Water and Milk

Are there any other Jow Forums approved liquids?

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Jizz and women tears

monster energy sips

>still falling for the milk Jew, it's good for you!

Don't say milk on fit, you trigger the lactoselets

Sorry kid but milk is Jow Forums disapproved

Out of these only tea is Jow Forums approved

>falling for the water meme
>YoUr BodY iS 70% wUtErH!
I shiggy diggy

>current year
>all his beverages don't contain whey and/or creatine

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Are you a nigger?


White Russians

What do you mix your protein powder with huh?

Your whey protein contains onions you retard.
I don't drink anything except water and milk.

Coffee is a toxin get that shit out of your body

I have gotten mild lactose intolerance at 30 fml

>Jow Forums approved

Only if you think bitch tits for men are normal.

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Only tea and Monster but only Ultra Zero S I P, non of that 50g of processed sugar in muh can.
Also I prefer to mix warm water with lemon juice little bit of sugarcane sugar and salt rather than buying into powerade or gatorade jew.

Nigger disapproved

>Infographs on internet never lies and always apply theres never any exceptions
>t. retard
How about, you dumb ameritard fuck, you drink natural cow milk instead of going to walmart for everything.

How about you using some basic logic?

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Wow did american educational system got so bad under Obama ?
If you arent black or pretending to be completely retarded Im literally ashamed for you.

tea is for so᠌yboys

Daily reminder that there is absolutely no reason to drink milk of animals.

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Daily reminder to never take advice from anyone on Jow Forums.

>maasai literally the healthiest people on earth with a diet consisting of only cowmilk and some meat

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Daily reminder that meatcucks will rather ruin their own bodies instead of accepting that veganism is superior.

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No no , user.
Look at infograph. Fucking BASED infograph! Destroying you with logic!
Ok this epic,milktard BTFO!

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>African tribe
>healthiest people on Earth

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dairy cows lookin t h i c c

>none of these faggots drinking green tea w/lemon

imagine drinking milk as an adult

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gib milkies

Who here /coffeemilkandwater/? Best fluids ever

I'm a boomer and I usually have 3/4 gallon in a day. Sorry you're not white, but hey, the world needs ditch-diggers

Yes lad

You forgot blood, they drink a lot of blood and yes they are very healthy people

If you drink milk and don't supplement enough D3 and K2 you're an idiot. Otherwise you're fine and don't listen to the autists who'd have you believe otherwise. Remember the fox and the grapes.

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I would say water, tea (PROPER one, not that bag shit you can get at every supermarket) and coffee (PROPER coffee). I will never start drinking coffee but research shows that it does have some benefits. I think that you're fine only drinking water though

Onions milk is way better than cows milk for gainz, not even memeing

based boomer

take the test

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>Get out of the thread
no thanks

((())) are not welcome here.

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nobody eats deer you twat

Yeah, you only eat like your ancestors, am I right?

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i don't eat anything in that image

But you do eat meat, don't you?

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yeah beef with pasta usually

Beef is the worst meat for the environment.

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i don't really care because even if i became a vegan it wouldn't have any effect on the environment

>any legitimate arguments are met with "get out of the thread"

l m a o

You do though.

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No, it's unethical. Unless you mean plant "milk" or drink or whatever doesn't trigger the dairy fairy shills. Water is Jow Forums approved obviously
Out of these only tea counts. And obviously not the flavoured Lipton shit
Not him, not a nigger. Kys
>If it's natural it's good!
I assume you don't use unnatural phones, computers or cars then. You probably didn't have any unnatural vaccine shots, right?
Would you drink cat milk, dog milk or pig milk?
Would you drink human milk?
[Citation needed]
These desu

my mother is a vegan and she's in the worst shape of her life. unbelievably thin and she looks like she's going to keel over. no thanks

1. correlation does not imply causation

2. Veganism is the literally healthiest diet in existence. Vegans on average
have a higher IQ
are healthier
are thinner
have stronger hearts
live longer
and so on

i'm good in all of those departments

Beans lower cholesterol? Is this true?

>2. Veganism is the literally healthiest diet in existence. Vegans on average
>have a higher IQ
>are healthier
>are thinner
>have stronger hearts
>live longer
>and so on

Gonna need some sources

post body faggot

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Vegans on average being the healthiest doesnt have to have to do anything with veganism itsself. every vegan i know was (born) upper middle class to begin with, making any sort of conscious choices about food already puts you above 80 percent of the american population.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Just to be clear, the "arguments" that lead to "get out of the thread" are (from top to bottom)
>Scientific consensus doesn't convince me (flat earth level retardation)
>I don't care (then why are you in the thread lol)
>Bacon lol (under no definition of the term an argument. It's shitposting, breaking global rules 2, 3, 6)
>I would eat human meat
>Animals are not sentient/plants are sentient
>I would not oppose someone stronger/smarter/better than me eating me
I'd say chart is pretty fucking reasonable

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Watch What the Health for more information.

I don't have the time for that shit

>Watch propaganda for valid information

>I don't care
>I don't understand
>I don't have the time to understand

And meatcucks still wonder why they are overwhelmingly obese.

>everything that questions my lifestyle is literally propaganda

Please take a look at and fuck off.

>rape cow
Right there, stop anamorphizing animals.

I bet you'd love a fist full of bull semen inside your rectum, right?

I need too. It is meal prep time.

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Isn't the entire problem people have with milk that the cows are completed pumped up with chemicals and milk therefore is fluid cancer + estrogen? no one cares about africans user

You racist

Milk makes sense, since Jow Forums is full of giant man babies.
Adult men drink water and alcohol.

>Dairy milk is a shill
>Buy plant milk instead

Propaganda for what industry?

>expecting logical answers from meatcucks

I bet you are new here.

I'm not expecting it, but, the counter part to plant based diet are just 2 corrupt as fuck industry, so whats the opposite that he's claming?

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Vegan food & product industries

Do you think there is a vaccine industry as well?

LMFAO here we go, keeping deadly diseases that can destroy societies suppressed is an industry for profit

Do people and companies have a financial interest in veganism or not?

Why are you trying to obfuscate your dumb rebuttal with a red herring?

Eating meat is such an illness.

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Mirin that pec vascularity.

And veganism is a mental illness

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>quoting doctors is scientific evidence
Thanks for reminding me why I never come to fit anymore

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Lol I hate vegans but those are niggers, that's cheating

Especially ironic, that it has a typo.

How about the correlation between faggots and vegans?

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