itt gains goblins
Itt gains goblins
Why miss??
> "Come on user, just one drink! You're already so in shape, it won't kill you! Have some fun every once in a while like us!"
Jesus just writing this pissed me off that most people's friends and families can be the biggest gains goblins.
>zero calories
>gains goblin
are you retarded or are you bulking?
honestly you have a very toxic mentality user
why spend all your time lifting and looking good if you can't actually socialize with people you care about now and then?
i cant drink and smoke all i want and stay lean 24/7 year all around and make strenght gains any time, maybe its your genetics that suck lol
i can*
I think you think you can but your mistake leads me to believe subconsciously you know you can't.
i dont even speak english i need to use google translate to comunicate loooooooooooool
You are either a fool or have terrible genetics. I know dudes who get drunk every weekend and still have crazy good lean physiques. Drinking doesn’t kill your gains unless you’re a literal alcoholic.
t. no friends
>natural flavor with other natural flavor
Artificial sweeteners can mess with your metabolism
This. Enjoy your bulk having an even worse ratio of fat:muscle than it usually does.
I didn't know that. Is there a place I can read up on foods and things that affect the metabolism?
You calling him a liar ?!
Not at all. I just like learning and getting more detailed information. If I learn something useful today, that means tomorrow I am a better man than today.
I haven't gotten drunk in two weeks. I took a few sips the other day and realized I'm being a fucking retard and poured the rest of the glass out. Wasteful but I need to keep losing weight instead of being stagnant around 160.
Better hope I don't find you
Based. My biggest gains goblin was weed and boy oh boy it took a lot of willpower to drop that shit.
Good on you for making choices that are going to make you happy in the long term user.
Jesus man it pisses me off so much.
>Gonna go see movie with bros
>"Oh man, I'm hungry!"
>"Me too! Oh look, McDonalds!"
>Fine, fuck man but I'm not getting anything
>"user you can't go and not order something it is weird!"
>Yeah I can, watch me
>Go in, order nothing
>Passive aggressive comments the entire time like "You never have fun blah blah blah"
>That same fucking weekend
>Going to a party, already made plans to drink a lot
>"Ooooh user, lets get some burgers!"
>No, I'm already gonna drink empty calories why pile greasy ass burgers on top of that. I can have it, bro.
>"Well I can! Come on, pull through the drive through!"
Fucking normal fags man, obsessed and can't live without instant gratification. No fucking consideration for anyone who is trying to diet. It'd be one thing if they just ate shitty food all the time around you, the fact that they always try and taunt you into eating it too pisses me off. Like they can't stand someone not stuffing their face when they are.
Get off Jow Forums mom
>drinking sparingly kills your gains
wew lad