Jaw gains

Is this legit?
I don't even want a monster of a jaw that guy got after two years. I could have a decent one in 12 months if I chew gum like him on top of lifting or is this fake?
Also, general jaw thread.

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I'm so glad i breathed through my nose throughout my youth.

>Is this legit?
No. You can't make your jaw bones grow any more than you can make your leg bones do the same. You can't "bodybuild" your way into a bigger jaw either. The most you can do is rest your lower jaw at a different position other than your natural biting position, which is as pathetic and useless as standing on your toes and has the added bennefit of fucking up your teeth (surgery and braces are the only way to change your bite).

100% true.
This is why people that wear a small plastic appliance that lightly pushes on the bottom of your mouth( so light that you can't even feel it after a couple of days) have they jaw and pallet grow so much they get fingertip sized gaps between molars

>citation needed

Read this:

And look at her fucking jaw gains:

fuck that 2nd link got me scared
just spit my gum, ey fug dis shit mane

>got some falim gum
>its really soft and easy to chew


natural growth. simplest and most probable explanation, his meme, "exercises" did nothing to influence natural process.

>The functional matrix hypothesis was popularized by Melvin Moss in 1962.[5] This theory said that neither bone nor cartilage is a major determinant of growth but soft tissue is. His view stated that as soft tissues around the jaw and face grow, bone and cartilage follow the growth of these soft tissues. Dr. Profitt in his Contemporary Orthodontics textbook[6] gave a good example of impact of brain growth on the cranial vault. He states that when the soft tissue of brain grows, the cranial vault follows the growth. Another example is hydrocephaly where increased intracranial pressure leads to increased size of the cranial vault. He also mentioned that when a condylar fracture happens in children there is a chance of about 80% that the condyle will regrow over time. However, 20% of the time the condyle does not regrow because of the extent of the injuries. The extent of trauma and soft tissue scarring can impact the healing of the fractured condyle and thus it shows the functional matrix theory working naturally in real life.[7]
Functional matrix theory states that growth of both maxillary and mandibular bones are dependent of the functional needs of tissues around the bone

>Functional matrix theory states that growth of both maxillary and mandibular bones are dependent of the functional needs of tissues around the bone
Sounds interesting, need to research moar! Thanks, user :)

All those people that get paralyzed and then after a few years have major deformations in their skeletal structure just experienced natural growth right?

Jewish mods don't want you to know about this hidden knowledge

Their skeletal structure turning into that of a deformed crone is just genetics bro!

Attached: Cathedral of Mew.jpg (1104x828, 333K)

This is the conventional wisdom but we're seeing that this isn't the case.

I just want to point out while this guy might have gotten those gains natty...

He has mentioned on Lookism that he got further surgeries done after that jaw ascension. I think he got a couple of fat grafts mainly. People said he looked really good after the grafts but he always used some shitty image board that would remove the pics.

So yeah, could be natty but just thought I'd let you know that he's had experience with cosmetic work. If he did get something done, it looks like a chin wing + implants.

Or it's just godlike chewing and mewing. You decide.

>face has muscles
>muscles can be worked out
>face can get a stronger look by working it out

seems so true

he finished going through puberty dumbass

The second article is a scare up front but this is a fitness board. If you used something all day everyday no shit joints would wear out. We know this already it’s like when people who run every day for hours and need knee replacement at 40.

What that lookism guy did seems overkill I’d say play it by ear chew every other day or even less and just use progressive overload like we would any other muscle. Try and go for shorter durations

t. brainlet.

Learn anatomy, bucko

You're fucking retarded, bub. Chewing gum is proven to build the masseter muscles and likely builds the temporalis, as well. It can abolutely, 100% result in a wider jaw.
OP pic doesn't serve as proof because he clearly went through puberty from picture to picture, but mastic gum would be the thing to use. Additionally, although they are a meme, neck lifts will actually activate jaw muscles and are a good compliment to a daily gum routine.

>Chewing gum is proven to build the masseter muscles and likely builds the temporalis, as well
where? where it was proven? you know, just because some guy on the internet said so, doesn't mean it was proven.

This. The fact that so many people have their minds blown over "mew"ing honestly baffles me. It seems so alien to me to rest my tongue on the bottom of my mouth

>daily gum routine
post routine pls

Jaw gains are legit. BONE gains are not.
Put a finger against your jaw and clench your teeth. Obviously the more you work your jaw muscles, the bigger they'll be at rest.

>BONE gains are not.
Can you cite that? Did you read the stuff cited/linked in this very thread? I share your opinion, but it seems it might be wrong.

>Idiopathic hypertrophy of the masseter muscle is a rare disorder of unknown cause. Some authors associate it with defective teeth, habit of chewing gum, temporo-mandibular joint disorder, congenital and functional hypertrophies, and emotional disorders (stress and nervousness).

Habitual gum chewers 1. do not regulate use, and 2. do not time sides, which causes problematic hypertrophy of the masseter. It's like being addicted to curling on only one side, it would be problematic. But if you control your use and treat it like any other exercise, you can 100% build the masseter by chewing gum, widening the jaw and in turn sculpting the jawline.

bruh seriously? time under tension is what builds muscle. Chewing more = more muscle use

t. dumb faggot

>time under tension
I hope this is bait......

thanks. i think i will do a little experiment with gum chewing, i'm 23 so there should be no interference from growth. Have any more tips for those jaw gains? :)

Unironically, and surprisingly: neck lifts. Lay on a bench with your head hanging over. Lay a flat weight (start LIGHT) on your face and hold it in place. Then, lower your neck back slowly and and raise to tuck your chin into your chest. 20 reps/set, 3 sets. Activate your jaw and neck at the same time. I saw gains from this quickly.

>Unironically, and surprisingly: neck lifts. Lay on a bench with your head hanging over. Lay a flat weight (start LIGHT) on your face and hold it in place. Then, lower your neck back slowly and and raise to tuck your chin into your chest. 20 reps/set, 3 sets. Activate your jaw and neck at the same time. I saw gains from this quickly.
really appreciate it man. Will try this for a few months :D

>:) :D
Don't do that.

:0 why not? :) :-)

Because you're a faggot dB^)

Attached: 1531054260095.jpg (761x1024, 51K)

>Because you're a faggot dB^)



I fucking hate you people

Chew two gums simultaneously, one on each side. Rest a few minutes in between like you would with gym sets. Train every other day with rest day in between. Massage your jaw muscles and stretch them every day. Jaw muscle hypertension can cause chronic headaches among other things.

Bones are calcified, they cannot grow. No other bone grows when you work out (ie your femur doesn't grow even when you're squatting 600lb), so why would your jaw?

thank you kind stranger :-))))))))))

>Bones are calcified, they cannot grow. No other bone grows when you work out (ie your femur doesn't grow even when you're squatting 600lb), so why would your jaw?
jaw is made from muscle, fucking brainlet

How to braces work?

>How to braces work?
they don't. its yet another scam orchestrated by kikes to make some shekels

Yea this even when i was sick trying to sleep as a kid i stll breathed through my congested nose because it felt right to me

why does it blow your mind. People have gaps in their knowledge as a result of poor upbringing. Are you 100% sure you don't have any gaps in your knowledge that other people would find ridiculous? Everyone does.

how can bones degenerate then? How can 30yr olds literally widen their jaw bones significantly with a small plastic "stick" that exerts some very light pressure over less than a year

I've done it for 12-13 months now and my transformation was kinda similar (although not that drastic). I can post pics if you fags wanna see

>I can post pics if you fags wanna see
Im a fag and i want to see your pics. Seriously bro, its interesting to see what kind of effect mewing gave you, post them!

Mewing is literally the exact opposite of resting your tongue on the bottom of your mouth.

>Mewing is literally the exact opposite of resting your tongue on the bottom of your mouth.
cope. no it isnt

blur your face out if you must, but please share the jaw gain pics as inspiration.


Interested. Been chewing/mewing for 2 months but grown a beard in that time.

studies show mouth breathing promotes less in depth thought than nose breathing. i would link but you can suck me off

Pretty sure this is what it is, my jaw changed pretty significantly between 20 and 22 and I didn’t do any meme jaw exercises.
