/skincare/ Bullied into moisturizing by my girlfriend edition
If you aren't taking care of your face, and aren't the 1% of people that don't have to, get the FUCK in here
Only a fool would get fit and not take care of his face. People will spend much more time looking at your face than your body. Not washing/moisturizing your face is like not brushing your teeth or not wearing deodorant.
I've learned the art from my gf, and am here to share what I've learned. I'm not an expert but jesus christ so many dudes could fix all their shit with a tiny amount of effort. I spend two minutes a day on it and now my face isn't red as fuck, and I my mood has honestly improved because my face doesn't feel greasy/tight/dry/like shit all day.
Yeah I hate all lotion period no exceptions, with burning fiery passion, but the wife bullied me into it for my face too.
David Taylor
Mfw skin is oily so all I do is cleanse with salicylic acid and water
Nicholas Robinson
Also, how the fuck do I get my face less red? I'm washing and moisturizing, and a little sunscreen, and it's definitely less red but still kinda red. There anything more I can do that actually works, or do I just gotta deal
Have had to use moisteriser for years because i get flaky skin on my face. Felt weird at first but now its just normal.
Christopher Cox
aren't most skincare products incredibly bad for mens hormones? You're already drinking plastic and oestrogen if you're stupid enough to not filter your water now you want me to put thousands of endocrine disrupting chemicals on my skin? Imbeciles.
All you need is:
Cold water Vitamin C serum Vitamin C and tomato paste internally A physical sunscreen A physical skin cleanser Drinking 3 litres of water and clean food everyday and switching pillowcase every day A straw sun hat and some sunglasses for summer to
That's literally it, maybe I enjoy a charcoal mask here and there but faggot, literal faggots that are putting 2 or more products every single day on their skin, you're all fucking idiots Jesus Christ a bunch of imbeciles do you know how bad they are for you and your offspring? All the skincare you need is literally to avoid the sun more than 1 hour per day on periods of intense UV exposure, THAT'S LITERALLY ALL YOU NEED TO AVOID SKIN AGING!
Want an healthy glow? Get some 50 minutes of sun and eat a lot of carotenoid rich foods for a month, keep eating them throughout winter to maintain it, that's literally fucking it!
I fucking hate lotion, which sucks as I'm an EMT and the constant hand washing fucks up my knuckles, but goddamn it makes my face feel amazing. I wish someone had gotten me to do it years ago.
Robert White
This should be in the fucking sticky. Taking care of your face easy. All the crazy shit that girls and /fa/ talk about WAY over complicate this shit. All the retarded products the market to teenagers are overkill/make it worse for 90% of people. The craziness also turns off most strait men, including me before my gf forced me into doing the simple stuff.
Aaron Cook
Go to paramedic school and once you’re bored of that become a chad PA or get out of health care bro.
Jacob Wright
This & the face wash is literally all you will ever need
No alcohol No stupidly complicated 'cleaning process' Just a basic fuckin wash and moisturize
If this doesnt work for you then fix your diet you fuckin lard
I know right? A bunch of non thinking imbeciles, pisses me off.
Ryan Jenkins
I'm finishing up a BS right now, should I go to medic school or just go strait to PA school? And yeah healthcare fucking blows, everyone seems miserable.
Lucas Foster
Moisturizer promotes fungal growth.
Don't dry your skin out. No man should be moisturizing.
Women have skin care routines because they wear makeup. That is what causes their old-lady-who-swallowed-a-fly syndrome. They have to use products to solve problems created by the products they use. There is NO reason for a man to be on that skincare treadmill.
Just focus on keeping your skin healthy instead of constantly harming it and trying to repair the damage you are doing.
Christian Reyes
Imagine someone told you to do an exercise which causes an injury, guaranteed. Then they tell you to do some additional exercises that help recover from that injury.
Seems retarded?
That's what people are suggesting when they tell you to follow a skin care routine that involves drying out your skin and then moisturizing.
Jace Reed
>vitamin c and tomatoe paste internally What does eating tomatoe paste do for you exactly?
Lucas Wood
Use items with ingredients such as Centella asiatica, which calm red skin. Also, look into brands such as La Roche Posay and Avene which design specific line of cleansers and moisturizers for red skin.
You need to exfoliate
This is true. However for those with acne and excess sebum production, they do actually need more steps in their routine such as using acids and retinoids to get rid of scars, excess sebum and active acne. But I agree besides that every "routine" can be reduced to these essentials which make the most difference.
Men generally do have better skin that ages beautifully compared to women and it seems like the culprit is makeup. Men need the very bare minimals. Sunscreen and light cleanser + light moisturizer for those with dry skin.
William Richardson
Moisturize. You need to prevent your body from making oil and it does that if you are already moist. If you are dry it will oil you up
Jack Morales
You deserve death if you're such a retarded faggot you havent realized you dont need a daily routine and 20 lotions and balms to have clear skin. Two things: cold showers (doesnt have to be ice cold), eliminate sugars in diet, they are inflammatory.
Cg. You got clear golden god skin for life. Meanwhile some faggot with an oily face is scrubbing himself nightly in search of the perfect routine lmao
Owen Martinez
no one is talking about 20 lotions fagooot. Washing your fucking face take like 30 seconds, putting moisturizer and sunscreen on takes another fucking 30 seconds. Now your face isn't covered in dirt from the last day/night and you won't look like a prune when your 50
The only people who's faces don't need to be washed and don't need to wear sunscreen are people with desk jobs, and it literally doesn't get any more beta than a desk job, so those people should kill themselves anyway
Jackson Watson
Tfw haven't washed my face with anything but water in a week and my skin looks and feels better than it has in ages
Skincare products are a complete scam. I don't use anything don't even wash my face and I look like a good. Get your diet in check, stop eating lactose and you'll be golden. Fuck that faggot feminine shit women will lose all respect for you when they realize you put cream on your face every day like a faggot.