post faces/face gains if you dare
Face-rate thread
I'm going in. Go easy on me
Are we in 1994?
Shave but other than that you look good.
Normie lanklet faggot
School shooter/10
>face gains
there is no such thing. you are either born with good genes or not.
post face
fundamentally incorrect
>muscle gains
there is no such thing. you are either born with good genes or not.
the person on the left has good genetics. It's literally just neglect. He didn't care about his hair, didn't care about his weight, didn't care that his glasses made him look bad, and finally he took that picture at a bad angle with unfavorable lighting.
Pictures are worthless
and yet he still made face gains you retard
What's your point? A person with bad genetics who gets their shit together will still be ugly, the best case for them is that they're not unbearable to look at because they're not unkept.
You're honestly the retard for not understanding what I meant.
that's not you, that's dutch politician Chad van Driver
My point is, you fucking retard, people make face-gains. Whatever you're butthurt about with genetics, people still make face-gains. You can still have shit genes and still look good too btw; you're honestly the retard for not understanding genes OR the OP
That pic gives me so much hope hope but at the same time prevents me from cutting because of the fear of finding out i don't have a good base after all
lmao this guy is actually retarded
you're a fucking idiot
Desperate samefag lmao
What's this hairstyle called (OP and pic related)? It looks great
nice try - you're just retarded
i'm neither of those guys and if you're the same guy arguing that face gains aren't a thing then i also agree, you are genuinely retarded. it may come down to genetics, but if you have a fat chubby face and then you lean down then you're going to end up looking more handsome, i.e., you've made face gains. also taking the neckpill significantly improves how your face looks. it doesn't change the fact itself per se but it can definitely lead to a face looking noticeably more attractive. overall, u r a retardo
So what you’re saying is he made face gains. Obviously no one is talking about improving genetic facial deficiencies retard
it's always the most mentally handicapped brainlets who preach the hardest about genetics
You just tell your hairstylist what you want to be able to do with your hair, or you can describe how you want the sides, the bangs, and the back. It's these descriptions that usually define what the style is. I say this because you might want to change up your hairstyle a little differently throughout the week, and without being too specific on the style like I mention below, you're given the creative control over your hair.
You can also just show them that picture. Just about every hairstyle stems from a select number of universal styles. Looks like Pompadour if that's what you want.
what is this. roids? hes old as hell thats his wife.
body-fat, skin, lighting, head and facial hair, neck.
not saying hey everyone cut, get really skinny & clean shaven. some people actually look better with higher bf & beards. you just gotta try it all if its not working for you
Holy shit dude, you're obsessed
>he actually fucking photoshopped a (you) over
this is the hardest cope I've seen on this board
I'll get mocked but fuck it. I'm just glad to be somewhat less fat and still working on it. Top row, left to right:
>photo 1
Fat as fatass. Don't know bodyfat % here, but suffice to say high. 124.7 kilos @ 177.8 cm. Also note my absolutely british teeth, which bothered me in the photo more than the fat ever did.
>photo 2
Same weight, but not showing teeth.
>photo 3
First thing I did was make dental gains with invisible aligners
Bottom row, left to right:
>photo 4
Checking to confirm once the fat was gone my jawline still existed. It does, but my chin doesn't. At this stage I'm down to 104kg, but changes in my face have been slight. Most of the fat loss has been visceral fat from my gut.
>photo 5
90 kilos now boyos. Starting finasteride and minoxidil for hairline gains. Considering chin implant and having nose straightened (broke it in a fight when I was 17)
Again, I'm still fat as fuck and have humility in that regard but I'm happy about losing 34 kg. The plan is to continue cutting down to 68 kg, which is the last weight I remember seeing my abs at. Then I start chasing lean mass, hopefully getting back to about 90 kilos at a decent bodyfat percentage.
solid progress dude
>post face/face gains if you dare
>post face
Dude fuck off
my gf likes me
forgot to coment
That's idiotic, an excuse. Lose that fat user.
handsome face; skinny, though alright body.
So face gains aren't a thing as long as you dismiss and goalpost shift away all the times they are?
He's not the one shopping screenshots to try and 'win' on Jow Forums, you loser.
Nice progress men keep going
go back to /soc/ (also u guys are cute :) )
fake picture, not the same person, they have moles in different spots
flawed logic. beauty of your face is defined by the shape of your bones, localization of your hair and its color, muscle attachments. you can't change those things like you grow the muscles.
everyone has its maximum peak look that can be achieved at good bf etc, but still, you can't be more good looking that what your genetics has to offer
would fug
Have I slightly made it or am I forever alone?
...alright if it's bait you got me, but you can't be serious about the mole thing right?
yeah i think you have pal youre handsome and pretty big. personally i would do a fast if i was you tho get shredddddd
>fake picture, not the same person, they have moles in different spots
what are selfies
Check your height again you got taller
You are welcome
brainlets always screech the loudest
d a d d y
Looking good (no homo).
whered you get the jacket?
shave the mustache, otherwise you aight.
Yes ik my lip is fuckin dry and chapped, been creaming it good past few days
Damn you happen to have the webm of that pic? Been looking for that for months.
snapped it two months ago while waiting for a bus
I'll be honest mate youve got one of those faces that would look really weird on a muscular body. You should probably just go ottermode at most
Get a tan my man. Also try to stop looking like you want to kys and get a haircut, then you would look pretty good.
solid genetics but mew to correct weak jaw
Pretty good, I would grow out the facial hair a bit though or shave it altogether if possible
Actually I was just making my eyes droopy
it's actually well defined but my shitty facial hair conceals it when it gets long enough
Yes it's very favorable lighting.
You look like Kyle Reese from the first Terminator movie except not attractive
18 khv
you look like one of those preppy nerd girls who refuse to give blowies
started lifting in january, im 47
Not sure how you manage to look both alpha and beta at the same time. Maybe it's just your expression.
Good looks, though.
looking good breh no idea why u got shit lmao
not him but im pretty sure its south african
police raid
also good looking
see above.
>these are people complaining about being virgins
what the fuck
is there a filter on that or do you naturally look that soft
Underage b&
I think it's the lighting fucking things up, but my skin is not bad post of the time
handsome face. could benefit from a more trendy hairstyle
Thanks bro
I cut it short just for that, I'll let it grow evenly for a few months and then decide on a proper haircut
So how do I look more like Nero? Except for the faggy white hair?
My face is squared just like his and I also have a broad jaw.
Why don't people smile in their selfies? They look like serial killers...
thats a big ass forehead
>just be yourself bro
Because women find men more attractive when they dont smile
try to smile a bit more user, those serious ass photos arent cool
nah women find men more attractive when they don't look like school shooters
Oil of every Pearls un-insides is the most overrated pop album of 2018. Fuck you Sophie.
yes, idiot
serial killer
gay hair
handsome but not a lot of confidence
do me
show me your milky white twat
gay hair
gay hair, cheer up
I'd pay to shag you
I bet you have a sister that's way more successful than you, other wise pretty cute
gay hair, but it;s ok because you're actually gay
fuck off
My sister is a twat that “teaches” preschoolers. She’s a teaching assistant.
i really like your ears
You are like a little baby
Watch this...
Inb4 why the long face
side view
you look good user, just try to take better selfies, thats a weird angle
I legit think you’re cute
You kinda look like a white 21 savage
nigger I have never complained about being a virgin
I just freckle, and know I need a haircut. Every fucking time I remember to cut my hair is monday or sunday I swear to god
You look good idk why people are giving you shit if i had to give you a number ig 7