/life/ #3 - No bully

How is your life going?
Anything you want to talk about?

>Motto of this thread: No bully

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it's going alright, about to go on vacation. what about you, OP?

thought nofap was going to save my gpa. It didn't. Fuck me i knew i wasn't cut out for engineering.

My father started his chemo couple of weeks ago.
So far it seems like it helps and he isnt suffering too much from it.
My mother died of cancer last year, so this is even harder for me.

I'm getting leaner, studying harder for my bachelor and making some good brain gains aswell.

Also to add on top.
Still didnt fapped, so I'm closing on 2 weeks of nofap.
Stopped smoking but with vaping (low dose), making good progress on that.

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Only studying and good sleep will help your grades, user.

Related to what you said, I'm doing engineering myself and have questioned myself almost everyday about whether it's cut out for me. You aren't alone. All I can say is don't lose faith in your abilities, because they're always more than you judge them to be.

nah dude, thats not how nofap works.

good job quitting smoking. i did the same thing, try to ween yourself of the vaping too.

Man, I'm not even sure. Which is weird, as objectively, things are going swell. Lost tons of weight, remained sober for almost 2 years now (ex-raging alkie represent), training for bjj competition in september, started mma training with aim of getting into amateur competition in that as well, have a decent enough job, depression and anxiety that were making my life a living hell for years basically gone by now.

And yet, tfw no gf. Shit, no female contact at all, for 4 years now. I'm 31, would like to have a family one day, but honestly, I don't see that happening. Too jaded to trust women, too fucking awkward even if I could trust one. I guess I'll just have to learn to go it alone long-term, its not like I didn't have plenty of practice by now, but sometimes it bothers me, you know? Like a huge part of life is just passing by, and time is running out to experience it.

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>I guess I'll just have to learn to go it alone long-term, its not like I didn't have plenty of practice by now, but sometimes it bothers me, you know? Like a huge part of life is just passing by, and time is running out to experience it.

That would change a lot of you found some way to socialize with women in a setting that you liked, maybe a dance class or something similar?

stuck between being my usual cold self and never being nice to girls im tryna fuck and forcing my inner romancer out. treading the fine line between sexy confident romance and cornyness

and im making good prorgess on my beatmaking, need to do my 20 faces a day on the art path though

Really need a job and the search is not going well. Also currently no gf and I can't stop thinking about the dumb girl who fucked me up.

I am in the best shape of my life, though, and only getting stronger.

I feel like murdering other races and breeding all their women. I'm Chinese/Mongol. Solutions for this user.

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You should have sex with black women. I'm white and I want to have sex with black women.

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Yo man i wanna hear your beats. Post one on clyp or something.

Have you read about game? trp? Rollo Tomassi and so on? That will help you with the girl problems

Next week I'm starting my Capstone class to graduate. Apparently it entails 1 big paper (6k-8k words) to summarize all 4 years or something.
Looking at this like the final stretch to graduate. In September all 5 classes are meme-tier easy, but this is the stretch.
Also day 8 of nofap is killing me.

Life is better than it has been since I was a kid playing Runescape with my mates. Now I'm trying my best to reverse 10 years of inactivity, lack of sleep and a diet of simple carbs and sugar. I truly hope that my efforts will pay off and I can start to experience life like a normal person

25 year old boomer
work in retail management
same gf 5 years
love her but am bored, feel bad about being bored
unsatisfied w life
lift cope barely holding

what do

Things have improved for me these days. I'm starting to gain muscle and people are noticing, I barely watch porn or fap anymore. My social anxiety is disappearing because I accepted who I am (a quiet sperg). Also cut out all carbs, sugar and processed products and it has been making me feel 100x better.

All I really want now is to get a stable job that will allow me to live comfortably, and won't make me want to kill myself. I was thinking about getting a night job stacking shelves, although obtaining a job has proven difficult, especially with the fact that my area is a black hole for employment and I am not good at playing the social game.

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I’ve finally made it. Fit, rich, broke a porn addiction, hot smart kind gf, (I’m still a 5’10 manlet though LOL). The problem is I always want more. I need to learn to live without greed and envy.

Been counting calories and occasionally fasting to drop some weight, with success. Last night I went out and got hammered, ended up puking last night and this morning. How am I supposed to calculate calories

almost 20 and very sad. I think I'm doing alright by normal standard; getting decent grades in uni, taking summer classes, etc. but I hate my past and I can't see a decent future. 5'10" 140 skeletor rn.

In what way do you want more? Like you want more money for it's own sake or a hotter smarter girlfriend? Or do you want new responsibilities, to learn more skills and to have kids or otherwise deepen the relationship with the gf?

Really eager to get back in the gym. I’ve been on vacation for two weeks now.
>I still think about her at night after two fucking months

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you are gonna make it, seems like your road will be hard but very possible.

the first step is done, you have to make sure to keep on doing it. Always remember that you want to go forward not backward.

have you tried to spice up your life a little bit? Find something challenging, maybe a project or traveling, climbing.. something like that.

>My social anxiety is disappearing because I accepted who I am
very important indeed, good that you realised that. Dont be afraid to fail and dont be ashamed that you failed. As long as you dont give up, people will respect you for trying.
>especially with the fact that my area is a black hole
why not moving to a big city?

if you want more than you are simply not satisfied with what you have.
Think for yourself about what you actually want.
For me it seems like you lack a purpose, a goal to archive.
Start a project or something.

just take a day off from counting and eat fruits and veggies.

a break would be good for you, a mind break. travel or try mushrooms.
Make sure to expend your stream of consciousness

Hope everything goes well with your dad's treatment

You can always do a fast if you go overboard

I'm so fucking lazy. I need to get back to working out

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I gained back nearly all the weight I lost in a matter of 3 or 4 months (about 25 lbs) and I can't for the life of me seem to "adjust" into a healthy lifestyle while I work. My job isn't even hard. I know all I have to do is eat less, and even on weeknights I can kind of manage, but there isn't enough there to distract me from eating on weekends.

I *really* like a guy but he's physically unattractive to me, and I'm not white and he's said some things that weren't problematic in itself, but it makes me think he has the potential to say problematic things. I just wouldn't anyone blaming me for being hurt if he did say something fucked up...

Been taking care of 5 kids and a toddler and looking after my parents.
I'm also in between jobs and getting on in years.
Can't workout because tired, but I'm not gaining any weight because I'm on my feet most of the time cooking cleaning chasing them around playing and watching out for them on top of the normal stuff like mowing the lawn repairing this and that and failing at making ends with a couple of online hustles.
I also made a complete asshole of myself on july 4th and am not doing very good recently.
Thinking about taking gear and a bit of speed just to keep up with everything.

did he call you a nigger or something? I bet it wasn't that bad, you are probably just convinced that you need to police people's speech and get offended because saying something politically incorrect is the greatest sin of all and it musn't go unpunished

No. He didn't even say anything particularly offensive. But when people try to be funny about racial stuff it just makes me think they are trying to make me comfortable with racist jokes in the future

Don't start doing drugs, you retard

He can sense that you are uncomfortable if he isn't a complete idiot. If he is a decent person then he will regret it if he realizes he has hurt your feelings. If he is intentionally trying to hurt you then I can't blame you if you decide to avoid him

Thanks user *hugs*

A good friend of many years confessed to harbouring feelings for me all this time and asked to date. We dated a little and then she ghosted me. Apparently because she was falling for me (according to her mum that she confides in). A few weeks later she begs forgiveness and I say we can stay friends. She says she wants more. We date for another week and she starts going quiet again. I dump her. She gets back with her ex. A few weeks later we see each other in class again and chat a little. She confessed that night over text that she isn't over me. Spends weeks working up the courage to break up with her ex a second time. Does so. I don't ask her on any dates for 2 weeks because I'm busy. I ask her out 3 weeks after she broke up with him. She makes an excuse not to. Didn't take a genius to work out she was back with her ex again.

Part of me wishes she'd never told me about her feelings and the rest of me wishes we'd never met. All of me resents her. Insecurity is destructive as fuck and makes even the best of people into the most casually cruel of people.

Are you a faggot or a woman? The guy is merely engaging in banter.

Sounds like she has no idea what she wants. I guess it's up to you to know better

I know what she wants. She wants stability and security. She'd terrified of making a mistake and due to me not acting immediately she panicked and got back with the only man who has ever loved her, despite not feeling the same way about him anymore.

She's afraid of tfwnobf

Been trying to fix myself after three years of fucking off and moving schools
Fall in Love with my non blood third cousin
Basically she's a stranger
Problem is I'm too young
She's got a warrant out for statutory rape and I'm trying to fix the problem
I'm scared about her, if she's even alive, haven't contacted her in three days and left voicemails.
She needs to turn herself in to make the process faster but don't know where she's even at.
I love her but many don't understand.
She was helping me get on the right path.
Never easy for me with anything.

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soundcloud.com/holymac10/loveato & nope i don't really read about game but i might check it out

>I *really* like a guy but he's physically unattractive to me

Women are so fucking retarded. At the very least stop stringing him along.

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Going to turn 27 this september.
Got a steady job with good pay but had to leave my country for it.
Got a gf but she's still studying back home so it's a LDR. We see another monthly but still it's killing me slowly.
I didn't care at first because I figured it wouldn't last and I'll find another girl or she'll leave me but here we are 2 years later still together.
Started lifting this year hoping to make some gains and feel good about my life.
In the meantime I have to pay back a lot of debts my parents made otherwise my mother and sister will end up on the street.
All of this should be solved in the following year.

I just want stability in my life... I've been on a shitty rollercoaster all my life.

I want to die.

Yup, it's important to realize that shaming yourself gets you nowhere, in fact it only leads to a downward spiral and makes you wind up with learned helplessness. As for moving elsewhere, it's something I'm gonna have to consider.

Stay strong bro, hope everything turns out alright for your dad.

girlfriend left me like a month ago, and is already posting about having a new dude and is constantly tweeting about cute guys and shit
honestly at first it hurt like a bitch but now I feel like I've become numb to that bullshit as it feels like a cry for attention and is honestly somewhat pathetic
on the bright side I'm being approached by cuties which is an ego boost but i usually don't know how to act, doubt myself and nothing comes out of it.
I guess one thing about suddenly growing out of being an autistic ugly duckling and becoming fit is if you ignore social skills it ends up being more devastating than rewarding at times, some girls just jump from guy to guy and if you're a social retard it ends up hurting a lot. Anyway on the other hand, yeah sex and attention is cool, guess I'm gonna just have to grow out of this emotions are cool and good mindset and fuck around in the end.

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I'm so close to getting with the most passable trap who shares all the obscure interests as me and I get hard as fucking diamonds thinking about fucking him/her (i don't care) compared to tinder hoes.

I really hope I don't fuck this up guys. Feels like my one chance to get a hot trap.

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Nigga, you gay

I'll change my facebook profile pic to a gay pride flag if I can get that sweet boipussy.

Anyone think the idea of living in a log cabin in the woods and hunting for all your food seems, dare I say it, comfy? All I need is a friendly dog and of course high-speed satelite internet for shitposting on Jow Forums.
Sometimes I think monkmode is my only option.

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Don't do it bro. sinking that low will only hurt you. There is nothing sane about legitimately wanting to be a female and warping your body to meet that fantasy. What would your family and friends think?

Just go with a real women, they won't kill themselves once they go boomer hours and realize they are a failed little experiment.

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Lifting is my form of cutting myself. Getting drunk by myself is the only semblance of joy I get. Fuck everyone I'm gonna bench 405 then blow my brains out

I've ran into her in person before and had 0 idea she was trans. I know trans are mentally ill, I want to fuck her, not merry her.

Don't do that, man. Become strong through your weaknesses. Try praying and looking toward God, it really does help.

Just graduated with an engineering degree. Getting it sucked but you'll be happy to have it over a meme degree like gender studies.

Found myself today finishing FLCL progressive and feeling empty because it wasn't at all the same experience I had with FLCL back in 2003 when I was 14 and saw it for the first time.

It made me think back to how much fun I was having with video games, the internet, communities online, and even though life wasn't easy it was still new experiences often.

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You will be fucking a man, why would you want to do that? To momentarily satisfy your dick? As soon as you've had your fun and you're off that high, you'll realize the mess your in as a result of constant sexual deviancy.

Don't fuck it

I start college this fall and I'm afraid that I will have trouble meeting people and making friends. Over the course of high school I became increasingly more reclusive out of fear of being seen as weird. I barely knew anybody in my graduating class, I didn't go to prom, beach week, any football game, or dance since the 10th grade. I'd like to get over my fear of opening up to people so that I don't end up being lonely for the rest of my life.

This, Asian male black female master race.

The good:

>doing an internship I really wanted to get, job is interesting and chill
>working on my MA thesis
>leanest I have ever been, looking great
>I think I got over Her

The bad:

>not sure if I should do a PhD after working for a couple of years to pay my debts off, if I do a PhD I am not sure about which field to specialize in (I'm an economist and a statistician, and growing more interested in the latter)
>I would do it to learn more and perhaps get access to better jobs, on the other hand it's a long time commitment, I'm already fairly old and I ignore if the improvement would be worth it
>still, I cannot avoid wanting to do one
>if I do follow the PhD route, I don't know if I would be able to stay at the place I'm doing the internship at for a full time job because I need letters yet at the same time I gotta get a decently paying job to pay my debts (never go for a PhD if you are still paying loans)
>as a foreigner, I find it hard to find women to date, I am still learning the cues and what's acceptable here
>I'm 30 years old
>I am sick and bedridden today so I couldn't go to the gym
>also, miss family and friends who are back at home

Complex feels all around, there's a lot of stuff to figure out still...

I'm in the hospital with my dad right now. He doesn't have anything as bad as your dad does but I hope both of us get them back healthy. Stay strong brah

>I'm 30 years old
>I am sick and bedridden today so I couldn't go to the gym
>also, miss family and friends who are back at home

Fucking 30 year old boomers, man.

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Confessions are usually for /fat/ threads, but confess your sins, anons. Let it all out

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>Asian male black female master race.

AMBW and WMBW are the greatest of all pairings

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I''ve managed to cut my vices a lot since I started lifting, only smoke a couple of cigarettes a week, haven't gambled in months. but for some reason I just can't stop masturbating, no matter how hard I discipline myself on every other aspect of my life I just can't beat my masturbation habit.

>wants to leave in peace
>comfy isolated place
>wants monkmode but also internet
cmon now user.
that aside I do feel like that sometimes too, its nice to live by yourself without having to work, all i'd need is a piano and I'd be set for life.
someone correct me if I'm wrong, monks devoid themselves of all desires right?

I hope everything works out fine for your father and you and him get swole together in the future after hes had a full recovery

Stay strong brother

>right in the feels

I want to have better self-confidence and self-worth.
I just keep putting things off through so much doubt and simply not putting in any effort; like applying to go back to study, getting a job and starting a martial art. Fuck, I even put off cleaning my room for months until the toilet overflowed and I had to do it all in a rush the other night, still haven't fully finished from where that left off.
I sometimes wonder if there's any point in even trying unless I'm going to be a millionaire/famous. Like just to be another inconsequential person remembered only be a few friends and family, maybe a generation or two if I have wife/family, and maybe worse to work for 1/3 of all the time there is in a week every week until retiring. I know I can turn this into motivation to somehow earn enough to not work constantly, or a plan to take on the family farm and do some homesteading. I just see so many worries and negatives.
I spoke to someone last week and reslised I've been like this and different levels of depressed since highschool. That awkward loner nerd that learnt to lack confidence, not fit in, to not try, to be soft. This has lately been a problem in dealing with relationships especially with one narcissistic/Type B PD person that I still talk to because I really can't face avoiding; I tried and the anxiety I felt was just overwhelming. Organising to go to another psychologist to try to help. I know I could do all of that on my own, that I haven't even made a real effort, but maybe some direct outside help and someone to talk to apart from my own dismissive and critical inner monologue and Jow Forums will start me doing better.

Thanks for letting me talk user.

I've spent years training and educating, I finally finished and will start a high-paying job in the coming days.

At the same time my health has suffered, I'm a Shell of the man I was in my youth, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, nutritionally I am a complete disaster. I have a family but even that I'm not sure of the health...

I need to get my house in order. All this money won't be worth anything if I start falling apart soon.

I don't know what kind of change I need to make but I need to make a first step soon.

Working ~50 hours a week between two gigs, one of which may have a full-time job opening up soon. I'm applying to other jobs and may have an interview early next week, but I like it there and would love an actual salary/benefits, so fingers crossed. Saving again, finally, after years of living hand to mouth in graduate school and generally feeling like scum.

lifts are progressing. gf and i are going strong. life is scary as a 28 year old boomer- i feel older than i thought i would, but feel like i ought to still be a bit... younger i guess? i'm not going to start a family for a few years, but i'm suddenly having to be very responsible and that's fucking daunting.

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Posted in a QTDDTOT thread just now, but I'll post again
>Live in the city
>Got off work early on my rest day, decide to go to park until sundown
>Grab my basketball and head to local spot
>See that the blacktop already has two games going on
>Decide to go hang out at my favorite bridge until it opens up
>See a volleyball game going on
>Big groups of friends all getting out of the river together
>Sit there for maybe half an hour
>Realize I'm literally the only person for miles who isn't hanging out with someone on a warm Sunday evening
>Come back to apartment and sit at my laptop
>Can't even go lift because it's a rest day

Basically, am I gonna ruin my body if I just go fill the void at the gym tonight?

I just need companionship

Lol wtf
Green text story time user

35, became rich at 31. No need to work at all for the rest of my life. Almost nobody knows.

Been cutting recently and can't get below 18% BF. Keto diet workout 5 times a week. Have girl I occassionaly fuck, don't want to commit to see her more often. Kickboxing 1 hour a week. Hungry all the time. Out of all the positives in my life, not able to cut below 18% is getting to me. Depressing.

>became rich at 31

Im about to watch this straight heat. Anyone want a link?

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Godspeed user, Godspeed.

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>Doing a PhD for job prospects.
Be very careful with this.
It's very likely for a compact to distrust someone that spent that amount of time in academia, and the only real avenue it opens up is a postdoc position, which is hell these data.

This is what I got from postdocs in my field, although it might be different in yours. Talk to your supervisors about this

Phoneposting, not even once


My cut has been coming along. I haven't had a cigarette in over a month. My girlfriend has started to say she loves me (I haven't said it back, but that's a different story). I'm working full time making good money in my field, going to school for 18 credits, and crushing life right now -- I'm 21 for the record.

Three months ago I was in pain from heartache.

Six months ago I was in the hospital with a throat closing on me.

A year ago I was unbelievably broke and had no orientation in life.

Things will get better for any anons out there struggling -- keep hustling.