Be at work

>Be at work
>Been working at that shit hole for 3 years, mind my own business, work, take my money and leave
>Some guy left about 8 months ago, never liked this guy and paid him no attention
>He comes last night to work to say hello to the staff, as he is leaving he puts his hand hand and tries to give me handshake, so i oblige and go in for a handshake when he pulls his hand back and slaps me as hard as he can in the face
>Within seconds, without even thinking punch him as hard as i can right in the jaw, and start swearing at him while he is on the floor bleeding telling him to watch the fuck out, and the next time I'll knock his head off his fucking shoulders
>Got sent home, HR doing an investigation and saying 99% chance i'm being fired

What would Jow Forums have done in this situation?

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you did the right thing

how can you get fired if he assaulted you first? assuming you live in burgerstan, you can sue your company if they actually fire you

You did the right thing

yeah fuck that guy

I live in australia, and i am being blamed for it all. I was minding my own business, but they are saying because i hit back i'm in trouble.

They told me if i didn't hit back i would have been fine, but because i retaliated im in trouble.

That company is completely retarded if they do fire you. You did nothing wrong. Someone smacks you unprovoked and unexpectedly then hitting back is the correct thing to do.

If you didn't hit back he could have kept hitting you or pull out a weapon. You did the right thing.


The absolute state of white collar environment. You did the right thing

Op did nothing wrong

hey buddy, ozfag here.

threaten to sue if they fire you for self-defence.

you literally have grounds to tell them to go fuck themselves.

good luck.

Was his name Mohammed or Wang?

holy shit the cuck mentality of europeans is astounding.


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If you're in such a cuck country that you can get fired for self defense, I'd assume the system is so cucked you can also sue them for firing you and some union will pay for the trial and they'll settle because it's all a big pain

Call fairwork Australia, right now and get the case number started.

This sort of thing happens in Australia.

I knew a guy working at a liquor store. Was assaulted, defended himself, sacked the next day

jesus christ. here in texas you can pull guns on people at work if you get assaulted and no on thinks twice about it

You did perfect, im sorry you are surrounded by fucking idiots, if you get fired slap some of superiors as hard as you can so they will feel how it is, in the case they dont sue you or you want to pay the penalty.

As an American idk shit about your cucked laws, but in a real first world country, that is wrongful termination

I work in a grocery store here. I'm with the union though, if some cunt hits me and keeps going I'll put him in the ground and sue the shit out of my workplace if they sack me.

It's bullshit that you can work in an unsafe environment and be expected to be assaulted and deal with it.

>Chad bullies me
>I sperg out
>w-why am I being fired?

LMAO. Enjoy prison.

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user youre a dick but this shit was funny as fuck lmfao


You were fucking alpha, op. Never take shit from nobody and take both the cuck and your company to court. Call the media and get them in on it as well, smear all their names.

If you want to keep your job, this:
(Fairwork Australia/Fairwork Commission, easy to find)
Or this
(go to union)

If you want a different (better?) job and to have a payout after they fire you, this:
(story goes to media, go to Fairwork or free legal service or hire a lawyer. I'm not an expert but it sounds like in a situation like this they were, hypothetically, effectively saying that "getting hit in your workplace is fine" and and they have not put in any concerns or recommendations about your safety seems to imply that "employees should not protect themselves from physical assault".

>not stabbing him in the balls saying "back the fuck off !?!?"

You gotta prove your life was in danger. OP sounds like a bitch though so he was probably scurd for his life



>american "education"

Aboslute Chad

You hated the job anyway, its okay. Also fuck that guy, you did good.

Holy shit, the reading comprehension of amerimutts is astounding.

> and start swearing at him while he is on the floor bleeding telling him to watch the fuck out, and the next time I'll knock his head off his fucking shoulders

This is the "over the top" part. It needed to be said but it's a threat.

What the fuck did you do to piss that guy off? That's unreasonable behaviour, I would of punched him too.

Do you have witnesses to the slap that you could present to the investigatory team or HR?

what the hell justice for op

What job?

Why would he slap you out of nowhere?

>be me
>recently left my job
>found something way better elsewhere
>also no longer have to see that sperg in the office
>"lifts" but still a manlet lmao
>has a napoleon complex, always trying to prove himself
>few months later go back to see old staff and some of the Staceys I fucked
>that beta looking at me sideways, obviously jealous that they like me more than him
>get an idea
>he always had a temper
>give him a little tap on the face to mess with him
>he spergs out and tries to hit me in the face
>weak as fuck, feel nothing
>pretend to fall to the floor, really embellish it
>he gets fired for being a fucking moron
>he's now unemployed but unironically thinks it's worth it to be "alpha" for a few seconds lmao
>I go back to my well paying job

AusFag here. Contact fair work and ask them directly about what your rights are. Get educated and make sure you don't get fucked on by your employer.

you write like a fag and your shit is all retarded
