Daily reminder the most important form of health is mental health...

Daily reminder the most important form of health is mental health, and the best way to improve it is to leave Jow Forums forever.

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You're right. I shall do so immediately. Goodbye friends!

The best way to improve mental health is by improving physical health.

Healthy body, healthy mind.

Eat vegetables and exercise every day.

Thanks, Dr.Faggot.

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>is to leave Jow Forums forever.
best way to improve it is to respawn for different caregivers. Or figure your trauma out with self analysis / psychoanalysis.
4chin is a pretty harmless way of dissociating. Do NOT fall for behaviorist ''fix yourself clean your room hurfrr" memes. Humans dont work that way

I never got the whole Jow Forums changrs ypu thing after all these years im still the same i guess it only for newfags who end up here

Jow Forums still has some gems, but by and large this board is a dumpster fireBy all means, if you want body dysmorphia, social maladjustment, and misanthropic views -- implying you don't have these already -- stay on this board. The old Misc was not perfect in any way, and often caused the same things I just listed, but at least it isn't crawling with /pol9k/, middle schoolers, and incels.

>4chin is harmless
>it's all my parents' fault!

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>the best way to improve it is to leave Jow Forums forever IF YOU'RE STILL AN IMPRESSIONABLE CHILD (up to the age of, say, 21)
53 year old boomer here,
You young guys got to realize that all the shit that goes on on Jow Forums is not in any way, shape, or form representative of how the Real World works, mainly because there are so many shitty, mentally ill Trolls around here spouting shitty troll-memes intended to cause you harm just for their sick amusement. Also realize that since everyone is anonymous and there are literally zero consequences to anything anyone says to anyone else, you see literally the absolute worst behavior that people can display; the 'social contract' does not exist here because it can't be enforced in the usual way. Because of this Jow Forums also attracts the absolute worst that humanity has to offer (racists, bigots, sexists, misanthropes of all types, mentally ill of all types, the very dregs of society). Beyond a certain age you (hopefully) have developed enough wisdom to not be affected by any of it, but if you're a teenager and naive this place can seriously warp your mind.

Dumb fuck

You should clean your room though, your mother keeps wondering where all your underwear has gone; keeping it hidden under your bed because it's all got skidmarks on the crotch isn't fooling her.

post destroy Jow Forums for max mental health gains

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Is there any good board with friendly loving anons left? /wsg/ and /trv/ are pretty nice communities

There can be but since the Mods are the only 'police' around here, and they're all unpaid volunteers, and since there are few hard-and-fast rules for posting anywhere on Jow Forums, it's entirely hit-or-miss whether you're discussing things with a 'normal' person or a shitty troll/misanthrope/sociopath. Never let your guard down, always take everything with a huge grain of salt, and back up anything anyone tells you with your own non-Jow Forums research.

Jow Forums has a few, but it's very hard for the impressionable young men that it attracts to distinguish them from the trolls. I'd avoid Jow Forums and if you need advice seek it out from friends or other people face-to-face.

>unironically 3
It's like cucking every other facet of my self improvement for internet points.

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>if you need advice seek it out from friends or other people face-to-face
That's really the Chemo to cure some of the Cancers that are plaguing our civilization right now, too, if you ask me: people spend too much time on so-called 'social media', which ironically keeps them *separate*, doesn't *bring them together*, and as a result you get a similar, if less intense, version of what happens here on Jow Forums: little-to-no consequences to what you say because you're insulated by the Internet and your computer sceen. People act differently, think before they speak more, when they have to face someone.

Sounds like the topic hit a little too close to home, brainlet.

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Can we unite the 23 year old boomers and save the younger generation from Jow Forums lads?

Fucking capitalist apologist. All your "discipline" meme talk is you learning to like your programming. You are literally licking your master penis and eating his breadcrumbs.
Go watch your Peterson videos. Retard

meant for this faggit

> Discovered Jow Forums in 2010
> Leave Jow Forums in 2013 after the toxicity got really bad, leave Jow Forums altogether in early 2014
> got swole af in 2014/2015
> dated and had a bad breakup
> stopped lifting, got super depressed, bad mental health
> got dream job in late 2016, found the love of my life and mental state got way better
> gains atrophied, back to skinnyfat
> gf and I are going to Hawaii in a year, make a promise to get our gains back
> come back on here because bodybulding.com website paywalled almost everything useful and I know Jow Forums has legitimately good routines.

And here I am. Place hasnt changed much.

shut up, commie rat

fucking hell this is me to a T, minus the weed/wikipedia/alcohol/free space. What the fuck does this mean? I wanna improve.

See you tomorrow

>capitalism reeeee
kek, it's always the most bitter failures who despise capitalism. Keep telling yourself your life is shit because of the economic system.

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