/fph/ starting off with some OC from R*ddit about the movie 1922.
/fph/ Fat People Hate
Other urls found in this thread:
She is confused why she has only lost 3kg in a few months but she eats bacon and avocado salad with aoli and mayonnaise, she doesn’t eat breakfast, she blames Centrelink for bribin her into taking antidepressants, she said I’m not allowed to make fun of fat people when the only reason I was fat was cuz she made me fat and 7 and gave me loads of mental problems that I could not get out of until I got rid of my anxiety and lost the weight but I’m still 80kg. (Use to be more than 120kg.)
I had to stop her from eating leftovers of the kids fish and chips, cuz she just ate sushi for lunch.
She is retarded
Jow Forums is a judgement free-zone. You need to go back.
Mom's can be crazy, but you can't not love her.
>go to planet fitness because its cheap and close
>working on shoulders, just got done with dumbell shoulder press
>final set so I'm tired as fuck
>dont feel like fucking up my back by setting them down lightly so I drop them instead
>fucking lunk alarm activates
>these cunts don't understand that I'm tired as fuck and dont feel like being gentle with pieces of metal
>the people working behind the counter are all DYEL twinks who can't look at 90lbs without being triggered
Kill me
Their burgers are really good, but the fries were incredible dry and the shake was like drinking butter. Considering the cost of the food this place is "go once for the horror show (people clapping and cheering for the monster who weighed over 350lbs), never come back"
I'm heading to Vegas next month. I'm probably not going to eat right while there, but I really have no desire to visit this place. Should I?
i mean you don't have to eat a lot hwen you go there, just order something small and enjoy the show
I watched their video on their website and I think its been a long time since I've been that disgusted
> murica: the story
Goddamn I loved that movie. The main character gave me daddy issues.
This is actually one of the main issues men gain weight. Self esteem issues.
Women on the other hand cannot comprehend that fat = bad and always try to hamster their way out of it.
>Women on the other hand cannot comprehend
Of course they can, they also have self-esteem issues. Their reaction is just absolute denial.
Only people who think they are worthless would let their bodies become that fat.
Shit, I had no idea getting spanked by a midget in a nurses outfit was so easy. Count me in.
that guy has the most punchable face
wow that whole board just discusses which fast food is superior, they dont talk about cooking their own meals at all
>Getting spanked by midgets
I didn't know this was my fetish, thanks
looks like something out of a dystopian horror film.
You should theres a lot of cheap places to eat right outside the city
>Talk with random person I haven't seen in some time
>"Wow user you lost a lot of weight, how did you do that?"
>Tell them I go jogging three times a week for 40 minutes and try not to indulge myself too much
>"Oh y-you know, I'd love to try that but I am *so* busy all the time/have not enough money to eat healthy/..."
Does anyone else get this irritated? It's not so much the same bullshit excuses, I'm used to that. It's the fact that they a) have to make it about themselves, and b) get so intimidated by an obvious answer that they resort to damage control as if I gave a shit about their ego. What's wrong with them?
I had a brilliant exchange like that at a reunion.
>'Wow user you look great. I remember you being chubby, how did that happen? Like what did you do?'
>'I started working out and eating less'
>'I thought maybe you'd gotten surgery because I tried that and it didn't work for me'
She went away to the buffet table after that exchange.
I live outside of the US of A, so bariatric surgery is not so common here. It's confusing how that surgery can "not work", you're literally physically unable to eat less.
Out of curiosity, after how many years did you have reunion? I finished school five years ago and so far haven't heard fuckall from anyone.
t. retarded piece of shit who loves a person that literally gives diabetes to his son on purpose and makes his son suffer PTSD from bullies.
10 years - and I too am not from Murrica.
Also, i worded that incorrectly - I meant to say she tried exercise and eating less and was curious about surgery.
How small are you bud? I'm 137kg and my lean mass is 88kg. Also centrecuck kek
Longcat is loong
Why are fat people so selfish most of the time, it really boggles my mind.
It's starting to infect anime.
oh god, pls no
Sometimes I wonder how there's such an increase in gaylords these past decades, and then I remember what American women look like. Finding their vaginas must be harder, and smellier, than getting those Thai boys out of that cave.
I'm in Japan and saw a fat cunt today with gunts hanging from the side of her knees. She wasn't Japanese, prolly a visiting american or british landwhale, fleshy lumps as pale as a corpse. They shouldn't let these things on planes.
what in the good god damn is that
something that doesn't sufficiently express how unwashed and smelly that thing would be irl.
I don't believe the one in the middle is female, there's more facial hair shadow there than anything I have
Just get out of the inner city, user. Go out to the countryside or something. Foreigners are too lazy or too bad at Japanese to venture outside the cities, and landwhales are even lazier. I'm assuming you're in Tokyo. If so, go to Shinjuku station, hop on the Odakyu line and go to Atsugi, Odawara or Hakone. It'll take a while but you ain't gonna find any Western fatsos there.
Reminder that in a violent fascist uprising, he'd be shot by his "own" side pretty quick
>Nationalstaat kann mann nicht zerbrechen
>Nationalstates can't be broken
Unlike chairs he sits on.
You absolutely, unironically, non-edgily can.
How heavy were they?
If anybody gives you shit just say you think you hurt yourself with their equipment on their property and that they are calling attention to your injury. The alarm will be silent in a split second.
Reminder that these faggots don't represent people how majority holding their political views look like. But it's a brilliant strategy, shifting typical white nationalist image from violent, fit skinhead to fat, ugly piece of shit.
I'm a passionate cook and looked on there a few times, because I hoped to maybe see some interesting content. I literally just dug through heaps of pictures of absolutely disgusting looking fast food and posts from some retards who couldn't cook rice/pancakes/the other shit I learned to cook at age 10.
After that short trip, even a picture of Jow Forums's favorite steamed broccoli and plain chicken felt cleansing for my poor eyes.
Now I don't want to call you an ideologue user, but I'm detecting a slight political bent to your posts. Need to get something off your chest? Maybe 20lbs?
>literally rotting because you're so fat
You really shouldn't disrespect the equipment though.
Some angry nigger prolly has folder titled "fat white nationalists", keeps posting these wastes of oxygen to make himself feel better about his inferior race. Sad.......
Don't assume its gender, shitlord!
That's how they got fat in the first place.
I didn't assume xer gender, just his biological sex
The south may want to wash its yeasty folds first.
Let's face it, there's disgusting lardasses on every side of the political spectrum. Inbred rednecks are as bad as screeching SJWs like trigglypuff.
You can tell he's sucking in his gut too. His stomach probably goes out a little more than twice that far.
t. fat nigger
>graduating High School
Their mother is one evil cunt
I seriously can't tell the difference between white fatties from the south and juggalos.
Look at skeleton boy on the right, his fat excuses for parents are eating all of the benefits they get for him, I guarantee it.
I've worked hard for years to maintain the little candle of faith for humanity I kept after abandoning my "progressive" values. Going to a place like that would be like grabbing a bucket of molten led and dumping it on that tiny flame so that it would never burn again.
the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of the blood supply.
She made sure her daughters are uglier and fatter than she is, and that they'll die of preventable causes before she does. This is an American mother's idea of protecting her kids.
kek that billboard is pretty great