why does he only date “meh” women?
Why does he only date “meh” women?
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Easier to keep them
They're more loyal and more grateful in bed
uggo cope
With the exception of disfigured people, generally the uglier someone is the more promiscuous they are.
Sauce: user's Ass
I want proof to back that up right fucking now or I'm gonna assume you like girls and are a huge fucking faggot.
I heard meh women were more promiscuous
if she breathes...
hot female detected
tits or gtfo
is it possible to breath without having a pulse? I had an argument with someone once about this.
Not really
It’s been proven time and time again that the uglier a woman is, the harder she has to whore herself out to keep men interested
99% of men would gladly play the role of ATM, chauffeur, butler, therapist, babysitter, proofreader, chef, bodyguard, mechanic, handyman, and more for months or years on end to get the more CHANCE to sleep with a 10/10 woman.
But most guys will just scoff & write off an uggo chick who demands even small amounts of investment to spread her legs. It just doesn’t work. She’s gonna push her ass against every guy she meets to keep eyes on herself.
Beautiful women have the least number of sexual partners on average, and are the least likely to have sex outside of commited relationships.
Shit, I was actually talking about this with some cool niggers the other day. Busted girls throw their pussy at everyone.
>Grr! Pretty girls are all just dumb SLUTS anyway!
Is literally what ugly low status chicks (pic related) say to cope and project with actually attractive women
You are ignoring the fact that more attractive women will have more eyes on them and will have to turn down more people. That demands willpower, which is a limited resource.
After a certain age maybe, but younger unattractive chicks are the pickiest females you'll ever meet.
Would you have trouble turning down hideous girls if you could date any number of solid 10s?
>You are ignoring the fact that more attractive women will have more eyes on them and will have to turn down more people
It’s easy as hell for women to turn down dick. They’ve been getting offered dick since they were 11 and some weird guy offered them a ride home from school.
Men require a hefty amount of willpower to turn down decent pussy. And sometimes not so decent pussy.
Thats not a fair comparison. Women are more attracted to ambition, masculinity, and personality, in general, than men are.
You dont need to be good looking as a man to pull a lot of women. It has to do a lot more with personality.
But if youre an ugly woman youre shit out of luck
Women need a good reason to have sex, men just need a good place. One of the most powerful men in the world met his downfall by shoving his cock in a chubby 5/10 jew’s mouth. Yes rich men would be happy to eat fillet minion for almost every meal, but if a grilled cheese sandwich happens by then hey it’s still perfectly tasty too.
Women fuck UP and narrow in value
Men fuck DOWN and across in value
That’s why you see women brag about all the specs and credentials and status and shit of a specific man they fucked while men just brag “Lol I stuck my cock in that girl! Awesome!”.
Pic related
Jow Forums - metaphors & shit that isn't fitness
>Women are more attracted to ambition, ...and personality
>saying this on a fitness forum
But it's true
The ultimate, final, definitive, earth-shattering redpill is the knowledge that beautiful people are the only ones leading a proper life. On average, beautiful people know more beautiful people, and beautiful people are the most friendly, monogamous, wealthy, and intelligent people around. Ugly people’s lives are just piss poor attempts at copying beautiful people, and most “human problems” and “unfortunate truths” do not apply to beautiful people.
Beautiful people also tend to lose their virginity at a later age. Adriana Lima was 27.
what a piss head liar
I am very handsome and I wouldn't call my life great. I married my first gf but all the people I know look mediocre at best and almost all of them are overweight.
I don't think this is a redpoll.
You would stop breathing very shortly after your heart stopped.
>I am very handsome
Prove it.
Fact. There are enough pretty girls who start dating their one and only Chad bf in senior year or college and stay monogamous and have perfect white kids. The most important parts of society aren't degenerate.
wait is he a manlet