so when did you guys stop believing in the CICO myth?
So when did you guys stop believing in the CICO myth?
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morbidly obese fat bitch alert. fuck off you slob. no bump. kys.
You mean the CICO fact? I literally eat nothing but junk food and whey and either cut, bulk, or maintain simply by adjusting calories.
when I entered the alternative realm of backwards biology and impossible fitness goals
wrong wrong and wrong
not all calories are created equally so CICO is inherently flawed from the start
When i won my Nobel Prize for fucking destroying conventional thermodynamics.
are you going to argue then that a caloric amount of apples is equal to a caloric amount of cheeseburgers?
If you eat 100 calorie-potential food
your body does not absorb and utilize exactly 100 calories. That is just a ridiculous thought.
Many factors including body composition, hormones, age, weight, exercise, etc. change what your body does and does not absorb and use, and also how it uses it.
Imagine being so dense that you can't understand that.
I lost 50 kg with the help of this myth.
user, try harder.
This is low-quality bait, even for Jow Forums.
When did you decide to stop trying and stay a fatfuck?
Post body with timestamp, OP.
.... yes?
im not baiting. here is an article that explains my position quite well
and if you google “cico myth” you can find plenty more articles on the subject
but it ISNT, is whats the problem. you cant just treat the calories from apples as the same as the calories from mcd burgers. there is an entirely different set of nutrition youre receiving from each. cico is too isolated in its theory
CICO is going to work regardless of your food. But your mind and body will be fucked up if you are getting all your cal from sweats, for example. You need to balance actual food, which is why most go for some ratio of fat/carb/protein.
>but we absorb cals differently depending on the food
we also can't judge 100% the cal out. so it doesn't matter. CICO is a simple method that works but you aren't going to work out each cal perfectly.
>he actually believes this
>Denying a law of thermodynamics
what in the fuck is wrong with you
>CICO doesn't work
>Doesn't exercise
>In fact is sedentary
>Misjudges all calories recorded
>Doesn't even attempt to get accurate portion/serving sizes
Yeah kys OP. Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Not everyone's body is similar, and so on. Fact is that it's minute detail. And as long as you're
I unironically think that the calories in calories out concept is flawed. Do you think chad counts his calories? Does chad cut and bulk? No.
The answer is to eat high protein, high calories, and lift like a motherfucker. None of this myfitnesspal bullshit.
You ride that rocket to the top of the world. We're all rooting for you fatty.
fuck you buddy
Who is chad?
Ok so cico would work BETTER since not all calories are absorbed
CICO is accurate, but some foods impact willpower to continue CICO differently due to secondary effects.
Lmao you don't have to autistically count calories to make it. If you need an APP to EAT what are you DOING
CICO isn't the same as iifym. Calories in calories is the basic mechanism that underlies ALL weight loss routines.
And the funny thing is the reason it oversimplifies nutrition is because fatties are too braindead to do something as simple as eating less. So we tell them a quick soundbite which will hopefully get through their fucking heads that their stupid meme diets are doing nothing if you don't EAT LESS.
Not him, but I didnt really start to understand healthy deficit until I started counting calories. Its all about recovering a healthy relationship with food.
The CICO problem is not about the science regarding weight loss but about the other factors surrounding it.
A guy who’s 6’2” will think he can bench 300 pounds at 200 pounds of body weight if he just “eats his protein” or whatever but in reality, he should weigh something like 240 and should be aiming for a 375 bench as his body isn’t producing enough hormones or synthesizing protein properly at such a low weight.
Also, hormone output is a major factor when discussing dieting. While CICO is technically true, the composition of your diet is tantamount to the quality of your life while dieting.
Tl; dr: while CICO is a great place to start, one should always be learning and adapting to achieve the best results
Its literally the conservation of mass principle
retarded alert
in terms of weight gain they are the same. there are other factors that are influence by your diet, such as general health, but weight gain is entirely CICO.
From a health standpoint no. From a weight loss stand point yes. If you eat 1200 calories of either a day, you will lose weight.
then eat a valence diet fatty
>you cant just treat the calories from apples as the same as the calories from mcd burgers
Yes, you can. I eat mostly burgers for dinner, because I'm too lazy to cook after working out. Still 10% bodyfat, because I count calories I eat.
why do retards find this so hard to realise?
I like when people argue that "calorie deficit diets don't work" it always just means that people are too retarded to even diet properly.
It's especially funny when they talk about how it's based off of 1st law of thermodynamics, but don't explain how body gets extra energy if you consume less energy.