Boomer general thread /bgt/

It hurts, but I'll keep going edition

>Boomer thread is for anons in late twenties or above
>Discuss l things boomer including
>Balance between adult life and fitness
>Cucking baby faces

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its ruined

Jow Forums?

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I'm getting a lot of stares these days from girls that I'm 99% sure are underage since the gym is a community center gym right across the street from a highschool.
One even started a conversation with me.

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Someone needs some anatomy lesson

> late twenties
I'm twenty five. Am I a boomer?

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Welcome to boomerism user, here let me take your picture to commemorate this special occasion

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When I wake up my back hurts in the morning

doing Texas Method and thinking about additionally picking up BJJ or MMA

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Krav Maga is far better, my marine buddies can’t recommend it enough!

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>29yo virgin
>My value went up as soon as a boomer with money
Tips to the players out there.

everything i do is to be a good dad for a strong son, i want to be strong and well rounded

>mfw i could have a daughter

fuck bros

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Just accidentally knocked my overweight feminist gf up. Wish me luck

cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>Cuck with a daughter
So I guess it's moral to only have sons and to breed your own daughter?

t.LARPing overweight feminist

it's an old pasta

Why do 20-24yos constantly want to fuck me, as a fit 32yo? Where are the wholesome women?

Still asking for a friend.

At home.

It seems that your boomer years can either be the best or the worst years of your life.

If you spent the majority of your early 20s applying yourself and constantly working towards self-improvement, the payoff comes around your late 20s. Ideally, you'll have gone up a few rungs in the workplace. You are probably not at the level of "dream job" yet, but you should be making enough money to live quite comfortably and enjoy yourself without financial stress. A more serious relationship with a girl may be on the table, or on the flip side, you have enough sexual experience to wrangle any roastie who is, by this point, beginning to decline from their peak. From the experience you've had thus far, you have some wisdom and entertaining stories to share with your friends.

Or you could be a sad sack of shit. You could have allowed the depression and apathy that took over you at 19 to run amok, never seeking the help you needed. You kept telling yourself that it would get better, and you would eventually get on your feet. But one day you woke up and saw the receding hairline in the mirror. All at once, you realized that the glory days were behind you. You missed the adventure. You missed the ladies. You missed the feeling of being alive. And all you have to show for it is a dark apartment, and some mind numbing, bullshit job that young bucks use as nothing more than as a stepping stone to something greater.

Which kind of boomer are you user?

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Boomers drink coffee, energy drinks are for retard teenagers.

27 here and life now consists of working 60 hours a week and shooting coke and getting blackout drunk Friday and Saturdays and repeat

I'm 23.
Am I a boomer?

>Krav Maga

>Skinny dyel girl doing skwaats in front of me
>Looks back occasionally and smiles more than once
>College apperal tells me she is definitely of age
>"Hey i--"
>She recoils and says my trashstache is creepy
>Doesn't like the fact that my Megadeth shirt has mustard stains on it


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>that 45 year old zoomer that thinks he knows what boomers like

Real boomers drink both

No, get the fuck out.

Baby faces fucking go. You must be 27+ to post in this shit thread.

>one day you woke up and saw the receding hairline in the mirror. All at once, you realized that the glory days were behind you. You missed the adventure. You missed the ladies. You missed the feeling of being alive.
this, but a good job

I am and work with 30 y.o. boomers and everyone drinks like a six pack of energy drinks a day and an occasional coffee. this meme is spot on

it's fucking glorious to witness i tell ya. ya love to see it.

>wake up for another day past prime
>another appendage hurts for no apparent reason


33 here. It's actually p great. Everyone tried to convince me turning 30 would suck but I shed most of my neurosis and the overly attached behaviors of my twenties. I live in a college town doing software development and get to smash 21 year old puss. Really, women can handle a man of strong opinions. Once I stopped seeing every woman as a potential partner and became ok with myself, I stopped feeling like I had to please women with my opinions or actions. Think about it. You don't want someone who would mold themselves absolutely to please you. You really don't. Everyone compromises in a relationship a little bit but the extreme is awful. That's the shit I outgrew from my twenties. I have the best job I ever did, a good career trajectory, and am more successful with women than ever before. This is good. At the same time living in a college town is not always a great place to date seriously for someone my age. I just try to make the best of what I have.

>get out of bed
>tweak knee for no fucking reason

>Megadeth shirt has mustard stains on it

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>tfw highschool/early college girl in the gym called you mister
receding hairline is the worst feel

I have had severe back pain twice in my life or so, for a couple of days, and some neck pain after I stopped doing neck work, but apart from that I am entirely pain free at 32. I've lifted on and off since 22. Meanwhile everyone I know complains of pains and health issues.

wtf is a trashstache?

wrong, its hot. when you get older and look good, and know how to be confident; damage cases will seek you out and fucking worship you.

t. Dd/lg fetish

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boomer is anyone 17 years old and up

okay this meme went too far DELET

That fucking finger kills me every time

Why is there a giant finger in this pic?

Same boat, user. Let's hope we can right the ship before 30.

Boomers think that if they post a pic of their car without covering the plate someone will hack their car

Who /boomerdad/ here?

Kids are 3 and 12 weeks. Life is comfy

Nothing better than high school girls bouncing on your dick.

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Fuck adult life. Working sucks dick and I'm not gonna do it. My plan is to just max out my physical attractiveness stat so I can bang sluts despite not having a job and living with my parents until I get too old and then kill myself.

OHHH FUG thats me to a tee

When youre 27 and still feel like 18 because you havent grown up at all and made no progress in life except in lifting.

Im literally a boomer arent I

i still... do not... understand... why the boomer meme always includes a fucking monster can
it's a teenager beverage for fucks sake

>3 and 12 weeks
damn, your wife does not dawdle with her pregnancies

Alright, alright, alright.

boomers can't function without caffeine and also want to be hip and cool hence Monster and the sunglesses. if you worked with any ~30 year olds, you'd know how accurate it is

living the dream, i see.

>claims to be boomer
>doesnt proclain love for regan
>doesnt post receeding hairline

Get on my boomer level.

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In fact it's the opposite. All of the 30+ people I work with unironically think they can't take more than a coffee a day (caffeine-wise).
And they've all mostly given up on being cool.

Show me Boomerinas
Arte they the women that hit the wall hard and try to "settle down"? What are their attributes?

Fuck... This is serious shit. How will I unlearn this redpill if my first child will be a daughter?

Found out my girlfriend is cheating on me. Only been together two months. Oh well. She is younger. I should settle for a boomer girl.

but most boomers dont like energy drinks, except for like rednecks; but they love coffee
also, every-fucking-one wears sunglasses

They are on Tinder with a profile pic of their kid

where do you work? it probably depends on the job, my experience is from IT

That's not a redpill, m8.

I have a nice hairline but grey hairs at 29. Not gonna post but trust me.

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What does boomer pepe look like?

Do it pussy. I'm happy with everything expect my fucking crown. I'm fucking boomed.

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>late twenties
I’m 27, g-guys I’m not a boomer r-right?

How the fuck not...

Why do you think 27 club exists? Literally no reason to live longer.

>tfw used to get lots of bitches in the "emo-era"
>smoking, drinking, drugs, party all day, play in shitty band with friends
>hot goth/scene chicks all for the taking
>grew out of it
>got my act together, got fit, career, decent clothes, decent haircut
>cant score bitches anymore because now Im not interesting and Im really not that attractive
>lonely as fuck

Growing up was a mistake


I'm a software developer. The 2 people right next to me don't drink any coffee. The rest of the people on my team have a maximum of 2 a day.

I have something like 4 quadruple espressos a day.

You don't. You take the incestpill.

by fucking your daughter first :DDDDDDD


Most women don't have a gauge on how interesting you are anyway. If you have a job and look like you take care of yourself you can get women, it's that easy.

>pussying out instead of embracing the fact you're losing hair

Eh they kinda do. I used to have the whole rockstar lifestyle as part of my identity. Since that was out of the picture I barely had anything left. I dont even know who I am anymore and they notice it when you have no character.

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Had greys since 11. Girls like it growing up so it aint all that bad. Might be brutal at late 30s/early 40s though

i am fighting it. but it may have to come to that. it's okay though. it's life and it will come for you too. its the boomdoom.

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>Tfw i remember when having a Halo 2 party and played that for hours on end
>Tfw I will never be that free again

Take me off this ride

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who would win?

4 dyel shitposting virgins


1 life strengthened boomer?

Me and my friends are around 27-29 years old and we still have these kind of days but then with newer games.

Who cares how old you are do shit you like with people you like breh

By developing common sense.


Shave it already, it'll do you good. Grow a medium length beard to balance things out if you get a beard.

I have not been on fit for about 12 months now. Could someone please explain the boomer meme. Thanks

It's more of the fact that I'm hardly ever free and when I am, the people I play with aren't. Online gaming is nowhere near as awesome as playing it in the same room.

>Mfw I sound like a boomer

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>just turned 26 last week
>few months beforehand started looking into purchasing a home so I could have a cool backyard and inside to maintain, invite people over for a bbq or maybe even a dip in the pool if they wanted to
>around February started to pick up monster zero ultra, maybe 1-2 a week, sometimes 3 depending on what work is like
>started getting back into the gym after losing about 70lbs from diet and cardio, getting into calisthenics and looking to get cut
>used to either fully shave my face or leave it at my jawline to enhanced my shitty facial aesthetics, now it's more comfortable to trim and maintain

Boomer life literally sneaks up on you and you won't even notice until it's already happened. I was just starting to pat myself on the back for making more positive life changes then boomer memes got going and made me feel like a retard

yeah mang we are trying to get as many as we can before 30. Can’t wait to be wealthy and full of free time in our 50s

I haven't been on in awhile. I got it pretty easily. Is English not your first language?

got a pretty decent beard right now. ill shave it when im ready lol.

Fuck yourself kiddo. I love my thinning/reeceding hair, and make no attempt to hide it.
