"What's that, user? You don't want some cookies? I made them for you!"

>"What's that, user? You don't want some cookies? I made them for you!"
What do.

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I eat the cookies with milk and lift twice as hard, that means 4 hours in the gym that very day.

I eat the cookies

Take a cookie, but not eat it.

Dirty bulk

>Mom, when did you come back from the grave?
>No thanks I'm trying to lose weight

2ez. What else you got?

eat one, take some to go, give them to work friends or whoever else can take them off your hands

Thank you grandma, I was running low on calories anyway on the ride here.

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I eat the cookies with no remorse. Life is to be lived. I reschedule my cheat day or skip one or two afterwards. No matter. I'd just have the cookies.

I take a bite enjoying the sugar and fat that makes my tongue tingle. I spit the bite out the the trash. I repeat this until all the cookies are gone. Get to enjoy the ecstasy of the cookies without getting fat.

>"I came back because I heard you got a gf. I couldn't believe it, literally."


jeff pls go. and stop wearing that stupid disguise, you're not fooling anyone

>Le cookies are ready
I bet 90% of the people on Jow Forums today dont know the jeff meme

>I'm glad you understand. Dad disowned me because he doesn't believe a grown adult should hump a pillow at night.

I turn them down stressing the fact that I'm on a strict diet and then my fat sister eats them all, as has happened innumerable times in the past.

My sister with anorexia used to do this too. Enjoy your eating disorder level bullshit logic, inside of just working a sensible serving of one or two cookies into your daily calorie limit on this one occasion.

jeff pls go, i know it is you


> 4 hours
NEET/tfwnogf detected

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If you're going to be such a passive aggressive bitch about me not ingesting pure sugar then don't bake the cookies, cunt.

eat a couple cookies, i can definitely fit 400 calories on my diet without fucking everything up

>not using it as an excuse to GOMAD
not gonna make it tbqh

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It's summer, I can afford to no life at the gym. And yeah I don't have a girlfriend yet. I only have two friends who happen to be girls.

> throw them on the ground
> yell at her

Eat the whole tray.

Gotta eat big to get big.

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mom and sis/aunt don't count

I know they don't count. My only two female friends are a weeb and a shut-in.

Only right answer here desu


Eat like 2-4 of them and just eat fewer calories the next day (or next few days) to make up for it. It's not that hard m8. Also don't you dare decline your grandmas cooking, unless you're a fucking monster.

Say "ah no thanks I'm trying to lose weight." Then, after thirty minutes of thinking about nothing but those cookies and breaking out in a sweat I help myself to about 80% of them and dream of the day where my sugar addiction is no more. I have gained the will to not go out and get it for myself but my fat family cannot stop shoving sweets in my face and I don't yet have the power to resist when it's right in front of me like that

>implying basedboys would even ride in a position like that
user, they all ride their fixies with no drop and tiny gears barely above walking pace.

this is it right here

If you don't workout enough to eat what you want, you aren't making it.

They were better times. Sometimes I forget it's like 6 years ago.

Jeff pls

I eat them, why the fuck would i not wamt easy calories?

Eat that shit. Yum.