I’ve heard a lot about sausages...

I’ve heard a lot about sausages. Some say they’re the literal worst meat you can possibly eat if you’re trying to make gains. Others say they’re a viable alternative to things like steak and chicken breast.

What’s Jow Forumss take on the meat tube?

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nice for ass cancer gains.

Sausage can be made from anything

thats like asking "is food good for you? I heard its unhealthy as fuck but some people swear by it"


Sausage is made up of any grinded up part of a pig smushed in a tube

tell me how i know you're american

sausage has apt of fat and not much protein. A link will give you like 10g protein and 25+g fat. Not very efficient from a macro perspective

They vary in quality, most of them are highly processed and should be avoided desu,although some are ok I suppose. Eat them by all means but don't make them the main feature of your meal

It's good for you once in a while, just like any other kind of meal. Having a good balanced diet and eating diversely is more important that concentrating on certain dishes. Eating it every day, however, will be worse.

You americans are the dumbest.
I go to my local butcher, pretty expensive but its worth it, they have the 98% meat pork,boar and deer sausage, remaining % are just spices.
No cancer you dipshit.
Chicken from the supermarket or KFC you eat by the tons thats being fed with s o y and corn that will give you cancer.

Sausages from third world countries/USA tend to be garbage meat grinded down and stuffed into a tube of barely edible plastic.

Sausages from Europe, specifically Scandinavia and Germany, are made from higher quality meat and has reasonable macros that make them an appropriate food for bulking... or cutting if you still make sure to be in a calorie deficit

Also you can bake the good quality sausage or put it on foreman grill so its healthier than frying.

Soi protects against cancer though. This statement makes no sense.

I'm just eating some high quality bear sausage. Suck it Americanos.

German sausages tend to be made from high quality products with no preservatives. Avoid the British variety.

I go through a pack of Johnsonville Four-cheese Italian sausage once a week (or the beer brat if I wanna change it up). That shit's delicious plus it fits right in my keto macros. The one thing I've been told to avoid is nitrates which Johnsonville I know claims to be nitrate free. So there...

>Scandinavia and Germany
Can attest against this, Lidl is dominant with their garbage there so I recommend Slavic sausages though.

>98% meat
dont they need more fat to bind?

you understand that meat has fat right?

>Lidl is dominant with their garbage there
no one under 75 who isn't from the middle east shops at lidl in scandinavia

just dont make them the primary protein source and youll be fine
eating 1 a day wont do any harm

i do. they have good produce for cheap.

Can't beat a good fry up for breakfast.

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ton of sat fat
ton of nitrates
not much protein

Its shit meat. They are not as bad if you make them yourself or have a trusted butcher make them for you.


Ass cancer is the true redpill

Yeah, but compared to 99% lean chicken breast a sausage is like eating a stick of butter

How true is that? What is sausage is fresh and not smoked?

muh dik

poor people shop there

WTF is... ass cancer?

anything below 82% pork is trash.
fuck you, richmond sausages and your tubby custard looking sausage "meat"

colon cancer

>calls americans stupid
>still buys his wurst and sausage from a butchers
>instead of making it in his own home from meat he killed and butchered himself

actually made me kek, good job user

Sausages from a reputable butcher will be about 80% lean meat, and that's the only time you should eat them. Most sausages from a supermarket range from 20-40% connective tissue and the rest are bulking agents like breadcrumbs and cornstarch.