Is porn actually good for you?

Jow Forums spam filter is going nuts but I read a study that surveyed 600+ Danish people (about 50/50 male and female) and the study showed that most of the respondents percieved porn to be a positive influence in their lives and relationships. This has been the opposite of my experience but I am curious as to why

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Of course they perceive it as a positive trait. Alcoholics consider alcohol a positive thing as well. It's a fucking vice at the end of the day and it robs you of serotonin and dopamine until you watch it again.

Most people lack self-awareness.

because u learn how to insert a whole bicycle inside your anus therefore bringing your sex skill to another level.

But on the other side that shit is weird and its better wihtout knowing way too much about how the inside of someones anus looks like

right I get that but even alcoholics have some perception that what they are doing is terrible for them. I think in this case its more like comparing people who believe moderate drinking is healthy.

>le "anything that feels good must be bad for you" maymay

>alcoholics have some perception that what they are doing is terrible for them
we are very aware lol

>Perfect fantasy character.
>Ruined with stupid and ugly bellybutton piercing.

Why do people do this shit?

Not everyone has the same fantasy as you?

Well desu

If so much energy is put to the debate, it's that there's a massive doubt put on it

Odds are, if you doubt about something, it's cause part of you feels theres something off or fucked up or whatever

I fucking love porn. But it's lame. It's destroying my view of women. It already has. It's so fucking lame on all sides. It's litterally the video game of sex. It leads nowherd. I wish I didnt fall into it so early. Mind ya, I still crave my sessions. But I dont do em no more. It's passionless. It's giving me impossible standards for satisfaction. My girl has kept off the internet and never has watched porn. Heck, she doesnt even like masturbating. She's in for the real stuff. Go figure I couldnt get it hard at first cause all I knew of making love was bullshit filmed in studios.

How could you possibly think it's doing you good on the long run

The doubt is put there by subhumans. This whole board is failure bias. This place and reddit are not a cross section of healthy individuals. They and you have something wrong with them


>It's destroying my view of women.
>It's giving me impossible standards for satisfaction.
>I couldnt get it hard at first cause all I knew of making love was bullshit filmed in studios.
I read this kind of stuff occasinally, but it feels so removed from my personal experience that I can't but wonder if porn can actually cause this shit or if people justy project unrelated personal issues on their porn habits.

Its the equivalent of alcoholics saying society is being put to ruin by alcohol

I discovered porn when I was about 12. I have been watching porn ever since then. Sometimes I've gone in some serious rutting seasons where I fapped three or four times a day, sometimes even six or seven if I'm completely alone that day, for a a couple of weeks, always have kept at at least one fap every couple days except when travelling. I've got a fucking huge porn folder, and I also read a lot of hentai. Yet I still find myself getting horny or falling for girls that, honestly, are not anything impressive. Even one straight up 4/10 who just simply had a great personality and was my friend before my girlfriend.

I don't really think porn is something inherently wrong. I can still perform and while most of what I watch has some absurdly hot and idealized bodies, I can still get it up for "normal" girls. If anything what I believe is that there are people who have anxiety or who overthink things, or maybe even that have a mentality like what said. We're in Jow Forums, and a common theme in fitness in general tends to be abstinence, or at least moderation, from pleasurable things. That's just like everything, you adopt something as part of your lifestyle and it eventually leaks into everything else one way or another. "If it feels good, it must be bad for me and I should avoid it". Eventually you might feel that way about masturbating and porn or you might read some random ass article on the internet saying if you fap you die and since in your mind "feels good = it's bad" you might believe it, and whether you want it or not, you just start feeling insecure about doing it,. And insecurity is what actually doesn't let you perform or stops your attraction with women.

Just for the record, this isn't just my own personal experience. I've had some brief (cause I feel fucking awkward as shit when talking about it) talks with a friend where he said he fucking loves porn and masturbating, and yet that lucky motherfucker gets laid way more than anyone else I know.


Well no shit doc there's something wrong with them and me

Tldr dont touch porn if you're abnormal, have mental illness,are irresponsible, etc

But then if you're right the head and straight edge odds are you dont need porn

I agree. I’ve never really understood the whole “porn gives unrealistic expectations of how women look!” thing. Most porn stars are just thin women with large breasts, you can go somewhere as mundane as the grocery store and find at least a couple athletic women with better bodies.

The unrealistic expectation is that women have a male sexuality, and will approach sex in the way we do, and enjoy it like we do.

I mean if you were able to enjoy yourself without alcohol you would realize how much it hurts even normal people.
But you fall into it so early and it's so common you don't realize it.

>is porn good for you

Its not bad for you. But its something that you really should reserve for when you're with someone for some degree of time and want to add a little bit of spice to the moment. It could be in a fwb or relationship situation; and if you're gonna jack it, stick to pictures if not just your imagination.

Porn desensitizes you if you're not in a healthy sexual relationship with opposite or same sex, if that's your thing. It also false classifies performance expectations in bed. You get ideas like: you need to be able to piston pound a girl for 5 minutes straight like those dudes in porn or else you won't make her cum. Or that you need to be flexible and capable in a variety of positions to really be able to show that you know your way around bed or else you're just not good.

Both those are wrong. Being able to pound away for a long time is experience, its something you gain over time, no dude that's good at sex is able to do that from day one and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit. Most PiV sex on average lasts 3-5 minutes, accumulate. Foreplay and arousal is way more important to sex than just putting your dick in her and moving. Kissing, oral, simply touching/caressing all are factors towards being good in bed.

Sex is basically a game, but its more emotional than physical. If you get the girl off first without using your dick, she'll have more incentive to do the work to get you off without making you do the hard work in getting yourself off. Unless she's a bitch in bed, in which case you fucked up.

Also, if you get her off first, you are in a position of control. Which means that even if she's wanting to get you off, you can direct and dominate; push her down, fuck her, pick her up, push her against the wall, change positions, etc. It turns them on more and then when you're satisifed with those bursts of wanting to DO, you can go back and relax--and they'll be equally eager to please you.

Tl;dr; porn bad in excess.

>Most PiV sex on average lasts 3-5 minutes, accumulate.

Dude, what. I used to take 45 minutes minimum when I started, and with experience got it closer to 15. Am I a sex god?

Firstly, average. Secondly, are you saying you could thrust sustained for 15 minutes? Becausde I call bullshit.

I could thrust sustained for an hour dude, including tempo changes and small breaks where you focus on kissing and tit play or whatever. Obviously I don't pick a tempo and hammer mercilessly for long periods of time like a robot, but sex does take 10 minutes to an hour for me. For this reason I prefer to fuck spooning. I also do not go ham until I can feel the orgasm coming, otherwise I exhaust myself and cramp up my hamstrings and lower back and it's awful because I'm also blue balling myself.

By the way, at the end of the hour long sessions I had a couple of times, I was dead.

>I read a study that surveyed 600+ Danish degenerates

Oy vey defend porn it's not bad for you. Can't believe anyone with half a brain can defend that industry.

same, when I lost my virginity I thought I would come fast but I fucked this girl for like an hour. She ghosted me :(

I don't want to give money to sluts so I try my best to abstain.

>Jow Forums spam filter is going nuts

Maybe it's because this is spam

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Might as well star in porn as your side gig then if you've got that ridiculous stamina.