what is the Jow Forums approved style?
What is the Jow Forums approved style?
If you do anything besides 1,2 or 3 you have big gay
everything else if FILTHY and GAY
if you shave your pubic hair, you are unquestionably less of a man.
Only gays shave their pubes. If you don't want hair in your boyfriend's mouth while he sucks you off, just trim it faggots.
The only people who like a stupidly hairy dick and balls are gay men, so at least we now know which way you swing.
Definitely metro
soldier but metro if i do shave. fuck shaving your balls thats hard
This, only gay guys like hair everywhere because women surely dont
Shaving your pubes lowers t
I just rip my pubes out in clumps during sporadic fits of anger throughout the month.
just use that shortener with the cover on, no risk of cutting yourself
i always get scared anyway tho
>not just using some scissors and giving yourself a nice little trim
I'm rocking the comb over atm lads
i like my twinks nice and smooth.
Acomoclitic definitely most gay
Uptown. Wife likes the shaft and sack clean.
>tfw acomoclitic
feels amazing
You like fuckcing twinks because you are a peado, not gay. Gay men like men, not boys.
Gays and Virgins.
Women hate pubic hairs. Also, shaved = More head.
If a woman wants a hairless guy she can go fuck a 14 year old. If you care about what women want your a cuck and less of a man
trimming it down in length is better than full bush or shaved imo.
full bush just feels too messy after sex and shaved irritates your skin to shit, plus makes you look like an idiot if the rest of your body is hairy as fuck.
This. Trimming is the best option.
Same rules as head hair. Letting it grow wild is no good, but shaving it all off is dumb too (balding not withstanding)
I go trimmed down a lot. Completely shaved is a look I don't like on myself.
shave balls
trim pubes
anything else is a fail
This is what fit ACTUALLY BELIEVES
I don't see why you would do anything other than Soldier or Acomoclitic.
Either I want the hair gone or I don't care.
>caring what women
I’ve had made girls suck on my hairy nuts and they always tell me they love my happy trail and without fail they always end up running their hands through my chest hair after we get done.
I can’t imagine being so limp wristed you shape what you do after women’s opinions. I bet you also eat girls out because
>I enjoy getting the girl off
lmao look at this dicklet
Of all the incels spotted Itt, this is surely the most obvious
thats not tarzan thats the statue from Spongebob
Well mostly because I enjoy getting them off yeah. You must be pretty terrible in bed.
And yeah they run hands through my chest hairs too, but there's a difference between a handful of hair and a mouthful of hair you incel.
> Be him
> Hairy shaft
> Incel
> Whine that women are thots and dont want him for unknown reasons
I swear, Incels are a cancer that needs to be delt with.
Don't talk to the king like that
Nah I can please women with my hands and dick like a man is supposed to, not on his hands and knees like a bitch
>be you
>shave your pubes off, symbolically rejecting your manhood
>complain that others don't also do this
>think youre not a soiboy
>shaving your pubes
I think the gayest thing you can do is cutting your pubes in some gay ass shape. It's your dick, not a fucking garden shrub. Shaving your pubes completely comes directly afterwards in the gayness scale. You do know that men get pubes when they literally stop being boys and become men? You want to be a boy or a man? 'But women don't like hairy men' Yes they do... Women say all kinds of bullshit on a long day. I cut the outline and trim a little so that the pubes don't become too long or dense. Just make sure it looks well trimmed and taken care of. Hadn't any bitch complain yet.
>inb4 that's just why you didn't have any sex at all yet
wtf my dick looks like that soft, but I'm 7 inches hard
either full hair or no hair, no hair feels better fucking tbqh
My pennis and also dicke and balls feel good to touch and aesthetically pleases me shaved
Unshaved looks disgusting and savage in my opinion how do you guys look at your dicks covered by all that gross hair the gets sticky with cum and not want to appreciate your naked dick in all it's might towering over your thighs uncovered in all it's glory,spotless, clean and smooth. No homo but learn to shave your balls and dick you gross losers, imagine a beautiful sword covered in Vines and moss, rethink your decision to not shave your dicks and balls nerds
My pubes would never stop growing, they would literally would reach the length of my forearm left to their own devices.
I use some clippers.
>tfw haven't shaved or trimmed dick and balls in over 4 years
my dick got an afro
My girlfriend likes the way my hairy penis it is.
I like cutting the base hair, make a hairball with it and smell it.
It's like a test booster.
Soldier or Uptown.
I shaved once and it was horrible. Especially working construction at the time.
When it isn’t full Ghillie with the Soldier i’ll keep it trim. Uptown is trimmed with the balls and shaft kept smoove with the “Grip It and Rip It” method.
Tearing the hair out with your fingers, tweezers or waxing is the only alpha way to keep your Soldier smooth.
I always do a Hitler stache on my pubes. I don't even like the guy
uptown with trimmed pubes. anything else is the wrong answer.
Trim the pubes. Shave the balls/shaft.
I feel uncomfortable shaving the sides of my dick and balls cause I have hairy legs. What the fuck do I do? Shave my entire body?
Grower masterrace
Same problem here but I I'd suggest trimming legs. Even then, it's still more aesthetic to have shaved balls and clean dick. It's like the light in a hairy cave.
Jokes on you my dick is covered in hair.
>shave pubes once
>left over hairs stick to underwear
never again
I only shave my pubes because hair grows up the side of my dick.
Women are less likely to put it in their mouth if I did no maintenance
having colder balls actually raises test, so having a lot of hair can warm your balls up and lower test
this for hygeine
Well, user. If a guy has a full bush on his nuts, there's no way I'm putting them in my mouth. A stray hair or there won't bother most women, but full forest? No thanks, Mr. Spanks.
Do what you will with that information.
Are you autistic?
Soldier just because i'm scared of putting sharp objects near my little buddy
I trim it all on 1/8th
Makes it look bigger
I only trim, I don't want some ingrown hair in my balls.
I remember being 13 and not owning a trimmer