How many wipes on average does it take for your asshole to get clean after pooping? Whenever I think its good...

How many wipes on average does it take for your asshole to get clean after pooping? Whenever I think its good, I pull my ass cheek to the side and wipe more and its still dirty. Takes about 10-15 wipes before its good enough.

>inb4 diet. My diet is full of fiber and other healthy shit

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Bidet may solve your problem.

I always wash my asshole after shitting and if you dont you smell like shit trust me we all can smell we just dont say to be nice.

same. i usually use baby wipes tho

Yeah let me just carry a squirt bottle for my butthole into work and the gym. Fuck yourself.

I use a bidet like a normal functioning human being

On HGOMAD It takes one wipe and it's spotless. Surprisingly nice benefit of milk.

>flushing babywipes
You fucking dumbass

usually i get pretty lucky with a decent shit. i take exactly 4 squared of tp fold it on the perforations twice to get it to one square and wipe then i fold that in half. only have to do this 2-3 times and its clean then use a baby wipe i use and fold like 3 times as well, its clean but i use as much of the lotion as i can

Is it normal that I do a massive poop once every two days?

Amount of wipes differs from time to time.

Wet some tp before you take a shit

I don't know what's up with Europe and their lack of cleaning manners.

We arabs always have to wash our ass with water no matter what.

The very few times I had only paper to wipe it took about 40cm of rolls and even then I felt uneasy with my dirty butt.

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Go fuck your brothers and sons, inbred terrorist.

w-w-what do you mean?

been doing that for over a year

This^ I'm an Arab and I can relate but I take a lot less wipes when there's no bidet, I use baby wipes instead which takes like 5 wipes, but man bidets feel amazing

this but without the sandnigger part

One because I spit on the paper before I wipe.

i just throw them in the trash

This. You Murricans need to learn.

wait, your supposed to wipe your ass after you shit?

>not using baby wipes

Lmaoing at your lives

baby wipes ruin septic systems

a few rubs from a good clump of grass should do, that's how ive been doing it since i started living in my car. works better than tp actually

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you throw them in the trash, any wipes like that even "flushable" ones destroy sewer systems

please if you use them throw them in the trash

No one cares

Who gives a fuck? It’s a fucking sewer.

Why should I care about some kike sewer

One sheet.
Pull off one sheet, fold it in half and in half again. Tear a small piece from the thickest corner and save it. If you have done this correctly your sheet will have a small hole in the centre. Put your index finger through the hole. You are now ready to start. Using said finger push all remnants into one spot and collect it on your fingertip. Once this is done use your other hand to pull the paper back over your finger leaving it clean. Now use the saved piece of paper to clean under your fingernail. Job done and with minimal waste.

And no one’s laughing.

Try to wet a piece of toilet paper and wipe your ass with it, it helps.

Try killing yourself, it helps.

I haven't "needed" to wipe for months, for some reason I am producing substantial anal mucus that sends my turds rocketing out at mach 1 speed, leaving just a delicate touch of clear splooge on my butthole that dabs off quite nicely.

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You may have ulcerative colitis

You may have ulcerative retardation

You're ill so I won't take your insults to heart, it is okay.

You wanna know what the biggest lie is? Toilet paper. Toilet paper is fine and all, but it's just the side meal. That's right. You can pass it once to remove the excess, but after that, it's time for the main course: baby wipes. And after them, you can have one more swipe of toilet paper, just to dry it. You can also use a hair dryer, only 30 seconds would be enough.

Sounds like someone else's problem

This what I do after taking a shit, minus the baby wipe.

this guy's problem

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easily over 8 wipes, life with a hairy ass ain't easy

My baby wipes generate jobs? Nice!

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100% its your diet

don't go digging around for more dirt, you can sendup bleeding if you wipe too much, or other problems. if there is still some residue after the initial wipes, try patting with wet toilet paper. you could also invest in a bidet

dont flush anything that isn't toilet paper or shit, even if it says its flushable, unless you want a clog in the future

there was a blind guy at old ppl home I used to work at and he lost his sight pretty much over night. He was fiercely independent so only liked to go to the toilet himself with no help. Instead of wiping and inspecting he would wipe and sniff deeply to check what’s on it. It seemed to work well but it always left sometimes a brown mark on his nose on the first few wipes. All the staff used to be able to tell how his feces were by the color of the shit spot and size of it and density on his nose.

I sacrificed an electric shaver head just to shave my ass. Wiping is much easier. Havent looked back.

because when it backs up into your house or your neighbors and you have to pay to get it fixed you won't be too happy

not sure thats normal


Use wet wipes.

>wipe ass with hand
>assume wrongly that washing hands is enough to get the e-coli off your fingers
>wipe eyes and shake other people's hands

Fucking disgusting

My butthole feels so clean, I could never not have one in my home

Typical incel. So furious and red in the face that he forgets to speak after quoting people.

Nah man it's just a meme. Kind of like brushing your teeth or showers

>I use the word 'incel' to insult people I disagree

>people I disagree
There it goes again.

if you arabs are so clean why does your skin look like shit?
also this