Does Jow Forums microdose?

does Jow Forums microdose?

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Endless self conscious thought loops in the gym keep your form in check. Gets my seal of approval.

How do I deepweb? Where get?

I'm sure you need massive amounts of creative energy to fucking ghostwrite non-fiction books, you fucking fag.

Acid creeped me out, did it once and didn't like it, but I see the potential.
Can anyone recommend how many grams of shrooms one should take to just get their feet wet? The short half life is appealing.

I have a bunch of 2C-C left over from back in the day, would be perfect for this

3.0 -3.5 grams is a typical dose for a real trip. For a microdose you'd take 0.3 to 0.5 grams. If you want to see a small trip, 2 grams would be ideal.

I was thinking the same thing

I'll be driving trough Netherlands this August and think about trying psilocybin for the first time.
I live in a constant depression for years now and psychotherapy doesn't help. Can a mushroom experience change my outlook for better?

>that 30 years old boomer who thinks doing drugs will cure his depression

It can. Take 10-15g of truffles. More might be too much the first time. Only take them in a comfortable and private environment. Just meditates. Don't distract yourself, don't look for entertainment. The truffles alone will be enough. Don't expect anything from it tho. Just see where it takes you

Good luck with tolerances and becoming a full on drug addict.

Its called a t break you autist

How about you absorb the nature and sunlight to cure your depression and not drugs like a weak faggot

I moved to Colorado for this. Pretty views don't help

>he thinks people just do it 365 days a year
Please get your information from something other than D.A.R.E.

Fucking never again.

It's piss easy mate just fuckin google it and stop being a puss

I used to but it started giving me anxiety attacks so I had to stop

there's no tolerance problem if you only do it twice a week

look up scientific articles on effects of shrooms on your brain. Quite beneficial.

if you have a history of mental illness in your family (eg schizophrenia), stay a way from psychedelics

this is bullshit.

of course. I dont mind my friends doing this shit but when i mention to them the actual negative side effects, they think im crazy even if i pull up scientific articles. Then they use science again to state why its good

You're right! (((Mr.Noseburg))) said it's great that I take psychedelics twice a week!

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Mom science.
You still build tolerances, no matter the dosage, you fucking brainlet.
Yeah which 90% of people will not do.

bullshit. uncle had schizophrenia, i've tripped a few times and i'm fine

you don't get addicted to psychedelics

You can get addicted to anything. Proven by videogame addiction just recently being made legitimate by WHO.
You can easily become addicted to psychedelics if you feel it enhances your life so much that you never want to go back to how it was before.

Psychedelics are perma gains with the right mindset towards it, I tripped once a few months ago and it basically fixed my mental health. There is no going back unless something really fucked happens

you got lucky. If by chance you weren't mentally sound, you can really fuck your brain up. It's a risk you need to take into account

I'd recommend 2.5g, just enough to, the next time you do them (and you will), do 3.5g which is the standard dose.

Microdosing is a fucking homeopathic form of psychiatry. Psychedelics are only active beyond a threshold, anything lower than that threshold and there simply won't be any affect at all. You're wasting your money if you don't take it in a large enough dose.

Just go camping or get a comfy hotel somewhere, get some of your favourite films and tv shows and enjoy yourself. There's nothing special about drugs they are a tool toward greater enjoyment.

Yea, no

I can't do this every week or even every month

this is a ritual for me, I have a specific purpose to use something like this and it does help me better than some fucking psychiatrist telling me what they think is wrong with me meanwhile they want to try a pill that is FDA approved, fuck off

or I just take so much I experience ego death and am reborn as a person who actually tries

That is demonstrably false and I have proved it to myself.

I micro dose LSD and before I got really into it I had similar suspicions. I decided to run a double blind trial on myself. First I determined my minimum threshold for feeling anything. Then I dissolved an amount into water and split it into many cups. Among these cups was also plain water. I labeled the cups in such a way that I could not see which I was drinking, and over the next few weeks I randomly drank one every few days. I then charted my subjective mood and focus every day.
At the end, I mapped the cups I had drank to the original control or dosage info and checked the correlation. There was a clear correlation of improved mood and focus on the days of taking the LSD, despite me never really being sure if I had taken it or not. So that's that

That's what I do user. I took 2ce at a 3d planetarium a year back, meant to take half to not make a dick of myself but took a double dose and went full retard. 7hours later I came to and calmed while having a shit in my hotel room.

>receives valid counterargument
>yeah well I'm going to assume OP won't do that so I won't be wrong

get off this board stacey

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Placebo affect you retard. Your personal make believe stories don't disprove years of pharmacology research.

>I decided to run a double blind trial on myself.

>nonfiction writer
>takes psychedelics to be more creative
u wot m8?

Don't listen to these faggots, user.

Do NOT take 10g-15g your first time, that's more than a heroic dose which only experienced psychonaughts should do.

It won't cure your depression but psyolcybin does indeed help tremendously for about 3 months, if you find that it helps, you should dose about 4 times a year 3g being a standard "trip" more if you feel you're up to it.

The Golden rule is this :If you don't think it's working, don't take more. You don't want to be entering your peak of the amount you thought "weren't working" only to realize another trip is about to start stacking with your first, yeah it will make it much more vibrant or "intense"

3.5 will be fine if you've already had experience with psychedelics

Quit being a bitch and they might

And my counter argument is perfectly valid. You're an absolute idiot if you think the general public would take tolerance breaks. All you have to do is look at alcohol, sugar or caffeine to realize 90% of people do not practice moderation.

I sometimes microdose DXM, very helpful


The general public still thinks taking a tab of acid is equivalent to heroin, and what they would do should be disregarded on anything related to self improvement on the same basis that we don't count our weight watchers points


I don't know how anyone can enjoy this. I've tried both low doses and high doses and both times felt like I poisoned myself.

You are depressed because you are a degenerate faggot from Commiefornia. Nothing will satiate your hunger for destroying places with your fake smug and self hate. Off yourself right now, you are destroying the good states

So everyone should micro dose without t breaks then? Moronic.

Many psychedelics, such as LSD, are actually the opposite of addictive. For most people, the desire to use them decreases after use. It would be incredibly difficult to be addicted to LSD because tolerance increases greatly after use to the point that it would quickly become impossible to get high without an obscene amount of the drug. There's also no withdrawal and no chance of overdose when using high doses to get around tolerance.

I’ve been microdosing for 8 months following dr fadiman program and have basically cured my depression as well as improved focus at uni

>cured my depression
>posting on Jow Forums

I honestly can't even follow the chain of logic that got you to this post


Jow Forums is full of dummies

Enjoy your schizophrenia

Did sorta make me lol too

>no chance of overdose
Yah but you completely fuck up your brain chemistry. No thanks

No it isn't druggie retards

I know two people who became schizo from psychedelic abuse

not everyone has a family history of schizophrenia
>the LSD molecule lives in your brain stem for the rest of your life! you'll be a raving madman on the stuff, you'll jump out a window! you'll be driving a car (stolen) through a school zone 10 years down the line and suddenly you'll find yourself right back on the drug!

Good way to have a psychotic break desu

fuck that smiley doctor pisses me off

>Yah but you completely fuck up your brain chemistry

I was under the impression that hallucinogens don't directly deal with neurotransmitters?

Won't magically cure anything and it will probably be extremely painful and could even destroy and mind fuck you

With any luck though you might gain some insight into yourself that might help you dig out of the hole. It won't be fun though

Bottom line that nobody can argue with is that LSD/Shrooms will at the very least fuck you way less than any pharma anti depressant with way more improvement, and deserve to be researched more. If choosing between the two go with the psychies

Everything deals with NT's thats impossible. In a general sense tho, the only thing that you could say that for is involuntary stuff, but even they are regulated by NT's

I did acid on Saturday night for the first time, alone. Holy fuck.

But when they fuck you, they fuck your hard.

Just about everyone knows a guy who lost his damn mind on psychedelics.

lets hear it user

this man speaks truth. microdosing was fun for a while, but the magic wears off. tolerance buildup is the main problem with this stuff. i've since found that Modafinil gives me the desired effect, which closely resembles that of LSD microdose, except it's more reliable and doesn't seem to have any tolerance buildup.

Yeah that's not the same kind of addiction. don't even.
T. Heroin addict

Going for a walk outside effects your neurotransmitters, as does taking a shit or really anything.

What I'm saying is that when you don't directly act on them, you fuck up less shit. Sorta like the price you pay for molly.

I don't think I could even put it into words, I became a fractal and just blasted off into another dimension. I think I actually took too much because I didn't really take anything from the trip, I was way too out of it to actually do any deep thinking. When I came to I had a bunch of colourful drawings sitting in front of me and my jaw hurt like a motherfucker.

Honestly probably an issue of mistaking what you're taking. Because its illegal people can pass anything for an acid tab and there are some things that are really really similar to it, like to the point that the trip itself is often indistinguishable. The effect on the brain from these things can be different though, and my theory is that's where those sorts of stories come from. You gotta test your tabs

come on dude, sure there are different chems about, but it is possible to have a bad acid trip on just acid, if you're in the wrong state of mind.

I don't think it's a matter of mistaking what you're taking

LSD and Mushrooms are definitely powerful enough to fuck your shit up and they effect everyone differently

We can't know, not enough research

that's a very stupid reply.

Why? It's the truth

>mr noseburg likes a plant that can't be regulated and controlled

Then you probably shouldn't be taking them recklessly

Taking psychedelics is akin to playing Russian roulette in a sense

A lot of people get duped into taking them by shills like Joe Rogan but they're not all fun and games.

I always trip alone. I hate having people around when I'm out my gourd.
Last time I just sat in my house and watched the news it was fucking great

No, you shouldn't. I've taken LSD two times in my life, and it's the only thing that ever helped my depression, like basically cured it. Its a choice anyone has to make for themselves, but I wouldn't discourage someone from taking something that can help them in a way nothing else has been shown to be able to do without guaranteed awful side effects. If I hadn't taken LSD I probably would have killed myself instead

claiming that it's impossible to have a bad trip on pure LSD is a ridiculous claim to make. and all you say to back it up is "we'll you can't disprove it!"

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I'm not saying you can't have a bad trip, the trips I've had have been awful but beneficial afterwards

Do you seriously believe it's impossible to have a bad trip on pure LSD or psilocybin? I love the stuff but give me a fucking break. Any time that you're dissolving your defense mechanisms and opening yourself up to a fundamentally different experience of reality, there is the possibility of you getting really anxious and scared and fucked up.

I knew of a guy with a stoned mickey mouse tattoo on his belly who microdoses. we would stay up all night at work and talk about movies, rap, whatever. if he does it, it's probably alright. his gf was hot as shit in the sun, and now he's a preschool teacher intern. says he microdoses lsd and shrooms, then I see he draws like a fucking di vinci.

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I mean, it's worth a shot yeah? I know you've heard nothing but good things about it. I've been planning my drug-use since before I was 16. I knew someday I would end up trying a lot of drugs, so I prepared which ones I wanted to take, and shrooms is coming around this time soon to be the thing I choose to take next (then LSD, and so on).

>Tip of Advice
This bitch (pretty decent video actually) says to brew your shrooms in tea because of the stomach pain you can get from trying to digest the shrooms whole. I would definitely consider this if you want to give it a try.

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then you haven't had a truly bad trip

i microdose with cigarettes. nicotine is actually a god tier drug in low dosage

I agree for shrooms here in the US, but for truffles in the Netherlands they might have different dosages. The places you buy them are like legit stores there so I’m assuming the people behind the counter would know what a standard dose is. I think they coat them in chocolate or something there I’m not sure.


your giving the dosages for shrooms not truffles. 15 grams is a moderate trip and 20-25 is a big trip. The smallest containers they sell are 10gs and if you take 3 you will literally tell no difference

Something isnt real unless an ((organization)) says it is.

kek at the brainlets on this board

Thank you, anons! Now I know better!

Can this be done with psychotropic mushrooms? There's no way I'm trusting that in getting actual lsd from some shifty, dealer. I'd rather grow it myself.

>be ADHD fag with low T
>barely manage to graduate high school
>spend next two years after HS in my room on Jow Forums
>dropped out of CC
>masturbate, browse, masturbate, shitpost, masturbate, shit, eat, sleep, repeat
>everything sucks I'm a loser
>no amount of sustained effort improves outlook
>want to rot
>buy 1mg of legal LSD in united burgers of turd
>only planning on microdosing because don't want to be a crackhead
>first 10ug life feels uncannily good
>can't hold myself back and take the rest next morning
>hey this feels kinda like being drunk haha
>hey I feel really good, I should probably take a walk
>"but what if the police find you high?"
>spend roughly 20 minutes going back and forth in my head
>"if you want to do something, do it"
>yeah lmao you're right let's go take a walk
>oh shit haha this feels pretty good
>oh no this was a terrible idea I'm probably walking like a retard
>oh shit if I turn around now and go home I'll probably look like I'm high, better walk the full route
>oh fuck when does this shit level out
>zooming in and out of time
>walking past people feels like an eternity
>other times, a full block feels like a second
>get home and rush to my room
>parents are at work, people making regular noises outside
>feel complete loneliness
>it hurts
>I need to take a shower and get my head in the game
>faded wall paint outside bathroom looks like it's caked in dirt
>realize my parents are getting old and I've been neglecting them
>collapse in tears
>this really hurts
>all out of self pity, finally end up in bathroom
>stare at myself in the mirror
>teeth are rotten, face is disgusting, hair is dishevelled
>smile turns to frown
>I've been neglecting myself
>look down at hands
>I'm just an ape man
>I'm going to die
>Water's running down my back, still staring at my hands
>everything that I believe is true is just my way of looking at it
>there's no way for me to understand how someone else sees life
Bretty gud. 10/10, really turned my life around