Any of you retards have some information concerning the effectiveness of muscle retention of 0 calorie fasting vs a regular 500 calorie deficit cut?
I'm really good at just not eating and i'm too lazy to count calories so i would really like it if i could just not eat for 4 days and lose some fat without it impacting muh gains.
if you don't eat at least 0.8g/lean lbs of protein a day your body will catabolize your gains, period
stop being a fat piece of shit with no self-control and commit to a long-term healthy lifestyle change. you've fucked yourself up and you have a long way to go, yeah. stop trying to cheat. grind.
Michael Rodriguez
>if you don't eat at least 0.8g/lean lbs of protein a day your body will catabolize your gains, period the amount of broscience in this fucking post was astounding also i'm at ~15% bodyfat my main i can see my abs easily
“im just natty so i can’t take OTC medicine to help with a cut”
newfag detected lurk more
Dylan Perry
m8 test here is OTC medication you can also die from a paracetamol overdose which is also OTC why are you trying to be mean for no reason friend
Charles Turner
so based on this chart what would be most efficient? a five day fast before starting your new strength cycle or what?
Juan Ramirez
I did a 7 day fast and lost about 3-4 reps on all my lifts the next week, following a 2 day carbohydrate refeed, and since I went back to cutting it's yet to come back anyone saying fasting is muscle sparing is a memelord, don't believe their lies
Caleb Campbell
thanks for the info m8
Xavier Martin
i prefer fasts because theyre actually less painful than eating at a deficit and remove the need to count calories. also, lets you get back to business way faster
Ryan Richardson
how long do you do them for notice any loss of strength gains?
Gabriel Reyes
5 days of fasting whenever i feel like im getting too fat and then slowly reintroducing food over 3 days about 5kg down on all lifts but i regain it in two weeks max i also like doing 1 set of heavy compounds, but dunno if beneficial at all
Henry Morgan
I do Omad or full fast on days I dont train and keep 18/6 on days I do train. Usually train fasted and pig out after working out. This worked for me to get down to 11% from 15% in about 1 month while staying actually gaining about 0.3-0.4 of muscle
Josiah Sanders
Lookup prolonged fasting and GH levels.
Parker Kelly
how the hell do people actually do 18/6 though i have a hard time spacing out 3.5k calories over 3 meals let alone in 2
Carson Howard
oil, lots of oil >tfw hungry on a bulk
Christopher Miller
damn this is some interesting shit i think'll try fasting every sunday or something i lift every monday wednesday friday so i shouldn't go empty after lifting
Carson Butler
what kind? do you just drink it?
Luis Wood
well I'm kinda lucky there since I'm only 5'8 70kg 11% so I dont need to eat that much. And I'm okay with going up in weight very slowly as well as staying ripped. Honestly I wouldnt even mind staying at this weight forever. I just have way more energy and need way less sleep like this than when bulkin/cutting. Different goals I guess. Also, this might be broscience, but for me at least I noticed calories from healthy sources ( not processed, no sugars, no gluten, no pasteurized milk) keep me way leaner and help me build more muscle than the exact same calorie count but with worse shit. Also regulating minerals/vitamin deficiencies helped me tons. Boron + magnesium specifically
Brody Roberts
Body recognizes fat as one of the most important things it can store, because it'll only attempt to use it when it has nothing else. Your body thinks that, when you're cutting down you're starving, like you were stranded in a cave. For it, your fat gives the most energy and it's the most important fuel it can get, so it prefers to burn it last. It'll burn glycogen, then protein (muscles), then fat. If you go on a diet with little-to-no protein, your body will attempt to consume your muscles, because it has nothing else and it wants to leave fat for last (that means, the body thinks you're starving, so it tries to be as economic as possible). Long fasting is best for fatties with no muscle that want to kickstart their fitness lifestyles.
Cooper Bailey
This is 10000% bullshit your body does not go into starvation mode over a few day period unless you're auschwitz tier skinny
gtfo with your bro science bullshit
Justin Rogers
the only way your body will use up muscle before fat is if you are under ~8% bf as a guy or if you are bed ridden and can't move. Being in/near ketosis prefast and doing some light cardio will help you preserve even more muscle mass.
Why would I want to give advice to some shitstain that starts his post with "Do any of you retards" Way to ask for help you immature man child.
Jaxon Cox
See this is why you are so despised. You are a sneak and a worm. Do yourself a favor,end your life you miserable slug. You will never achieve any kind of happiness in your life
Brayden Carter
Got your degree in made up bullshit i see
Carson Martinez
i did a 7 day fast and kept all my gains after my refeed. anyone who says fasting isnt muscle sparring is a memelord.