Help Me

Left is 20 weeks ago at 202lbs. Right is today at 173lbs.
For the 20 weeks I’ve been doing a combination of keto & intermittent fasting while slowly tapering down on calories.
My issue is that this past week I ate 1450kcal/day & somehow gained 1.5lbs. In addition, after 20 weeks I still look like shit (with the exception of face gains) and I’m completely lost on what to do. Through the cut I’ve been cold as fuck and it’s been a struggle energy-wise. Please offer some guidance.

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BTW I’m 6’4”

eat a large protein based breakfast to give you energy for the day, omad if you want + supps to make sure you're getting all the needed nutrients

Should I continue cutting at 1400 kcal per day?

If you measured at the wrong time you might still have some food in your gut, dw too much.


tfw your before looks stronger than your after

Stronger in terms of... strength? It was. My strength went way down.

No lie.

You need to build muscle by exercising. Diet will only help you if you're a fatass. You have to be trolling because no one is this stupid.

Than what the fuck are you doing?

are you exercising? it looks like youre losing too much muscle. you need to continue with the resistance training to retain a good % of muscle.

looks like you lost like 10lb of fat and the rest of it was water and muscle...the fuck are you shouldn't be "cutting" if you have no muscle mass to cut down to

Looks like you forgot to lift.

>he can't see the long lanklet arms going almost down to his kneecaps

no hope for manlets

>this why you lost all your strength and energy

Don't listen to this faggot, he has no idea what he's talking about

Cut down to as close to 10% bodyfat as possible before you start any serious bulk, otherwise any bulk will just result in you becoming fat, cutting to semi-fat and then going back to fat on your next bulk.

If you cut down to being lean, you'll bulk up and be slightly less lean and during you're cut you'll just get as lean if not leaner than before.

You will look and feel better year round and have a higher quality of life this way.

Faggot who think otherwise are just fucking fat and are using extreme amounts of COPE to tell themselves they're "Bearmode" or "built" or "I'm just bulking bro" because they can't fucking cut.


man, you're already lean enough, start lifting heavy and in couple months you'll look good, also, step up on your protein

first of all, you're 6'4 and 173lbs, start working out, having muscle will increase your metabolism, making you eat more food without getting food

Nice work bro.

1. Keto doesn't do shit. The biology is quite clear on that one.

2. Don't worry about the 1.5lbs, just keep it up if you want to drop further.

3. being cold and struggling energy-wise is expected. When you fast you intentionally skip out on nutrients that help maintain your body. This will lead to heat generation decreasing, testosterone decreasing, and a whole host of other things as well. You will go back to normal once you stop the cutting. A solid recommendation is to eat enough vegetables of every kind (usually the dark colored ones are great for vitamins and minerals) to get whatever micro-nutrients you need, otherwise you'll need to power through until the end.

4. You can always take a break for a month and pump as usual.

Good luck bro

Onions: The Novel - Don’t do this edition.

Are you by any chance a molecular biologist as well? Because if so, please point out why I'm wrong.

Otherwise, expect to fail in my class.

Did you forget to fucking lift or something? And youre wondering why you look like shit??

>if I say onions his opinion is invalid

I’m unironically a third year resident (MD) and don’t have a meme science PhD and spend all day cataloging the molar mass of dog turds or whatever your job consists of.

Post body

I believe you. It is however unfortunate that MD students don't know shit about how things work at that level. You're great at treating patients, but you aren't qualified at any level to speak about the molecular details of the body. If you take a research position, great, collect my samples thank you, but don't pretend to know anything of the metabolomic processes of the body.

All of your knowledge and your shitty post amounted to was "eat vegetables" you fucking grad student larper


Like 2,500 not 1,400

Oh my fucking God this board is a joke and no one knows what they’re fucking talking about

why do you want to look like a corpse?
just fucking lift already fagget

This dude is a moron. Lose all of your fat and then try building muscle through hours in the gym? good fucking luck lmao

Ahh yes, and you would have diagnosed him without knowing anything at all about his body, history, family, or genetics? I hope you take a picture of your certificate, cause the real one will be revoked shortly.

I told him that keto doesn't do anything, which will save him quite a few dollars and help his pH values.
Vegetables is a great suggestion, because it works for pretty much everyone.

And, regarding your "MD" wisdom, saying "onions" doesn't do shit except point out that your argument is purely based on "muh feels".

Go fuck yourself, you pompous literally unqualified little gremlin. You’re insufferable and you spout broscience with the confidence of a fool. I’ll also make more money than you ever will.

I waterfasted for 4 days last week and lost 6 pounds but I mostly lost muscle and fat around my face and legs and arms, barely from my belly. I feel skinnyfat again. Stop doing keto and fasting it clearly isn't working. Btw. you fucked your metabolism if your feeling weak and cold most of the time


I'm in the military, get off of work at about 4PM. Right after work, I eat 1 sweet potato, two chicken breasts, and have a spinach and fruit smoothie. No idea what the macros are but I always run this when I am trying to lean out and it always works. Try it for a week, see if you start dropping again. Although honestly brah, it looks like you need to bulk you're a skinny boi.

Haha, you certainly don't have the confidence of a physician yet.
I think an English lesson might be needed for your misuse of the word 'literally', but I'll leave that to someone else.
The bro-science on the matter is that keto is great btw, so that's also a swing and a miss.
Finally, you have no idea what I earn, which just makes it more fun that you have to throw something out there to appease your over-sensitive ego.

I'm glad we cleared up the discussion though. Keep MDing by "muh feels" and best of luck :)

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Keep tipping your fedora while I make six figures, cocksucker.

You still seem fragile and rustled. Are you okay?

stand up straight.

>My strength went way down.
This has to be bait.

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