18 y. old girl

at least ill have someone else to talk for fucks sake


wow this is such a brutal mog
who is this mogging machine on the right? must be at least 6'4

At least 260 lbs


3 puppies - 18
A gun with 3 bullets - 1
HD camera - 3
Hygiene products and jacuzzi - 3
Skylight - 2
Microwave - 2

That was actually tougher than it looked at first glance.

How can he even mog someone when he himself is a manlet? Jesus christ.

This is the best option.

hot 18 year old - 18 points
barry bonds - 7 points
unlimited drugs - 5 points

>mfw i get to watch barry bonds plow an 18 year old while doing all the drugs i want for a decade AND i get 10 million bucks afterwards

drumpf btfo, racists on suicide watch

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>Sunlight 2 points
>Kitchen 6 points
>Library 4 points
>Gym 5 points
>Girl 18 points

Kitchen 6
Hygiene 3
Mayo Clinic doctor 3
Weight room 5
Surround system with all music 4
Library 4
Skylight 2
Garden 2

It will literally be paradise for me. I will care for my body and strengthen it.
I will tend to my mind and learn all that ever could wish to learn.
Cultivating life in the garden with sunlight will allow my spirit to thrive.
I will never want to leave.

library +4
workout room with weights +5
full kitchen, unlimited amounts of the finest ingredients +6
puppy +6
workshop +6
cell phone that can only be activated one day of the week +3

The tough part was choosing the cell phone over the green room. We the cell phone I could still shitpost once a week but i also consider it important to have some connection to nature.

Also a pool table because I wanna use all 30 points and maybe I'll use it.

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Hi brenden

He wears lifted shoes kek
He’s around 5’3-5’4 himself

I take 5m
>gourmet food
>hygiene stuff + jacuzzi
>good chink doctor care
I'll just do bodyweight workouts or become a lardass eating high quality food and fucking

6 foot in morning, a little over 5'11'' at my lowest of the low
More proud of my huge dick, that's what I'm loved for

Anyone who didn't think of this is completely retarded, it was the girl or the nigger, but you needed someone for sanity, humans are social creatures and solitary confinement is the cruelest punishment for a person

Phone is 6 times cheaper and I get to talk to my family and friends. You could spend the leftover points on a pet and other shit.

Phone is just one day a week nigger, I took both the girl and the phone

One day a week is enough if you max it out, along with the doctor visits.

I hope this happens so you'll regret your 10 years of celibacy and madness from lack of social interactions

wtf? who is this?

whats up with this poo non stop shilling his own channel?

12+ hours of social interaction at the end of the week is enough for me. Better things to spend points on than a massively overpriced whore.

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>no sex in 10 years

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Easy if you're not a whiny incel fuck about it. People have been doing voluntary celibacy for centuries, and they weren't getting paid 1 mil a year for it.

kitchen and skylight are fucking required. the internet is way to fucking expensive if you cant stream or download shit. the computer is useless without the internet.


Kitchen for 6
skylight 2
movies shows 4
vidya 4
gym 5
library 4
cleanliness 3
garden greenhouse 2


>You can lose several inches throughout the day
i remember one time i worked all day standing up, and by the end of the night i lost 6 inches.

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who gives a fuck about height. short or tall, if you don't have a 8/10+ face kys

t. 6'4

have fun with those movies and games and nothing to play it on dipshit.

its included
the 52 inch is the offer for cable and a better tv

by your logic the room has no bed either

you mad cause my choice is better?

>the weremanlet

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It doesn't just imply you have a TV, the movies and shows is a tack on for the comp or tv.

>by your logic the room has no bed either
It says you have a good bed.

i concede to the bed argument but my headcanon says tv so i get a tv.

IF it wasnt offered id give up movies and jacuzzi desu

The absolute best selection (Monastery mode):
>pool table

No sense getting a gym when I can just MAKE my own gym equipment in the workshop! I'll phonecall and Facetime for 16+ hours straight to all my family and friends for one day, and religiously study and train for the other 6 days.
I'll have the time to get a post-grad understanding of medicine and philosophy in the library, hell anything I want to learn I learn. I'll also use the library+workshop to learn a trade or two, maybe learn how to construct communicating electronics from scratch or something to bend the rules. Maybe try to reach the natural limit in the gym with lifting and anaerobic cardio. And spend quiet hours by the garden, tending to the plants and communing with the qt bugs and animals.
If I meet my monthly performance goals in the gym and library, I get to take a dip in the drug vault to pick out some hallucinogens (cannabis, mescaline, LSD, psilocybine, etc.). Relax in the garden with a light fiction novel and trip out.

I could see myself dreading to leave once the 10 years are up.

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Lol actually goes really nice with the song once u try it

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