Any of you retards have some information concerning the effectiveness of muscle retention of 0 calorie fasting vs a...

Any of you retards have some information concerning the effectiveness of muscle retention of 0 calorie fasting vs a regular 500 calorie deficit cut?

I'm really good at just not eating and i'm too lazy to count calories so i would really like it if i could just not eat for 4 days and lose some fat without it impacting muh gains.

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Just do DNP

>unironically eating rat poison

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Say goodbye to your gains then

>you can't get lean without eating rat poison

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what the fuck are you asking

if you don't eat at least 0.8g/lean lbs of protein a day your body will catabolize your gains, period

stop being a fat piece of shit with no self-control and commit to a long-term healthy lifestyle change. you've fucked yourself up and you have a long way to go, yeah. stop trying to cheat. grind.

>if you don't eat at least 0.8g/lean lbs of protein a day your body will catabolize your gains, period
the amount of broscience in this fucking post was astounding
also i'm at ~15% bodyfat my main
i can see my abs easily

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Been there, done that. Fasting+EC stack is much less miserable than DNP.

>EC stack

Effedrine Caffeine, you new?