
We had a good one last night, can we have another /longhairpill/ thread?

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having longhair is great cause it gives your bro something to hold onto when he's railing your ass

Never have I seen a man with long hair and thought that they wouldn't look better with it cut.

Hi tranny!

>tried to grow hair long
>ended up with this

never again

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Hey fag

I grew my hair for 7 months and got tired. It's not attractive to most people it's just messy and beta as fuck.
t. someone who had hair down to my back when I was younger

Lmao your hair looks like shit

If you’re a manlet I bet you would see a tall person and think they’d look better a few inches shorter so you wouldn’t have to compete w them


I have long wavy hair that looks like the god emperor from 40k. It's the most attractive part of my body and I get complemented on it all the time. People tell me I look like Jesus. Honestly, I'm trying to get fit so the rest of my body can look as good as my hair.

Takes one to know one, I guess!

it's only beta if you are beta on your own already, faggot

It's messy and beta regardless, delusional pleb

this is me obviously didnt have actual long hair but holy shit was this jewfro hard to deal with. i had to let it air dry which took like 3 hours and it would still end up flat in some places

>in the process of growing my hair out (8 months)
>it's past ears and entering awkward territory. slow hair growth on everywhere except the back
>I know if I keep at it for one more year and keep my shit together I could have beautiful blonde locks, but I'll have to go thru this semester looking like a school shooter
Contemplating just wearing a hat / beanie, but I heard that fucks the true potential of your hair gains. Mine is naturally thick, too, which would probably make it more susceptible to the hat goblin

Mine is very straight but still, I would not let it grow back.

I'll probably cut my shit off soon though but maybe not.

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fucking kike

OY VEY, you thought you would be like Samson but you ended up Phil Spector

If you can get it looking like that I’d say keep it

keep growing it and get it straightened professionally

fuck off, the last natural


The truth is that if u look good with long hair, its because u look even better with short hair

I have naturally thick hair too. It's thick as fuck actually, barbers say I look like I have Japanese heritage. Wonder if it's possible to have a nice long hair with thick hair

Usually in hairband, but sometimes I let it go wild.

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>all these assmad baldies
Baldfaggots are worse and lower test than manlets

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*blocks your path*

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What should I do, Jow Forums? Receding hairline + voluminous hair. Should I grow it out or what?

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Having long hair is the true patrician choice

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I am this exact SAME spot
My hair is way too voluminous. It's not going to become an afro if I let it grow but fuck it won't straighten.
Someone on this forsaken board please give me advice for this or at least a decent haircut that could go with it

I have no idea why you would grow long hair. It's never an improvement. You're limiting your options and forcing yourself into a niche since so many women are put off by it. And believe me, the few girls who are specifically attracted to long hair are not the type you want to spend time with.

It's just such a strange life decision for a man to make, I wonder about the logic behind it.

My hair is pretty long at this point but I don't think I've quite taken the /longhairpill/. Probably going to keep it around this length.

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Get a load of this
For 2000 years your ancestors have worn long hairs with pride while fighting wars and doing things your puny faggoty self would not even dream in doing
And now YOU, a fucking boomer at best, who never accomplished anything in life, simply says "what a strange life decision must it be for a man to wear long hair lol" as if your life decisions were superior to the decisions of your ancestors
This is gold

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Judging people who you have never seen and have no idea anything about them because of your preconceived notions of things

I wonder about the logic behind it.

Yeah, you're the exact type that I would expect to get defensive over long hair. Weird, incel LARPer growing your hair long to "honor your ancestors" or some cringeworthy shit like that. I bet you practice paganism lol.

Very weak and gay appeal to morality, apply yourself.

No, you don't get it. It's not about honoring my ancestors. It's about how humanity, for over 2000 years, used long hair. I mean fuck it it's long hair we are talking about, not civilization, so probably ever since the dawn of man actually. And I find it hilarious when progressives like you think they can "correct" what billions of people did for thousands of years, as if everyone else was always retarded until you were born.

Steamrolan is back and still black. Wundabar

daily reminder to have cold/cool showers if you want good hair

For thousands of years hats or some form of head covering were seen as a necessary part of the male wardrobe. Do go around wearing a fedora? No, because that's cringey virgin shit. So is long hair.

>the absolute state of progressive DYELs

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So you're saying you don't wear a hat? What's wrong bro? Men did it for thousands of years. Put your fedora on.

Sup bros. Hair's still a little wet so looks kinda flat and shitty, but still in breddy gud shape for a 27 year old boomer.

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too bad that's a wig and he's soaked in make-up plus photoshop

i mean, thats absolutely true, but it does look great on him all the same

Stop this. You're only going to look good with long hair if you're tall and jacked, otherwise it's a joke

wow that looks great
how long have you grown it for

Thanks, man. Started growing it at 12, reached this length at about 17, have kept it for ten years now.

I’m glad someone shares my struggle, we’ll still make it bro

how about you just go to a barber and ask for professional advice instead of trusting a few autists on the internet

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This is me after growing out an undercut for 6,5 months. I want to grow my hair to at least shoulder length because i'm curious to see how it looks. I'm young (20) and never had it long, so I might as well grow it out now while I stil can. My barber says I have really thick hair, any tips?

also bf% estimate? have been lifting for about a year now.

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long hair looks best at lighter colors, but keep up the good work long hair boiz

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>lifting a year for that

light hair never looks good on men

what? why would you ever say that, pic unrelated

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Not him but I never work out and I have the exact same body as him. Probably was a fat fuck

I disagree. Only good long hair colors are dark brown, blonde, and red.

What's your hair routine? Looks good desu

Who else Samson here

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how do you get it to curl and stay volumous like that user? i'm in the same hair boat but my shit is straight as fuck and wont stay wavy or positioned for long

Used to have long hair, cut it all off and immediately started railing chicks like the next day

it's not good for your social status, makes you look like a weirdo and on top of all that you have the ability to spend less time dealing with sleeping on it, washing all of it, drying all of it and going through shampoo/conditioner like 5x as fast.

>it's not good for your social status, makes you look like a weirdo
t. Greasy thin "mane"

Nah, I had thick hair down to my mid back that was never greasy had a slight curl at the ends. Much happier with short hair, and I think most people would be if they had the courage to cut it.

Does dark curly/wavy hair always seem jewy?
t. nipple length hair that looks way better curly than straightened

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I hated my hair my whole life and I always kept it short to avoid the formation of curls. I decided to take the longhairpill and beardpill, right now it goes down to the tip of my nose when pulled, when not it just barely hangs on my forehead.

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It'll take years to get long with that hair texture, but better late than never.

Indeed, rn its 9 or 10 months long, and when dry it looks like but a bit longer.
I'm hoping to pull out a man bun like pic related since its the only thing I can think I can do with it.
Any better ideas?

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I unironically fell for the /nopoo/ meme around 4 years ago, perhaps that could be it. I am also in the ocean a lot which might have something to do with it.

Been growing it out for about 6 months, goal is to go elfmode

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>all these baldfags just jealous chicks dont complement their hair
more than a few times i was asked about how i took care of my hair since it looked so nice, its a good feel. ive noticed milfs complement the most

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>having long hair past college
Unless you're a hippie yoga instructor I hardly believe any of you anons can pull it off. Long hair is quite fun and apealling when you're 18-24 living the bro life with your college bros at summer parties but past that you just look like those 35yo with a huge beer belly clinging to the young life.

>he thinks people go to parties in college anymore
go to bed 30 year old boomer

So do you just wash it with pure water?

If you have a clean cut professional look and an attractive face it's possible to pull it off great. Not something a low level office drone could manage, sure, but looking like a burnout or cutting it all off aren't the only two options.

Literally just cut my hair to my shoulders today. It was down to my nipples but I dunno, no one liked it. Now I got a 90s Jeff Mangum cut

Too many double negatives why do people talk like this what the fuck side are you on

Why is that man wearing lipstick
Wasnt even necessary for the cosplay
But nope
Just had to make it look like he'd been riding four wheelers through Siberia

Based steamrolan

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Yo when is the next YMS video coming out?

>when you're 18-24 living the bro life with your college bros at summer partie

this is fit


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He meant to say working a full time job while struggling your way through community college at 25 because you have a family to support and you know the momentum is only going to increase and there will be only less and less time to lift but you love your family more than anything so you drift into the nogains abyss missed rep by missed rep

This is what happens when you give a keebler elf test injections

looks pretty clumpy here as I was sweating a few hours before.

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You look like a fag desu
Also dyel?

He's so ugly.... His brother mogs the shit out of him

As my beard gets more developed I definitely am more comfortable with the idea of cutting my hair

thanks for the copypasta lad

>tfw jew
>tfw had long lustrous hair in HS
>tfw had to cut it all when drafted

yo i have the same problem. are you meditteranean?

lol i just literally looked like that last week. same exact situation, had a real short cut and let it grow for 7 months. then cut it back to short.

every time i get to that point i pussy out because i cant power through the shitty neckbeard phase you are currently in. if you wait another 6 months it will probably look great but i cant stand looking like a homeless faggot for that long so i always pussy out. i want to try again though fuck i shouldnt have cut it

My hairs are typically wavy. When I was in HS i had them to mid back. Then I buzzed them all off. I honestly prefee the long hair look so Im geowing them back. If they survived summer without being buzzed. Ill look kinda cool. Kinda.

Lifted for a year and look like that. Never gonna make it. Also 18+

Glad to see other long hair fags on Jow Forums. But please don't wear glasses with long hair, you look like a faggot

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Greetings fellow J bro

Cant be bothered with it since like two years now (comes and goes desu) though so I just do nazi fade/crew cut/high n tight, it also goes alot better with my face shape.

If I decide to go full hippie retard /jbro/ again I shall be abstaining from one thing: wearing it in a ponytail where comb the hair to the sides from the middle of the head idk, a lot of people including myself look stupid wearing it like that

Thick curly wavy hair is a bitch though because it doesnt stay in shape and split ends look shittier than split ends on straight hair
I also suspect that the messier your hair is the more you dick around with it and that prob can dick around with your hairline if you keep your hair like this for a long time

Best ways to keep long curly thick dicking around hair imo is either like a semi manbun (works best if the hair is not too long like while u save it out, with longer hair it can look kinda larpy) or just a pony tail where the hair is not combed to the sides

If you dont want to look like a broccoli microphone headed negrojoo teenager while you wait for your hair you to grow long enough for a manbun, you can get one of those hairbands for girls that are like half bandanas/cotton tiaras.
Surfer douches and israeli raver douches wear them
You can also wear your dick hair like this when its longer, with multiple braids or tails and pearls and shit but this is way beyond israeli psytrance douche but molly is cheaper than coke and I bet u can get raver thots to do braids in your dick hair

Also clay wax is god tier for dick hair

Also mew (lmao) and general posture, in general I think especially guys with long hair need to have decent jaw face and posture because otherwise youll look like a creepy stoner or something equally lesser than normie
But if it fits your face shape and you look good in it it can be super patrichadian like chris hemsworth in thor

>pic related king of larpcels patrician taste desu

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