Just weighed myself in tonight and I'm down to 301lbs when i started back in september i was at 458lbs im feeling...

Just weighed myself in tonight and I'm down to 301lbs when i started back in september i was at 458lbs im feeling really fucking good about this and to top it all off i finally talked to my crush today, nothing major just a bit of small talk but i think she likes me, the smile she had on her face seemed genuine, all in all im feeling good and i hope you guys are feeling good too, god bless

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I had been feeling like shit all week so this sunday was a much needed pick me up

God bless beanbro

God bless you to broskir we're all gonna make it

Are you fasting? My dude

No i haven't giving that a try pretty much im just working out 2 to 3 hours everyday and counting calories as best that i can im sure if i added fasting id lose a lot more weight faster but i really dont know anything about fasting

I'm proud of you buddy

we're all gonna make it, beanbro

Fucking love you guys no joke i dont really have any friends irl and all people on here are really helpful giving me advice and shit

ayo great job beanboi, keep it up

Thanks bro




I'll keep pushing bro believe that

In how much time did you lost that weight ?

I got the membership in september but i didnt start to go daily till November so as far as non stop id say its been 9 months

That’s an average of 17,44lbs/7,91kg per months...
how you do it ? Im on a strict diet right now, between ~ 1900-2100kcal a day, weighting around 102-103kg and it’s not working .... (well, im on my 13th day of diet, lost so far around 1kg, probably muscle and water)
before i used to eat at least 2700kcal a day...

How can you lose almost 2kg a week ? It’s impressive man

Always wondered how tf can you let yourself get to 450 pounds +??? Mental issues?

>im down to 301 lbs
>i think she likes me


I'm currently 365 lbs. What sort of workouts are you doing? Just curious

Why would you choose to become a twink?

> unhealthy livestyle
> lots of other problems
> low t
> low motivation to do anything
> weight goes up
> oestrogen goes up
> feel down all the time still eat all the time
> fat miserable

escaping this downward spiral is hard as fuck. for some people its impossible.
I actualy used steroids and eca-stack (ephidrin coffein aspirin) wich supresses hunger and even cocain to lose weight. not the most healthy and moral way to do this but not as unhealthy as beeing fat your whole life.

Right now most days i do 1 hour of cardio On the cross ramp machine you can raise the incline and resistance on it so it feels like youre running uphill then i lift weight for an hour i do tricep pulldowns, seated bicep curls, i use the row machine the chest press machine and the lat pulldown machine i also do either 100 or 200 situps depending on how i feel ive been mixing it up lately though since april i sometimes do an extra half hour of cardio and a extra half hour of weights.i also stay away from soda and other junk foods i eat only 3 square meals a day i also do my best not to snack at all but sometimes i cant help it i try to keep it healthy tho so when i snack its usually nuts fruit or yogurt i also try my best to. Count calories

Im 6 foot 5 inches i look decent now im still pushing for 200lbs so if she likes me slightly now she'll love me when ive made it, and if she doesn't atleast I'll look good

Shit lol i couldnt be a twink if i tried im 6'5 size 13 shoes and im hairy

My eating habits were horrendous i dont even wanna remember it all. Sometimes i would buy 2 hamburgers in the am before work get to work eat candy drink soda eat chips plus lunch go home eat dinner plus a bunch of snacks well into the night it was awful but thats all over now

I was the same. minus work because I made tons of money early in my live wich lead me to extrem lazyness because there was no need to do anything. I was like a fat untalented version of charly harper without woman. lol

Its crazy how i dont do that shit anymore i cant understand why i did it in the first place

I'll ask in this thread, since the QDDDTOT is slow as fuck.

I'm also an obesefag trying to lose weight, but it's been three days since I don't lose a gram, and yesterday I made sure I was in the correct amount of calorie deficit at the end of the day. What's happening?

stuffing your face with sugary junk, beer and pizza on the couch watching porn and beating your meat is actualy awesome. but its not a good lifestyle

you have to check your body fat percentage. if you go to the gym you will also gain muscle. this shit is heavy. but you are still making progress if you dont cheat all the time and dont do halfassed workout.

I don't lift, I just sometimes do cardio and keep a strict diet. I believe i'm at 32% bf. I should eat around 1800kcal a day to lose weight, which is basically what i ate yesterday, and yet today I'm the same weight as I have been those three days. It's killing me.

Don't rush it i was like that for a time every sunday checking my weight seeing if id lost any pounds getting real upset because my weight was the same, you gotta just take it serious and stay dedicated to it tye changes will come in time you gotta just keep pushing dont let that discourage you, theres alot going on besides just losing weight keep in mind that cardio is really good for your heart and that lifting weights is good for your muscles and joints theres alot of changea going on you just gotta keep at it man

you should start liftig. its way more effective than cardio imo. also the endresult looks better.

Im starting a new no fap this week i dont even really believe in it but i still wanna give a try last time i only lasted 4 days

Stop sitting down all day. If you burn that little being that big you really need to step away from the computer and just go for walks more often. A lot more often.
I'm on my feet most of the day and can easily cut at 2800 kcals, at 81kg down from 86 in 3 months.

I feel its important to do both the cardio definetly helps you lose weight but lifting lets you build muscle which then raises up your metabolism helping you keep the weight off

nofap is total bullshit. just dont watch porn and fap every single day. but if you cant even do 4 days without fapping its maybe ok to train your willpower

yeah its kind of synergetic but I personaly only do maybe 1hour cardio a week and 5 hours of liftig weights.

Does ''salt retention'' or something affect weight loss? I noticed that I like to put a lot of salt in my food (sometimes by mistake). Does it have any impact?

I have no money for lifting, unfortunately. I'm living on a very tight budget.
I have nothing else going on in my life, man. And it's been three days. The only thing I'm putting effort into and i'm failing.

I wish I was /fat/ and could just burn my body fat instead of eating all the time