no basic shit edition
you know what's up
why don't people post where they are currently on their way to achieving their ideals?
I Can see what your going for
Goat Body Goals
that would require a different template
Currently have the hair and style, on my way to Craig-mode from college distance runner-mode, but sadly no qt gf
your admiration for Kylie Jenner is truly abhorrent
style is questionable, the rest is pretty good
as a comment at least
only really care about achieving bottom right tbqh fellas
Die of AIDS faggot
infect me with it queermo
you like huey lewis and the news?
how do i do this?
Bro, joking or not. Fucking same
unironically this
This is literally me, though not into roids/synthol dudes.
45 minutes in ms paint
fuuuck who's the girl
Elon Musks sloppy seconds
This, I swear I recognise her from something.
>inb4 whiteknight feminist shit
I'm too pissed at women right now to think of an ideal one
Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically
Post a trap then faggot
Ooga booga
I hope you faggots are posting thots you want to to pump and dump and not one's you want to spend your life with
>mup da doo didda po mo gub dat tum
Oomp loompa doopity doo
Not everyone on this board is as inclined to suck cock as you are, my dude
I know, but you clearly are faggot
Unironically perfect choices
hah finna catch dat aiiiight
sup nigger
Oh sweet jesus
Actual native bloodborne autism
That dude from the Punisher has a punchable cousin fucker face
You saved it with costeau
Why do people idolize this so much? Srs
Never got into the movie but there's three guys here that like it like 14 year olds like Tyler durden
Get a blowup doll in plain white/no color and have that text printed on it
Grills are based af
probably gonna kill myself before achieving any of this
HH brother
Is this LOSS?
shit taste in men tbqh cunt
Needs more pixels, desu
It gets more and more basic/subdued every time