Is this achievable natty?

Is this achievable natty?

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No. Everybodys on steroids. The whole UFC everybody. All steroids.

Probably, but doesn't mean he necessarily is

I used to think it wasn't. Now that I've been lifting for a while, it seems perfectly attainable. His arms in ragnorok look a little roidy.

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Typical dyel noob who thinks newbie gains never stop or slow down. You're on for a rude awakening.

even in the movie they say he roids, user

is this

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Why is everyone on this board such an obnoxious faggot?

>I've lifted weights for 3 weeks and suddenly think I understand everything

>look a little roidy
You should stop embarrassing yourself.

he's right though, newbies shouldn't give their opinion because noob gains don't last forever

But he told the truth, young fella

why has anyone on this board been lifting for more than 6 months?

No. All of the superhero actors are on steroids, except for the dork who plays Iron Fist. He's just on onions.

Pretty easily if you have good genes desu.

And yeah, doesn't mean he actually is natty.

Because we're tired of 6 month lifters who watch retards like Alan Thrall or AlphaManletism and think they know everything about fitness.

Probably. But unlike you or I, he's got access to top of the line equipment, personal trainers, legal supplements, dietitians and top tier foods and that's before we get into roids.

everyone knows 6 month is the limit

everything a natty is ever going to achieve he achieves in the first six months

Damn manlets taking all the dumbbells

Yes. By you? Almost certainly not.

>stream of obnoxious faggots immediately prove my point
No, ive been lifting for 4 years, Summerfags.
Yeah maintaining this look all year round is not possible naturally but if you don't think it's possible to look like this after a cut, a pump and dehydrating yourself for a day of shooting, you will never make it.
OPs photo is from the first movie -
I actually said in ragnorok it looks like he was roiding.
Eat my dick.

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Lmao. Post body then. Every time some retard claims an obviously roided body is natty they never put their money where their mouth is.

Did is ever make a claim about my body? Or is this to prove that I actually lift?
The question was is this attainable natty- again if you think this is simply (((unattainable))) naturally, you will never make it

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yes, everyone that tells you otherwise is jelly

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Yes but it'll probably take at least 4-5 years to get there and it will probably be close at as maxed out as you'll get size wise. Is that possible in 4-6 months 'naturally' like hollywood does it? Not a fucking chance

Just like I thought. Another clueless dyel newshitter larping as an experienced lifter.

Kid, if you haven't lifted at least that long don't try to guess. You make yourself look stupid.

ITT: exclusively people larping, not a single person who has posted their physique to back yo their claims

Calm down Nate

>Or is this to prove that I actually lift?
yeah that's exactly what it is. Claiming to have been lifting for 4 years proves absolutely nothing, people lift for 20 fucking years and look like absolute dogshit because they have no fucking idea what the fuck they're doing. Most 50yos who are in the gym fall into this category. Would you ever listen to their advice solely because "trust me I've been at this for a loooong time kiddo 20 years and counting" when you could ACTUALLY LIFT and surpass them in 1 year?

Absolutely possible natty and I think he was natty for the first Thor movie.

He said himself he'd never actually worked out prior to Thor, just surfed and played sports with his bros. With noob gains, great genetics, a chef making you the perfect meals, a trainer giving you a quality routine, and millions of dollars as an incentive, this is totally do able in the time frame he did it in. He's big, but he's not shredded or anything. Definitely on some kind of gear for every movie since, though.

Thorbrah did it, you guys can too.

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I'd also like to add that when the magazines and articles claim someone put on X amount of lean muscle in X amount of weeks, the number is obviously exaggerated.

You went out of your way to cherry pick the worst angles. These delts ain't natty, breh. Also, remember that he was a twink before that role and that he was 6'3.

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Just making a foolish attempt to get sextuplets.

You are delusional. This is what the top bodybuilders looked like before steroids were invented. Hemsworth reached a similar size and bf% in just a few months while being 5-6 inches taller.

> and millions of dollars as an incentive
That's exactly why they roid, you dumbass.

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I'm so tired of this "Le chef and trainer" meme. I don't need a fucking nutritionist to know I need to be eating chicken, brocoli, eggs, oats, etc. All bodybuilders eat the same shit.

On top of that, trainers give meme routines half the time, PPLpplX is going to give you the most size as a natty if you can commit to it.

When you are paid 20 million dollars to look like a God, you are going to do steroids. ESPECIALLY AT FUCKING 6'4, it takes so fucking long to put on mass as a natty lanklet.

fucking cringe

This isn't /asp/, ya seething newfag.

that's a lot of words.
are you ready to calm down now?

This image doesn't change your mind bro? Definitely not a natty look.

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this achievable natty? and i'm asking this body specifically, not the one he had in Cap 1, and i don't care if he juiced or not to get to this quickly, i'm just curious

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For a monkey with a double-digit IQ it might seem like a lot but normal people type it in a matter of seconds. Good non-argument though, perhaps insult my mother or call me a faggot next. People will think you're cool and I'm wrong if you do, surely

Nah, this is a totally natty transformation.

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nothin personnel

Yeah. He only has good pecs and arms. Doesn't mean he is natty since he's an actor, but it's totally doable.

Why do they always have so ridiculously oversized pecs compared to the rest of their bodies? Like look at the shoulders on him he has a fucking terrible posture, rounded forward all the way because his back is so much smaller

>that 30-year-old boomer

So yeah. It's appropriate.

goal body, if i can get to this point natty i'm happy

he just cut, what's the big deal? He's a lot bigger in the left picture, a lot more muscle mass

You're not supposed to lose muscle mass on a cut, retard. He went off cycle and lost his gains.

>30 years old
>still using Jow Forums
you're shouldn't be comfortable admitting this

I'm not gonna surrender it to zoomer newfags like you.

nice non-argument response to my non-argument

>You're not supposed to lose muscle mass on a cut, retard
...well you kind of do if you cut as a natty in that short amount of time, "retard"

damn. the nu-boomers will inherit the earth.

>bf% stays pretty much the same
>lose muscle mass

This is the opposite of a cut, retard.

hemsworth looked pretty good no homo

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>bf% stays pretty much the same
are you literally blind?

You're right, his bf% is actually higher in the right set of pics.

kid i've lifted for a decade now including a few years spent saucing but congrats on making yourself look stupid

Kid, I invented the inverse cross E-Z bar row. If you aren't Arnold Schwarzenegger, you better shut the fuck up right now.