I'm taking maybe a 6 month break from Protein Shakes

I'm taking maybe a 6 month break from Protein Shakes.

Are Amino Acids Supplements a better and healthier alternative?

Attached: animo-acids.jpg (600x490, 207K)

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Honestly 99% of supplements are bullshit. Don't buy another ounce of protein powder. Get your protein through your diet. I only use two supplements.
1. Creatine
2. Pre-workout
That's it.
You're just a bitch

Besides living off egg whites and chicken how am I supposed to get 200g of protein on 1700 calories??

Whole grain pasta

If you're that retarded then stick to protein powder.
But if you're only a little bit retarded then Google highest protein foods and incorporate the top 10 into your diet. I'm guessing you don't cook though.

post height and weight faggot
you're most likely overestimating how much you really need

I'd use to also eat after taking the shake in aprox 1 hour after. Main meal consists of minced beef, rice and spinach

Short answer: No.

Long answer: For the most part, your body will break down the protein you eat from food or shakes into the various amino acids it needs.

The main point of BCAAs is to attempt to preserve muscle mass while on a cut. The theory being, your body won't think it needs to break down muscle to get amino acids if those amino acids are already present in your system.

If you're on a bulk, however, then BCAAs are basically just expensive protein powder.

Other individual amino acids (basically anything that starts with "L-") can help with certain other body functions, but unless you already know your diet is deficient in a certain amino acid (e.g. you're a vegan faggot) then your body will break down the protein you eat from food (or shakes) into the various amino acids it needs.

6’2” 209lbs
According to what I’ve read I need at least 1-1.5 grams per pound of body weight

I do cook, but it seems like all the high protein stuff generally has a lot of calories. If I cook anything besides the two I mention I already used up like half of my days calories it seems like

Sure but you are supposed to consider your lean body mass not your actual weight when consuming protein. I doubt you have 0% body fat, you are most likely somewhere from 16-25 body fat. You'll need to figure out how much fat you're carrying if you wanna be precise. Estimating it is fine just dont bullshit yourself into thinking you're really low bf. So at 16% bf you would need about 175g of protein. Any excess will just be converted into glucose.

how much protein should i get if i weight 73kg?

I just got my new results today and I’m at 19.3% body fat at 204.4lbs

So basically that rule applies to how much muscle I have in pounds not actual weight overall? According to the scan I currently have 95.5lbs in skeletal muscle mass

There is part of my report. What numbers should I pay extra attention to?

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Amino acids are protein you retard.

Don't pay attention to any of it because inBody scans are wildly inaccurate

Fuck sake. 0.76g per lb is way more than enough. The 1 - 1.5 meme was LITERALLY made up by supplement companies for THIS EXACT reason you're complaining about.

So how am I supposed to get an accurate body fat percentage calculation then?

I remember asking people on here about cutting same goes for reddit even both places said “HURR DURR READ THE STICKY” and both sticky’s say that shit

You're getting tricked by a business. Nobody needs that much protein. I used to consume around 200g of protein on ~2500cals, then decreased it to around 100g. I didn't notice a difference in body fat, strength, or muscle. Plus I'm now getting much more vitamins, minerals, & fiber.

Its literally the same but in smaller doses and its more expencive.

Caliper test and hydrostatic are the most accurate. Anything that does 3D imaging is Ok too.

>nuts and whole grain pasta
are you retarded or just stupid? kys

Fucking retard. Gfys


around ~12:00 is when Arnold says he shoots for the 1g per lb of body weight

arnold obviously isn't a sports nutritionist retard

the man does some juice user