Isn’t just getting big just eating big and going gym everyday and lifting weights like dude why do you need a sticky for that lmao
Isn’t just getting big just eating big and going gym everyday and lifting weights like dude why do you need a sticky...
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because people don't trust their own bodies anymore
I wonder how much the toll will be for her
>I wonder how much the toll will be for her
What a waste of a white girl
There's no combinaison of race as powerful as this.
The dark skinned muscular monstrosity, the savage, the beast, the animal, the monster, the predator African Sub-Saharan Negroid male with the Light-skinned, Delicate, Feminine, Young, Small, Innocent, Fragile, North European Caucasian female.
Doesn't matter your background, ideology, race, time or place of birth. This work of art is Universal and God-Like and nothing on earth can come close to it.
Doesn't disgust me anymore, I have seen the truth and you should too.
Ah Rockwell, unironicly too good for this world
This desu, love seeing a well built white girl with a black guy, it's perfection
>probably the two lowest IQs in the west, currently
>anything to celebrate
I can't wait for the butthurt, low income, mulatto, incoming generation
Your children are destined to be failures. But thats why niggers are so dumb, they don't care about their kids.
Pardon me, I mean, "Dey KEEEEEEEEDZ".
Keep crying white boi, I love fucking your women
Your children will be crying because black bois cant step up and accept responsibility, cause muh work ethic.
idgf about sad white girls with brown loser children that wont amount to anything. You're weeding out the retards in our stock and reducing them to your level.
Stay retarded, nigger.
Nice try goyim
>y-you’re taking our trash
Absolute COPE. Regardless. Half of Africa is currently invading Europe, so we will even black your homeland. Gg white man
OP here, can we get back talking about my post
>ITT two white retards
how did anyone ever convince themselves blacks were human
I never said taking our trash, cuckposter.
She can be attractive but shes a retard if she fucks with low iq niggers.
It's very telling that youre so focused on looks cause you wont fuck with your own sheboon chicks and your so proud that daddy europe policies are so fucked right now.
You're still the white man's slave, bitch. Keep crying.
>we'z get da gibz from europe
>we'z fink we dominating
we're letting you in cause you're such a non issue. you'll never be real men with you're female work ethic.
>I love fucking women of a different race
white guys dont fuck blacks though, almost like whites are better and you recognise that
Slaves who are invited into the house by the slavemaster to fuck his daugther and eat his wife’s cooking. You alt right faggots are retarded lmao
Good stay the fuck away from our women
>North European Caucasian female
>North European
american degenerates thinking all blonde blue eyed american girls somehow must be like swedish or finnish, although they got the same mixed up low life genes like yourself. kys pls.
>Good stay the fuck away from our women
Dont worry, we will, and without conscious effort. Just like every other 2 legged mammal on this earth.
hello dear User, your subscription to it's coming to an end. Please remember to check your payment method.
>user is fat
>doesn't read the sticky
>eats meme 'diets' that don't do anything
>doesn't count calories or macros
>6 months later hasn't lost a pound
>"I've tried everything! I can't lose weight!"
>gets meme expensive surgery
>should have read the fucking sticky
People are dumb.
>user is weak DYEL
>doesn't read the sticky
>listens to meme momscience advice and doesn't eat enough or properly
>worse, eats meme vegan diet
>does meme exercises advertised on TV, or brosplit, or just arm curls
>6 months later is still DYEL
>"I've tried everything, I can't make gains! I must have low T"
>hops on meme steroids, no idea what he's doing, fucks his shit up
>ends up dead like Zyzz
>should have read the sticky!
PEOPLE ARE DUMB. They need to be TOLD what to do or they fuck their shit up.
That's why there's a sticky.
TROLLS ARE DICKHEADS. They tell dumb naive anons dumb shit to do just for the lulz, and DGAF if they fuck someone up permanently, that's just more lulz to them.
That's why there's a sticky.
>American Indian genocide
>t. Cuck
I wonder if the west collapses,and USA,in particular.
How long would it take for the Balkan countries,and other Slavic countries chimp out.
I think Russia will steamroll the west,if America burns.
But who will chimp in The Balkan.
Lmao Jow Forums and Jow Forums prove how fragile white "men" are
Serbs, gods chosen people.
I was thinking more of Greece.
They are more prepared military.
And they always fuck with Turkey and Vice versa.
My bet is on Greece.
Gaw damn. This dude got so many numale soiboys under lock with his 4 porn sites that it doesnt even seem real
Damn, i wish we had a Golden Dawn.
POLtards get out reeeee
We were always nationalists, newfag.
Fuck off nigger lover, we lynched so many liberals and leftists back on the 90s that we had to create mass graves in the mountains so that the UN and human rights groups couldn't see the bodies.
fuck off kike