How to tell someone is insecure and beta:
>has less than 1000 followers in insta
How to tell someone is insecure and beta:
>has less than 1000 followers in insta
>has Instagram
But what about people over 18?
Could you explain those terms to me, wtf is "insta" and "followers"? Are you building some sort of cult? Being cult leader makes you alpha????????
Wow I fucking hate being brown skinned. This literal dr Seuss character faggot got a mega qt just for being white and probably being born wealthy. Kill me right fucking NOW I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE
Fuck off nigger
>Wow I fucking hate being brown skinned. This literal dr Seuss character faggot got a mega qt just for being white and probably being born wealthy. Kill me right fucking NOW I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE
That's wrong attitude my friend, you should first try to kill as many brown people as possible, only then you may die.
that guy in the pic is a beta bux husband which you do not want to be
blame your parents for bringing you here
How to tell someone is insecure: has an instagram account
>using social media
zoomer detected
>that antisocial weirdo who thinks social media is for degenerates.
>falling for the social media meme
Anything beyond VOIPs or direct messaging apps is a waste of time
>have virtually no social media
I physically can't do it, it seems so pointless to me, even if everyone else is doing it. Autist life for me i guess.
he looks like he's farting
>enjoy your deletion when machines take over
I imagine its at least a little less cancerous once people are in their 20s, but I deleted mine back in high school and never looked back. You get no satisfaction for the time you put into that shit
I don't have social media because I don't care about other's people lives and no one cares about mine. I'm insecure about my looks, I'm not interesting and have no hobbies except lifting.
Unironically this.
Social media is a cancer and a huge gains and mental wellbeing goblin. It will do nothing but make you envious of someone elses shitty life, taking the focus away from improving yourself ro being jealous and wailing how shit life is.
Havent used social media other than whatsapp and youtube for many many years, 0 regrets.
I don't have social media because I don't care about other people's lives and no one cares about mine. I'm insecure about my looks, I'm not interesting and have no hobbies except lifting.
don't make the mistake of having your kids go through the same shit. move out of white countries now.
How to tell someone is insecure and beta :
>bases his self-esteem on an arbritrary number of internet "followers"
only dyel zoomers actually use instagram, it's an app for females
the only reason i still have mine is to post about my law school acceptance to show how i am doing better than anyone i know/live around. other than that, it's just a way for girls to stay worthless
>law school
>sadistic in a petty way
Everything about this post is pathetic user
Go back to brownistan
this. it's for women and faggots
Yup. Right here with you user.
So many people brag/boast on social media and it only makes the 'have-nots' jealous or more depressed. I have a very average life financially and I just focus on me and my health. I could give a fuck about other randos.
I quit Cuckbook, Insta, Snap, all those other trash apps many years ago. I feel free and am not on my phone 24/7.
The only 'social sites' I use is the chan and youtube.
Same. Never felt the need to go back. I'm much happier just keeping in direct contact with the people who are my actual friends, not just watching the lives of people I didn't really know anyways from afar. Plus you don't have to deal with all the petty political shit
oy vey! Only bad, ugly goyms don't give all info about their life to zuckberg.
>his right arm struggling to hold the sword up
memes aside imagine the damage you could do with that if it were sharp, just swinging that into a group of people
It looks like 3m long katana
Good job dudes.
Not using social media gives a lot of extra time for more productive and constructive stuff.
Were all gonna make it, some just faster than others.
And imagine how fucked you are when someone gets up close to you with a knife
you could carry a knife as well. im just saying you would slice the fuck out of people with the momentum that thing would have, i get that it's an impractical weapon
I managed to get a "qt asian grill" to want me and I 'm not even white nor asian. Sounds like an inferiority complex to me tbqhfamlam
Had to say no tho. Miscegenation is wrong no matter who you are.
go back to africa and fuck nigger qts
Have you ever tried talking to a girl before?
Social media is for women (attention whores)
>has instagram
Oh I remember you. You're a fucking idiot
> There are people in this thread right NOW who are not Reddit Gold users
the absolute state of this board
What the fuck
kill yourself zoomer
Based and redpilled
Thanks doc
You did the right thing user.