>girls ohp 1 plate for reps nowadays
wtf when did girls get this strong? its getting hard to keep up :/
Girls ohp 1 plate for reps nowadays
Girls nowadays are straight up losers who use steroids / other illegal "supplements" for mass / strength gains.
Most of them are on some form of anavar.
That’s a big bitch, OP.
I can add 10kg to my press by abusing the stretch reflex too. Dead stop or fuck off.
Girls don't do it; a vanishingly small minority of girls do.
I can do 225 for a couple reps but fuck... she looks natty too so what the fuck is going on here?
huh I get the same reps at that weight but quite a bit easier. This just puts it in perspective for me, she's huge for a chick and can just make that while I still think I'm small for a dude and get the same.
>be woman
>tell doctor 'want to be man'
>get prescribed test
>get strong af
>current year
>not knowing the difference between OHP and push press
1pl8 for rep is like the peak of what most natty women can achieve though, you'll almost never see it irl
This. She even had to push press it after she unracked it
Listen here you fuck
1. A belt adds probably 20-40% to any lift, so subtract ~30%, 30kg.
2. Bounce reflex adds 10-20%, subtract ~15%, 15kg
3. Wrist wraps add 10-15%, subtract ~10%, 10kg
so legitimately it is a 45kg OHP which is normal for any person
push press followed by stretch reflex press arent' ohp
(i'm just being a cunt mirin' hard)
the later reps were ohp
first one was push only
Accurate, although I think 1pl8 is actually a little above average for western males. Though not for lifters of course.
>1. A belt adds probably 20-40% to any lift, so subtract ~30%, 30kg.
>3. Wrist wraps add 10-15%, subtract ~10%, 10kg
literally 0 IQ
good job being this fucking retarded
>30% of 1pl8 is 30kg
45kg probably still more than you LOL
with a belt, wrist bands, doing a push press, for 1 set, on anavar
crazy shit op
If anyone is upset by this its because they are weaker than this literal girl
she's also competing in a tested fed so...
>implying "tested" means shit nowadays
user i...
the term "girl" is irrelevant nowadays, everyone now uses roids, it's astronomically difficult to even be as strong as the strongest females in the world, actually somewhat impossible.
What is the thing on her knee and why would she be wearing it?
Was satisfying see her do that last push, also what is "1 plate" ? sorry im new to fit terminology
Louie Simmons has his roidbeasts compete in tested. He talks about how they dodge testing in a Rogan podcast. I hate to burst your bubble, but they just stop taking anavar a week out and piss clean.
It's a knee sleeve brainlet. Probably has a knee injury or somethin'
Well.. wrist wraps, bouncing the first rep, even a fucking belt just for 60kg.
Probably even on anavar or a genetic freak.
Good for her but im not impressed.
Why does this bitch look like George Leeman's ex-girlfriend
nice and sloppy braphog
>tfw used to do 80kg OHP for reps
>new program has bench and close grip bench before OHP
>back down to 65kg OHP now
i hate muscle fatigue
This thread reeks of cope, you bunch of weak pussies
>what is "1 plate"
A single 45lb plate on each side of the barbell
lol in her fed they randomly test all throughout the year. not saying she's natty (cuz I know she probably isn't), but it's possible that she might be imo
>Wrist wraps add 15%?
>A belt adds probably 20-40% to any lift
woah nelly
do you even lift?
Im sorry, but this guy is right. PLGers btfo
Who is this brapper?
>mfw a girl has my strength at a lower bodyweight
For a total weight of 90lbs. A lot of people that are new to lifting make the mistake of counting the bar.
then why is it called 1plate?
yep so she probably cant even do 1 press from a deadstop
and then there's a smaller percentage of people that don't take in to account the holes in the plate which is minus ~2kg each side
that doesn't really mean shit. They all know the sport wouldn't exist without the drugs so it's sort of a joke the whole thing, even if the testing is "random" they still know about it well beforehand
She's not activating her glutes. Her form is all over the place.
the argument makes sense but the math shows that you need to go back to 3rd grade
I wanna jerk off who is she?
Because '1 hexagon' or '1 circle' are not universal, due to the existence of the other.
No they dont know about it and if you miss 2 tests in a row you get banned. But no ones gonna pick up past drug abuse and im not really sure how people can maintain those gains for months/years.
Looks pretty brappy, who this?
you can see her clenching
put dick in butt on at the top of the lift, and then get smashed when she clenches!
there has to be a porn of this somewhere
She also is using straps, a belt, and there's a 90% chance she's a competitor with a trainer/program.
So sure.
>45kg OHP which is normal for any person
thats a push press not an ohp
Looking at her, she’s pressing half her bw. If you have to be that fat to press 1 plate just sign up for competitive basket weaving. Clearly strength sports are not for you.
She did zero OHP reps. The first rep was a push press and the rest were bounced OHP and at least some were not full rom.
That said, she's still stronger than most guys I see at the gym.
her wilks is 495 with a meet kg of 552, meaning she weighs about 83kgs/180ish lbs
stay jelly, dyel
Hey buddy you just roll in from stupid town?
>she looks natty too
Yeah for a man
Why wear belt during OHP?????
>A belt adds probably 20-40% to any lift..
A belt protects you. Period. I could only add the fact that it gives you confidence for not going to snap city easily. But the shit is not a magical lifting tool.
>45kg OHP is normal for any person
Do you even lift?
>But the shit is not a magical lifting tool.
It is for people who don't know how to engage their core properly without it
>she did zero reps
the absolute state of strict form fags, you're just mad that a female is ohping more than you
i used to wear a belt for the last set or so when i was 140lbs and OHPing 130 3x5. my core is a lot weaker than my delts
"men" on here are weak as shit, I think most of Jow Forums can't even bench 2 plate since it's full of losers from Jow Forums and Jow Forums. They can come up with an infinite amount of excuses when girls lift more than them
shes mentally ill
>Inb4 projecting
Seriously only normies would believe this is legitimate.
If any man was blasting as much gear as she is theyd be in pro territory. We'd all be pressing 315.
Damn this guy hit the wall pretty quick
yeah dude that's what happens the drug committee told us so, it's impossible to roid
Then why is she struggling with a 1pl8 ohp? Because she’s weak and fat, right? Don’t give me the wilks bullshit when memelifters cheat the rom on all 3 lifts. It means literally nothing.
>tfw could do this as a 140 lbs 15 year old without steroids or having to push press the first rep
Lmao women are weak, how sad is it to trade your fertility to still be that weak? Lmao how embarrassing
Tell us who this is, for the love of god.
Does set order significantly affect gains? For example, I do squat and deads on the same day? Are my deads suffering from squatting first?
Who is this?
Honestly looks like a girl I've seen in person at the gym. Anavar queen.
lol I could rep 1pl8 ohp after a few months of trying. and not just 1-2 shit form reps with belt and wraps and everything but 8-12 solid slow reps
Sharon Braphog.
Also noice trips
>she looks natty too
let me clue you in, shes probably not
>A belt protects you. Period
Strongly disagree. The belt gives more core support allowing you to focus more effort on the primary muscles. You will always lift heavier and for more reps belted. It's not magical sure, but when you are doing a max lift everything helps
I've legit never seen a jacked girl irl.
Stop trying to demoralize on the internet you dweeb
belt is not for protection and it isnt protecting you, it is there to tighten your core and push abs against
now stop being idiot who wears this shit doing 1pl8 squats
> (OP)
Honestly I find her ass pretty unattractive. It's boxy and muscular like a man's ass. Girls should not use AAS.
no. her problem is that she has a fat ass instead of a muscle ass
And that's a bad thing?
>I think most of Jow Forums can't even bench 2 plate
I'm trying man. I was just extremely weak when I started and now my 1RM is 1.5 plate for bench.
There was that thing in elite level CrossFit where they did "random testing" that the athletes knew about some weeks in advance because of the logistics of catching them unaware. (Someone has to be able to report where you are in order for them to come and randomly test you).
If the athlete wasn't clean they would be out of town or on a plane or otherwise unavailable for a while. The documentary said the same thing as you user; everyone knows the "sport" would fall apart if the testing actually mattered. It's just a stunt to fool brainlets and kids.
DYEL detected. Please fuck off this board forever.
belt adds nothing on OHp and personally for me stretch reflex makes about 1-2 kg at most for 1RM on OHP
also, she's roiding and still only manages to get 1pl8
not on ohp, you dyel
Imagine being this fucking retarded
Yes. Try switching them round next week and see what happens.
With that said, it doesn't mean you can't benefit from doing both on the same day.