Feel thread

God Jow Forums I’m so lonely. All I want is to hold hand with a girl

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it won't change.
even if you find a girlfriend you'll still feel like shit dont worry about it
i love her but nothings changed
t. had your same mindset

I want to feel that feel where I'm at a friend's house in the suburbs watching the WB on a Saturday morning while his mom cooks us breakfast. I don't know if I will ever feel that secure again. I feel like I've been constantly on edge doing everything for myself for years.

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Fuck user, now I know what I've been without.

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delet this

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Get puppy and raise it well, it will love you more than any woman ever could.

Holy fuck I want a jungle asian/Thai gf so fucking bad dude. They have like perfect pussies, beautiful tanned dark skin and ass.. fuck bros.
Hold me bros.

Family asked if I would come on holiday with them
Go for a walk with family to the lake in the evening
Imagine sitting at the end of the wooden pier, toes dipped in the water, holding hands with a gf who's resting her head on my shoulder as we watch the sun set behind the hills
>life is suffering

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This right here.
What use is a gf and regular pussy if you lose yourself? I had an awesome fiancee but I lost some of my best bros in the process. Rebuilding an irl social network is far more daunting than getting some tang.

so go there
apparently thais think dark skin looks like shit and presumably you are a white westerner so you have like automatic +4 point bonus

I want to press 225 for reps. What the fuck should I do??

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heavy dips
your lockout is the issue

>posting an actual fitness question on Jow Forums
5x5, eat lots of protein supplement bench with other exercises like dips and incline bench

>tfw you wake up and you find HUNDREDS OF FUCKING ANTS in your living room because you dropped 3 breadcrumbs the day before

This happens every other day bros, it ruins my fucking day when I have to take care of this shit right after waking up.
I'm considering letting the ants take me too.

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But ant powder and powder up where they're coming from it'll kill the queen and them by extension
Serious lack of fitness discussion here

I thought since this was a shit thread that actually belongs in I could shit on it, maybe should have saged though.

Also I don't know where the fucking colony is, thinking of buying a bait trap but I'm afraid my cat will try to eat it.

Saging this time.

>brother confronted me today about being basically a neet for the past 8 years
>he asked me why i just sit at home doing nothing
>tfw ive been asking myself that every night when my head hits the pillow for the last 8 years

I've thought about suicide for a long time now but never seriously. In the last month I've been thinking about it more and more.

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Grab a bar faggot, bar will always stay, even when women leave.

Have you tried doing something? Instead of killing yourself, try getting up earlier in the morning. Do little things like going for walks or having small talk with strangers or joining a casual sports team. There are more options and easier solutions than killing yourself and they require less sacrifice.

So then why not get a grilfriend then OP?

I really truly don't understand posts like this. If that's what you want then do it. Are millennials really this retarded

get a job, then a career and a passion. My contract just ended and I'm looking for a new job. Bored to tears at home when I'm not lifting. Video games are so boring since I'm not a child anymore

I just really long for the idea of not existing anymore, the thing that has stopped me and will continue to prevent me is thinking how it would affect the people that know me.

I fantasize about the movie cliche of sacrificing myself to save someone else and dying in the process, not because of post mortem fame or something like that but because it would be an "honorable" way of dying that would hopefully lessen the pain my family would feel about me dying.

dont listen to this fucking retard
i fell in love with a girl and it changed me as a person. We ended up together and i want to improve myself and i became a better person. And no one forced me to, i just wanted to be a better person. And im not lonely and i feel great about myself.

The first girl to ever show interest in me ended up lying to me and now we don't talk.

Women are pretty shit.

>i talked with one girl so i know women are shit
man you virgins are retarded

>not all women are insecure as fuck and prone to lying because of it
You've never talked to a girl before have you?


Looks like I was spot on then lol

>friend cornered me and made me download
>mfw had my first date last week and she wants to see me again
feels pretty good bros

If it flies, floats, or fucks, it's cheaper to rent it.

lads i rejected my oneitis in highschool. still think abiout her after 5 years. please help

Not if you plan to fly, float or fuck frequently.
You just need to look for value for money options.

I spend all day here in my free time, merlin good looking guys. But I'm a disgusting fat fucking shit. I've got my diet in check and been lifting but I'll never look as good as the people I admire. I'm a boomer. Balding. 6 foot flat and 240 lbs. I can't stop smoking. This mountain I fucking made for myself seems impossible to climb. I actually went from 300 to 208 two years ago. But I gave up. And I was so close.

Every day I want to kill myself.

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add up how much you spend on ciggs a week and spend that on yourself
that's what my uncle did to quit

and a fuckload of niccotine patches

All the infographics for 'nice guys' and 'how to avoid the friend zone' and 'how to get sex 100% of the time' messed with my head.

It's like there is constant war between men and women, marriage/relationships don't matter at all and women are ready to fuck whoever, no matter their relationship. Why even bother.

>tfw Bumble is my most successful dating app, been on a few dates with a half white half jap cutie who's almost as shy as me.

Pretty good except for when I'd get like 5 matches in one day and none would message me and the match gets permanently deleted.

Pic related, would definitely like to make babies with this 6' giraffe and make some future D1 athletes. But I asked her out and she didn't respond in a day and a half so I felt rejected so I unmatched her.

Also what good bicep work out should I do with some dumb bells besides curls?

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Upside down reverse curls

i don't know why i feel anxious almost all the time every day
i wake up and start feeling mt throat getting blocked and my heart racing without reason, my head is also a bit dizzy
it's been goiny on for more than a week and i don't know what's wrong with me

listen here u little apu shits, the only person in history who can change your life is yourself, if you sit alone wimpering and crying over ur sorrows it will never change. do it yourself u stupid little frogs. start meditation, yoga, nofap, nosurf, limit ur internet usage, read a book a week, and ur life will get better instead of crying u stupid fukin frog

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With a boner

have you thought about making your family proud of you while living instead of being proud you dying in way you see honorable
you're going to die no matter what so make the time before that happens mean something to you

What's your routine like? If you sleep in until past 12pm every day, eat fast food more than once a week, don't drink enough water, don't exercise, don't have any hobbies or goals, don't meditate, don't do anything for fun etc. then you're going to have depressed thoughts. Change all of those things and your brain will reward you with the desire to achieve and a feeling of content and accomplishment. The only reason you long to not exist anymore is because you don't actually do anything, I'm assuming. Start doing things. Remind yourself that you're a hunter gatherer, social mammal from a prehistoric times and do things that you think would be beneficial to such a being.

>I can't stop smoking
Change that attitude and everything else will fall into place. You can stop smoking, you literally just need to not do it, you'd just rather smoke than put in the mental effort required to quit. Make a conscious assertion that you would rather choose to quit than choose to smoke and stick to it. Remove yourself from the situation the instant you notice yourself succumbing to muscle memory and habit, so if you're reaching into your pockets to grab a packet or lighter, as soon as you notice you're doing it throw the packet out. If you're going to a shop to buy cigarettes, do a lap around the block and go home. It's very easy to quit, you just have to want it more than you want to be addicted.

Do something about it or do a flip

>nothings changed
>had your same mindset
No mate it sounds like you still have it...

khv, 24 y/o, gymcel with no experience with women here.

I thought about riding my bike through town with a tanktop on and asking random girls if they want to be my gf.


what's your height?


How unfortunate i feel your suffering


I’m doing everything I wanted. I’m getting fit, I’ve got a gf. I’ve travelled the world and I’m making my way up at work. I’m back in touch with my parents and I’ve bought a new apartment

So why does it feel like I’m still wasting time

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I hate that your right user i used to do all that shit i.looked fan fucking tastic but...then i stopped im not saying im fat and shit its just i feel like shit all the time man.thats why im gonna start training again soon even though im back at square one.

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I got u breh
>tfw so autistic I wash my face, my hair, my body, and my teeth all separately and in a designated order
>have a thousand yard stare too
>walk on tippy toes even in the gym
I'll never get a fit bf

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>200 tinder matches
>no dates

Have had so many conversations that eventually lead to nothing that I'm hesitant to start new ones.

true for all asia.

Do something, anything.

No, you'll just scare them away and get a bad reputation

>meet girl who’s interested in me
>know in a few years I’ll bald
>don’t want to get in relationship and male her go out with a baldy

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>getting upset over free protein
Never gonna make it

That’s fucking retarded my man. Either stop being thisbretarded to take this to Jow Forums

I lost my virginity at 26 earlier this year.

There's an amazing window of ecstacy which is only improved by the more hopeless you were to ever make it but then, true enough, it goes back to normal. It doesn't fix all your problems but people that haven't been truly existentially lonely simply can't comprehend the weight off your back. Losing the feeling of societal rejection and hopelessness is a MASSIVE change and it will happen OP.

You're here so you're working to improve and you will find someone. This rings so hollow but the game changes after 25. You'll be more masculine and more desirable and if i can find someone you can and after the first one it becomes much easier to meet other women simply because the fear of fucking up and the fear of the unknown is gone. There's really nothing to it and especially if you're fit, good sex is very easy but i know all too well you have to do it to properly believe it.

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>thais think dark skin looks like shit
they're not wrong though

>be black
>automatically undatable
it hurts.

>grow up a unathletic nerd
>be introverted with chicks
>get fit in highschool and uni
>go to uni for software dev
>get gig
>making over 82k/yr at 23 yrs old
>still introverted with the ladies
>now also terrified of gold digging whores
>only comfortable talking to friends gfs because I would never have any romantic attachment

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i shave my left leg because when im in bed and my legs brush up together the shaved leg feels like a woman's leg and that makes me think i have a girlfriend sleeping next to me and it stops me feeling so lonely

help me bros

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hey at least jews are pushing race mixing. If kikes win it will be bretty sweet for you.

>you'll never be 15 and in love
>lying on the grass on a warm summer night, watching the stars, carelessly chatting
>not worrying about rent, bills, student loans
>only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on that history test on monday
>you'll never take a young, tight, hot-bodied girls virginity, pulling out to cum all over her back and have her look in your eyes and say "I love you"
>you'll never have a girl around every day after school, pretend to be doing homework together, but instead just fuck like rabbits
>you're in your 20's now
>gotta get a good job
>gotta be a serious man now
all the good ones are taken
maybe a nice girl will eventually settle with you
>they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before, and are usually jaded and bitter
>you missed what it feels like to have not a care in the world other than making your girl happy
>you have missed out on teenage love

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Loool why shouldn't I fucking neck myself. So sick of this life. Only thing stopping me is knowing my family would be devastated.

>and asking random girls if they want to be my gf.
Take this part out and you're good. Don't just roll up and be like "ayyoooo tryna be my gf?" When you ride up say whatever shit pops into your head but CONFIDENTLY. I wish I could teach you incels what it means to be confident because it is the KEY to getting pussy. Maybe it sounds like a cliche but I swear to god you can go up to a girl and scream "DANK MEMES AMIRIGHT?" and it'll work out if you say it with absolute confidence. When you come up you should have absolute faith in yourself and your ability to do whatever the fuck you want. Think of it like you're about to max on squat. That's how confident you should be when talking to the bitch. Also remember that rejection/failure is an inevitable part of life, don't take it personally. Take it in stride, maybe even laugh at the situation and move on. Keep a good attitude and have fun with it my dude. Kinda drunk rn so I hope this made enough sense to help a little. goodluck my retarded incel anons.

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>>making over 82k/yr at 23 yrs old
cry me a river

Sure you may have missed the boat but that's just one boat. Don't miss the next one my friend. I was in your shoes (being an autistic, friendless incel who could barely talk to his own parents without anxiety) so I enlisted in the marines. I joined FAST company and now I travel to a new country every 2-3 months and get to see all kinds of crazy shit on pretty much a daily basis. Not to mention you don't need social skills to form brotherly bonds with the people in your platoon. Military brotherhood is real as fuck anons, I have 0 communication skills but I feel like I genuinely belong with them and we're all good friends despite my 'tism. Not saying you all should enlist in the military but it's one route you can take to escape the bottom of the ravine. Not to mention
>free training, certificates and education in your career field
>GI bill for free college after your contract
>insane discipline, confidence, self esteem and work ethic gains
>form bonds with your brothers deeper than you've ever known (getting in fire fights with someone by your side will do that almost instantly)
>cammies and uniforms are sexy af and make it easier to pull bitches
All in all the marines pulled me out of my self induced pit of misery and depression, and taught me how to be an independent, self made and happy person with a lot to be proud of. Consider the military, anons.

Missed a meeting at work

No point worrying about what might have been. Having sex when you're 15 is probably shit. Sex is much better when your older and fitter. You know what to do, you can do it for hours and you have the right mentality.

20s and 30s is the time to be alive

>tfw woke up to hundreds of ants because I left my cum Kleenex out overnight
Apparently ants like protein. You’ve been warned.

>meet cute girl on tinder
>shes super in to me
>talk every day
>says she cant wait to see me
>girl finally wants to date me and not the other way around
>consistent matches with 7 and 8s on tinder (was getting matched with uggos for a while)
>girl who i had a thing with but had to end it cause she got back with her boyfriend is now single
>wanted to date her really bad
>first chance i get im talking to another girl who i made it seem like i want to date


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Not OP but that was nice and reassuring to read.
Thanks user.

Cry me a river, faggot.

>Only thing stopping me is knowing my family would be devastated.
You sure about that?
t. mom and dad

Fucking nerd, get the fuck outta here with this cringe shit

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>Lifts are getting better
Life's good

More money more problems m8
If you want a decent chick try avoiding or downplaying what you do and how much $$$ you pull. Don't start leasing the expensive cars or doing anything that makes you a target for someone with that mindset.
Even if you were a billionaire people would stop going after your money if they knew they were wasting their time.

>Make 43k a year at 23
>Feel good about myself
>See this post

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also joined military to escape the NEET life. can confirm it will force you to change for the better.

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how do you know that he is talking about the binch?

Having had friends in the military recently, a lot of the training and certificates you get there aren't worth much outside the military. Although they did say you can become a semitruck driver while you're in. You can make a decent amount of money as a driver, and that labor market is tight as fuck, and projected to be that way for a long time, so you will have job security if you don't get any driving infractions.

Post-9/11 GI Bill is tits though. They pay for the tuition and books and give you a stipend to pay rent and shit. You have to be sure you want to do school though, because once you activate the GI Bill, it starts a clock and you have to use it within some sort of time frame.

Otherwise, if you aren't a turd, you can do private security contracting. I have a friend in a foreign shit hole making over $100k doing that right now. But it's shitty working hours and conditions .

>walk on tippy toes even in the gym


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>lot of the training and certificates you get there aren't worth much outside the military.
Maybe if you're a grunt. Every single one of the certs I get are worth a six figure salary.

It's not really gay if females don't do it either.

Drunk sex is great. Sober sex is really weird to me. Plus I barely last sober

This. I worked in intel for 4 years and ended up with not only a top secret security clearance, but enough education and training that I made an easy transition into the CIA. If you play your cards right the military will set your career up for life.

>see female friend on street while waiting at traffic light
>tells me where shes heading to, tell her were i am heading to
>she stops talking, traffic light is green, wish her fun and drive off

>later i got text messages how i couldve took her with me (same direction) and that i am the one to blame for driving of and not waiting, although she did not mention anything about that she wants to get into the car

now i feel autistic af. should i have expected her to say something? i mean i told her goodbye etc, why didnt she asked immediately? also i cant just stop at a green traffic light for a whole minute

>Girl has huge crush on
>dont have the same feelings
>not really attracted to her
>prefer thiccc girls to skinny/fit blondes

What do I do here? If I fuck her and then ignore her she will be devastated. If I fuck her and start a relationship with her I will lose interest. She just is not my type. I feel no sexual desire around her

Fuck. And other people constantly tell her she is pretty/beautiful

Learn to love yourself, and others will love you too.

>le humble brag
just fuck her and get it over with.
that's clearly what you're going to do.

>terrified of gold diggers
lel, just fuck off bum