Take the BORAX pill

take the BORAX pill

Attached: borax.jpg (1359x330, 156K)

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I'll wait for the Alex Jones brand version, thanks

Why not just take a boron supplement rather than eating cleaning product?

Doesn't this shit kill bugs

Attached: nervous.jpg (1041x1041, 191K)

Why do you keep shilling this garbage?

And fluoride kills rats and they put it in our water. It's good for you user, trust us.

This is poisonous to humans and someone is trying to shill it to prove how stupid you are.

Prove that it won't fuck my oestrogen levels.

Boron toxicity is a thing. And the amount suggested in the post is pretty high to be sustained for too long.

I did my own research and convinced my post-menopausal mother to try it. She was having very bad hot flashes and her bone density was dropping.

Put her on the 6mg boron to start, and got her to quit that calcium plus D shit. Within a week her hot flashes were much more mild and continued to abate. A couple months later an estrogen test led to her doctor putting her on the lowest estrogen available. When she went back for her bone density test it had improved, and she ultimately stopped taking her estrogen.

She takes 3mg of elemental boron per day and it has been nearly 4 years. Her menopause symptoms are very well controlled despite not being on estrogen, and her bone density is perfectly fine.

So is copper and chromium, yet they serve vital metabolic functions. The dose makes the cure and poison.

Good luck with that "beefy red" skin rash on your palms, butt, and scrotum.
Seriously, don't take this shit. Just lift weights, if you're sedentary and have low test this will 100% increase your levels. Don't just start taking random chemicals because you read some shit on the net.

the cleaning product is a lot cheaper thats why. silly goy

>Six hours supplementation showed a significant decrease on sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), high sensitive CRP (hsCRP) and TNF-α level. After one week (in samples taken at 8.00 A.M, only), the mean plasma free testosterone increased and the mean plasma estradiol decreased significantly. Dihydrotestosterone, cortisol and vitamin D was elevated. Also, concentrations of all three inflammatory biomarkers decreased after supplementation.

>Dihydrotestosterone and cortisol were elevated

Lmao, goodbye hair

Feel free to eat borax then retard

why do you guys have a ruin a good thing?
A few guys who do /nofap/ /PE/ and /onion/ (people who believe anything on the internet) kill themselves we all have a laugh good times had by all, especially their parents.

Yeah I'm gonna say no.

That's boric acid.

That's boric acid. Borax is a brand name of boron which is wholesale mined straight out of the earth unmodified. And it is a trace mineral. I think there is a link between boron soil depletion and arthritis in india.

I think this picture speaks for itself about the important of boron. Also sodium tetraborate (borax) is completely safe.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-08-00-26-58-1.png (933x937, 189K)

Indians consume inflammatory stuff by the bucket there's "one thing" that did that to them.

Except the onion shit is proven..?

>Except the onion shit is proven..?
So is injecting exogenous testosterone
Too bad youre too much of a bitch to actually boost your test levels
>but muh natty card
If onions really boost test beyond normal levels then youd have to hand your natty card in for eating them