Whats a martial art that isnt a complete bullshit fucking waste of time
Whats a martial art that isnt a complete bullshit fucking waste of time
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Whatever it is the Rocko Socko does.
BJJ, boxing, muay Thai, some mma gyms, judo
Probably sumo wrestling.
Muay Thai
I would choose something with lots of grapples and deals with joints,
Maybe wrestling or judo
Blind people fighting is pretty cool too
They rely on feeling the other muscles that are going to move when they make contact
You should take this question to a Martial Arts General in /asp/
Shut the fuck up kid, it's OP, he can do as he pleases. He doesn't need to take advice from the gayest poster in all of this hot-glue roleplaying forum
Jogging. The ability to identify and flee a dangerous situation is a hundred times more valuable than any attempt to control the situation when a weapon or a dozen buddies jump in.
hey fucking moron answer the fucking question, OP said he wants to know a MA that is not bullshit, for whatever reasons he has in mind, not a french method to run way, fuck off
I'd say
Freestyle or Greco-Roman wrestling
I agree what's that gay shit up there?
>guy pulls gun
>get shot in the back
No such thing.
Martial arts have always been purely for sport; theres a reason monkeys use a rock to bash each others brains out instead of doing flying dragon kicks and shit. Weapons based martial arts have been obsolete since guns were invented.
>Martial arts have always been purely for sport
Kill yourself.
Wars are won with swords and guns. The only reason to waste years and years becoming a competent martial artist is for sport. You're better off spending your time working out so you can just bulldoze your opponent who also has no formal martial arts training.
Yeah,I mean,when you are peasant and have absolutely no weapon,at hand,like a sword.
And someone comes with you with a weapon,its better to know some sort of a martial art,than know nothing.
Martial arts were developed by poor and peasants.
For self defence against weapons.
Exactly like ninjas were just weak ass farmers
But made up their own ma's to take on their surpressors
Yeah I know.
That's why martial arts were not a sport.
In the past,when they were developed.
Now we don't have some retards on horses and spears raiding shitty little village #1045.
So martial arts became a sport.
Basically anything where most of training consists of sparring after you've learned the basics.
This is exactly the kind of post I would expect to have anime picture attached.
Rex Kwon Do
By the time this thread hits its dead-point, I'll decide who would win according to my own preferences.
You're a fucking idiot, not everyone uses martial arts for fighting people you edgy cockwit
BJJ & Muay Thai. See what the guys at the UFC are doing.
god damn it, that chart is stupid
Kickboxing (western style, not weeb shit)
>Whats a martial art that isnt a complete bullshit fucking waste of time
being a white guy with a gun
the martial art that conquered the world
>guy pulls gun
>use your expert super secret ultra deadly martial arts to defeat him barehanded
>tip fedora and walk away
a post NOT sucking asian dick about how super epic martial arts are?
thats the complete opposite of most posts with anime pictures attached
Any form of grappling.
If you can learn to take a punch and can learn to JJ, BJJ, or any variation. You'll do fine 9/10 times or at the very worse stop yourself from getting your ass beat so badly that you drink through a straw before someone breaks it up.
You also burn more calories grappling than any other physical activity. It can not be measured because you can not grapple for an hour straight. It's always guess work.
The average man can not grapple for 2 minutes straight without tiring out, it's more tiring than any other exercise on the planet.
If you can train so that you can do 5-10 minutes, you'll literally outlive your opponent who is struggling to even breathe. Let alone punch you.
Learn to take some punches, learn how to defend from punches and learn how to take people larger than you down.
If you already grapple and you out weigh someone you'll probably win by default.
That's how I use to win at least when competing in the militaries variation of JJ.
Lost at a Bragg competition a few years back by an SF dude who teaches that shit exclusively. Got one punch dead center of my face that made me see white and had me in ratchet submission soon after.
More like completely clueless post from a person who spent his youth watching anime indoors while other people actually stepped outside the door and learned about history and partook in physical activities.
>this fucking clown bitch didn't include boxing
But thank christ Capoeira is there
Let it roll...
One of these, or Ameri Do Te
boxing isn't a martial art user, that's like saying cheerleading i s a sport
What a gay post.
the people who spend all their time watching anime are usually the ones tipping their fedoras about how martial arts and katanas are better than guns
>Every martial art is a gook one.
Wrestling,Kickboxing,Greco-Roman wrestling,Boxing.
All of these are European ones.
anime isnt real life you fucking idiot
people IRL cant do the shit they do in baki
if it isnt superior japanese martial art folded over 1000 times and used by samurai and ninjas and anime characters then it isnt a real martial art
Yeah, but think a little about it for a minute. People don't have guns in most normal situations. Would you rather be that noodle arm s o i boy, or the ripped grappler? Your choice.
>implying I can't drink a 2-liter bottle of coke and eat a banana before a fight
>implying I can't kick a dweeb in a karate uniform in the face
>implying I can't blow off school to train martial arts all day
>implying I can't have a dad with nice back muscles
>People don't have guns in most normal situations
Visit New York or Montana
Yea go on /a/ and just look at the million boxing, greco-roman wrestling, mma, judo, muay thai and BJJ threads. And I'm sure Gennady Golovkin and Daniel Cormier spend their freetime posting anime girl faces on Jow Forums.
Maybe it's time you open your definition of "martial arts" outside of fucking ninjutsu, which barely even is one.
What if you're ripped and also have a gun? I'm sure the endurance and muscles will help you survive a bullet wound more.
The anons who say you only need,a weapon of some sort.
What happens when I put you in a room,with a man who wants to beat you,and you have no weapon?
Martial arts are made just for these kind of situations.
Because you can't always carry a weapon with you.
Also if you need to carry a weapon with you,when you go outside,you are either a criminal,or live in a shit country.
I think if you're ripped you could probably win any fight with just brute strength no gun needed
>having more muscle/endurance will protect you from a weapon designed to poke holes in muscle
I mean, maybe a little tiny eeny weeny bit, but realistically that's some JRPG thinking right there.
They WILL, however, increase the chance that you can beat the guy to death if he misses with his gun
BJJ really costs a lot of money vs. Judo?
I have an anecdote in pic and there's a video, but I'm not sure if it counts since it wasn't a gun. Still a weapon though.
Ronald Reagan survived gunshots.
The chart is stupid bullshit, ignore it completely.
Also, no. McDojos make you pay a lot for you belt rankings but both of them have the belt ranking system.
This. Jocko is the man.
The martial arts that are good are as follows: boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, kyokushin karate, judo, sambo, wrestling and brazillian jujitsu.
Wing Chun is the only martial art you should choose.
and freestyle wrasslin
I agree. Ultra Instincts is the best fighting style, but it's not respected IRL.
I think sprinting would be better for fleeing danger, lad.
You are pulling contrived situations out of your ass.
>and you have no weapon?
You fool. A weapon is anything that's either sufficiently heavy or sharp. Any room except for a bare one has weapons all over the place. But why would I be in a bare room with a maniac who wants to kill me? Why don't I just use the door and leave?
>you are either a criminal,or live in a shit country
What an evil man I am. I want a means to protect myself. I must be a criminal. Or I should move to a place where nobody and nothing will ever try to hurt me.
Just relax with the martial arts shit. Everything short of a rifle is a waste of time. Do what you want and see how applicable you can make it.
Muay thai
Oof, TBI. That's unfortunate even if the guy was a dickhead
But for OP, just be big and try to make your fights on pavement. Go for a high crotch and slam that fucker
I understand what you are trying to say
It is true,that hand to hand combat is worthless,when someone has a gun,and can shoot you.
If they have a knife,and you know some martial art,maybe you can live,but if they have a gun you are dead.
>You fool. A weapon is anything that's either sufficiently heavy or sharp.
You are right,your hands can also,knock out opponents.
If he gets in your face,and starts threatening you,you wont be able to find time for a weapon,you must act now.
>You are pulling contrived situations out of your ass.
But why would I be in a bare room with a maniac who wants to kill me? Why don't I just use the door and leave?
You are pulling contrived situations out of your ass.
You are retarded.
>what happens if I put you in a room with a man who wants to beat you and you have no weapon
that is an extremely realistic situation which happens to me everyday
>you must act now
Okay, I run. Am I allowed to do that? Is there something else you're going to add to the situation?
>You are retarded.
Your scenario is to put someone in a room with a man who "wants to beat you" and took away all my options for weaponry. How am I the retard? Of course I'd use my hands if there was nothing nearby. But I'd much rather use a handgun or a hammer or anything else. You're missing the point
If you want to learn a martial art, learn one. If you want it to be applicable to a real fight, there's resources posted in the thread. What more do you want?
what happens if i put you several hundred metres away from someone with a rifle trying to kill you and you try to use martial arts?
weapons are made for just these kind of situations
because you cant always use martial arts
also if you need to dedicate a lot of time to learning how to fight then you are either a criminal or live in a shit country
im pretty sure he is either autistic or literally 12 and just got done with a shonen anime marathon
Your scenario is to put someone in a room with a man who "wants to beat you" and took away all my options for weaponry. How am I the retard? Of course I'd use my hands if there was nothing nearby. But I'd much rather use a handgun or a hammer or anything else. You're missing the point
That's what I was trying to say.
You can't always guarantee you will have a weapon,but you can always know,if you can do a martial arts or not.
Its much easier to get a weapon,and stab/shoot,but if you need a weapon for your daily life,you live in a shithole,or in the forest with animals.
Every man must know how to punch,kick,and wrestle.
>12 and just got done wit ha shonen anime marathon
The deadliest combination. That should be a registered martial art.
no martial art is a complete bullshit waste of time as you get to move your body, know it better, control it better and know and interact with others better.
if you ever need to use the martial art then it has been a complete waste of time (because you couldn't defuse the situation before it escalated)
can you learn how to fucking quote people holy shit
I keep thinking the other guy is just double posting but then I read a bunch of retardation afterwards and realise its you
if you need to learn how to fight for your daily life you live in a shithole or in the forest with animals
>Every man must know how to punch,kick,and wrestle.
That's not a bad phrase to live by. There's a lot of things every man should know how to do. Self defense is definitely one of them.
>if you need a weapon for your daily life,you live in a shithole,or in the forest with animals.
I like how you point out the necessity for a means of self defense, but then shut down a more efficient means of self defense than the one you want most. Why can't I carry a weapon that I can use well?
And for god's sake, why do you keep forgetting to add a space after a comma?
this is who you're talking to
>Priority 1: Fist to face during practise if not in competition. Usually identified by gloves.
>Priority 2: Some form of ground fighting, locks and/or ground 'n pound
The issue with overall styles is that there's too much to practise in sessions, you'll be good at none of them, although better than an amateur. It's so much better to have background in one aspect and then adapt into an overall style.
this is a joke right?
What is it with you guys,and your cope?
My point was that if you are stripped away from your weapons,its better to know a martial art,than not to know one.
All you need is the very basics of wrestling,and kickboxing,that's it.
You don't need to be an Olympic champion.
Whatever,you can do whatever you want.
If someone takes away your weapons,you are worthless,and defenseless.
>if you need to learn how to fight for your daily life you live in a shithole or in the forest with animals
Fighting animals with your fist,is retarded.
I love this shit.
>a jab can't tear paper
>so it is bad
Dude, I 100% agree with lines 2-5. But I'd much rather box a little and save money for a good concealed holster than BJJ and Muay Thai like a pro and have no way to outdraw someone.
And I would much much rather have a rifle, a handgun, a knife, a striking style, a grappling style, and something extra focused on takedowns. I might actually get there one day, who knows. But first thing's first, I want a gun. And if your personal safety is at stake, so should you.
>That's not a bad phrase to live by. There's a lot of things every man should know how to do. Self defense is definitely one of them.
We agree that self defense is important.
Oh,I am all for guns,I will one day get a gun for myself too.
I just think that if you need a gun,or a knife,for your daily life,you live in a shithole.
The gun is much more dangerous than martial arts,a group of people can stop you,even if you know martial arts,if you have a gun,and they don't.
They wont be able to stop you.
The gun is for really dangerous situations.
We're arguing over agreements at this point. Good night, mate.
Start with good old fashioned boxing. Move on to Muay Thai. There's my recommendation.
the whole point of that post was to point out how retarded your arguments are
you keep saying the other user must live in a shitty place for wanting to carry a gun (a means of self defence) with him and then you say he should instead practice martial arts, an inferior way of defending yourself than using a gun
>but what if in my imaginary hypothetic scenario you had no weapons and were locked in an empty room with nothing in it and there was a guy who wanted to fight you and you had to use your barehands
that is fucking stupid, that has no basis in reality and the fact that you tried to use it as an argument is beyond retarded
No,I don't disagree with guns,I like them.
I just think that its better to know a martial art than not to know one.
No one can take away your knowledge of martial art,when you learn one,but people can take away your guns.
Maybe someone will steal it,maybe your job is so retarded,that having a gun,will make you unemployed.
Dude chill, boxing isn't even a martial art, get over it.
>people can take away your guns
lmao, I would like to see them try
fuckin government niggers
>every country in the world has the same laws as america
And you do realise that effective use of a sword requires training in a "sword martial art"? You dont just pick up a sword and instantly know how to use it without training
ezy peasy lemon squezy just stick it with the pointy end
Make me deadly
Is karate a meme? I'm thinking about starting either karate or judo. maybe both at the same time?