Are you pro or anti fat acceptance?

Are you pro or anti fat acceptance?

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Make every woman fat

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This is the worst bait, are you even trying OP?


you shouldnt bully people but being owerweight sould be discouraged

>All Day

Where the fit guys with fat gf's at ?

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I'll take that as pro.

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Pro letting them eat till they off themselves

If her ankles aren't fat, then she's not fat.

The ankle part is a bit much

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Why do I find pot belly girl so hot??? Is it somekind of preggo fetish?


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>go to concert with my and gf
>pay $300 each for front row seats
>fat whale she-beast sits next to me
>blubber pours into my seat causing me to scoot-over
>i pay $600 just to have 3/4th of a seat and get rubbed by that sweat monster

i hate fat people

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God I wish that happened to me.

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they're draining the healthcare system and fucking like rabbits with other fatties

>nice face
>big tits
>wide af hips
>huge thighs
>massive, fat ass

i would go to fucking TOWN, bruh.

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I think it has something to do with trashy ho signals and the ease at which you could impregnate them and leave scott free.

I fucked a fat chick once and literally the only comfortable position to fuck was missionary

Am I fucking fatties wrong?

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I think fat people need help, but I don't think it's the best thing to shame them.
It's one thing to be a few pounds overweight because shit happens. Being obese isn't acceptably. Obese people really need help.
I'm think of myself as a feminist or a feminist-ally, but the fat acceptance movement are loons.
Yes, the media and society has bullshit ideas about beauty, but being obese isn't beautiful.

fat person hate movement got me to realize what a fatty I was and actively pursue a healthy lifestyle. I feel so much healthier and mentally clearer, and its only getting better. To all you haters, thank you very much for the harsh but true mockery.

They're disgusting but I want to make sex to them. What is wrong with me?

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I don't know why I find this so fucking hot. Help me Jow Forums.

Because they'll never leave you.

You a man or a woman?

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how long until real dolls with THIS much sillycone

If that existed, I'd sleep with my dick buried inside.

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Probably gonna be a while.

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I wanna accept their fat ass onto my dick.


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best combo
nothing's wrong user. you've got a patrician taste in women.

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Anti. Fuck lazy people.

>nothing's wrong user.

It feels wrong, though.

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i hate fat acceptance culture but goddamn do i want to bang those chicks from insta who all use #bodypositivity #healthyisthenewskinny type hashtags

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Get over yourself. I've always been attracted to fatties yet I hid it all throughout high school and college because I was """ashamed""" of what others would think. I missed out on so many opportunities because of it.

my wife used to be yuge before we got together but she's lost a bunch of weight now. we've both pretty much agreed that she's going to get big once we start having kids though so that's pretty cool.

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mal malloy is fucking disgusting since she let herself go

objectively false

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The more people that fail the easier it'll be for my kid to win by coming up to my bare minimum standard of intelligence (read out of a physical book every day) and fitness (1/2/3/4)

>Get over yourself.

If I could just do that would I be here on this Vietnamese fishing forum posting about fitness and >tfw no gf??


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Being a bit chubby isn't attractive but I don't care. But when you're a landwhale like in OPs pic either immediately re-evaluate your life choices or slip on the rope.

Fucking disgusting. I hope she divorces you and takes your money.

(Antifa)t here but I'd like to kill a fat person just to watch them die by pretending to be pro fat acceptance. It would be a perfect murder, guaranteed no police detective or court of law could ever convict you even if you recorded everything you did on social media for the world to see.

>$300 a ticket

How is that justified? Were you seeing Mozart back from the dead?

Look at this high test thread...
I missed it..

>OP and his fat fetish thread.

Get these fucking she beasts out of here you faggot.


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Pro loving your body but also pro improving your health/happyness

Being serious, I don't hate fat people and treat them with the same respect I give any other person. However, the fat acceptance movement is the biggest load of regressive bullshit I've ever heard. Fat people don't need this shit, they need to be told the truth, not some sugar coated body positive garbage, they get way too much sugar coated crap as it is.


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I hate how Jow Forums is retarded and doesn’t know the difference between fat and thick.


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low test beta detected

When everyone's fat, nobody is! Non-morbidly obese is the new skinny!

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Pro: this way I'll look even better/less common

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>Cant stop fucking thick/bbw girls.
>Life spiraling out of control.

Is that one dude in here again posting all of his fat chick album? I thought the mods shut that down?

there's no difference in those pics you chubby chasing retard

The future is now.
How can organic roasties even compete?

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I feel you brother.
>that hugging afterwards with all that tender, comforting softness
It's like a shameful addiction.

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crazy isn't it. You can pay 80 aus bucks just to see a metal act in a club setting.

Found the nigger

t. formerly obese

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If you don't find it hot, you're not really a man.

Because that's what a woman should look like. Women are only good for making babies, taking care of babies, and pleasing you.

>”body activists” posting nudes of themselves protesting sexualization
I’m fine with this

I want to pound the living fuck out of my hypothetical fat but loving wife while I stay healthy.

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>we've both pretty much agreed that she's going to get big once we start having kids though so that's pretty cool.

Congrats user.

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think you mean soulless/soul my friend

So, how big would you go lads?

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I'm going through the tinder profiles of american women, and nearly 2/3 of them are either chubby or obese. And I don't have high standards. 10% are very hot, 10% are hot, 10 other percents are meh, and that's it.
So far, MN is doing better than alabama, los angeles, and nebraska

I am legitimately pro fat acceptance
No one deserves to feel bad in their own body because of others
If you think otherwise you lack empathy I won't rim you or suck your dick

>tfw 164cm and 94kg
>hate myself immensely

how can you people like bodies like this?

i started exercising and dieting at 108kg and i've come quite a way's so far, hoping to get down to 68kg, then probably lower.

She's a big girl ;)

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jesus lad, this thread

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this man gets it

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>how can you people like bodies like this?
Some men are straight. Get over it.

fuck fat whales stomp on their heads

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Doggy style breh
U just gotta spread Dem cheeks and not be a dicklet

Checking in brother
Nothing better than seeing that fat ass and tits swinging when hitting it from behind

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I am pro anti fat acceptance

reminder that bullying fatties works

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It's a good feel.

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Is Roose the king of Jow Forums?

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Simply amazing.



This is what manlets get after they git Jow Forums lmao
Its tough