Anyone else hates being a slave to food? Does it even taste good or you?
Anyone else hates being a slave to food? Does it even taste good or you?
Takes too long to eat, doesn’t taste that great. Number one obstacle for me in fitness goals
Literally everyone is a slave to food since if you don't eat you die.
I used to cry as I stuffed down binge after binge. Cry or be numb. My poisons were dense foods, peanut butter, chocolate, milk, and more but i can hardly remember what I used to cram myself with.
I remember thinking that it was going to be like this forever.
Then one day it changed... Call it grace... an awakening... whatever...I dumped food as my lover and never looked back.
Now I eat Low Carb, 8 hour window time restricted eating.
I'm still dealing with the aftermath of living the better part of 30 years eating in a diseased way. But I feel I've put food in its rightful place. Nourishment and Sustenance, during certain times of day to SUPPORT MY LIFE, not ruin it.
This week's winner senpai
More of that sexy boy, please.
What works for me are lots of smaller meals, instead of a few large meals. I try and drink as many calories as I can get away with, it saves a lot of time.
t. former 140lbs 6'1 skelly, now 176lbs
Unironically this, if I had eaten more I know I'd be better off in terms of gains
>if you don't eat you die.
post more like this
I eat a lot of bland food so it’s not that bad. It also helps that it costs a lot to eat out so I almost never go to restaurants or fast casual places anymore.
I wish I had a body like that.
What a stupid thread.
>Anyone else hates being a slave to water?
>Anyone else hates being a slave to air?
No, you retard, because it's a basic necessity of life and I enjoy being alive.
If your food tastes like shit, learn how to season.
STOP! Stop posting these little faggots my will power has it's limits!
desu i hate being slave to oxygen.
I think it's too late.
Food isn't something I use to cheer myself up like fat fucks do, neither it is something I look down on and actively hate - which would be retarded in it's own way. Food is a tool if you want to get fit. You can make this tool into something enjoyable or something you hate. So it's only logical to prepare tasty, nutritious meals so food is something you can look forward to. Food is also the tool to not being fat if you use it properly.
Looks like it’s time to actually leave
This gay shit is intolerable now
God damn do I love hotpants.
How can you be a slave to oxygen if it's barely noticeable?
What problem is drinking water?
cute picture btw, pajeet
I want to eat like a whale but I would probably turn into a rectangle if I did. Can't help but live in a cycle of binging and fasting. Don't want to take hormones :(
>it's barely noticeable
>to breathe oxygen
Stop breathing for 10 minutes and report back to me how easy it was.
I would love to cut your degenerate head off and make myself a cool lantern.
Does breathing oxygen restrains you from your hobbies?
Same, staying slim is hard.
About as much as eating does.
penis pics pls
the real enemy is sleep; it takes half of your life from you.
godspeed user
Ahhh, fuck. I wanted to enjoy this, but those shoulders.
no :(
eggs taste like crap but thats one of my only sources of protein
Its a crazy thing when you have that moment of neogenesis where you grow mentally leaps and bounds.
I had one of those awakening moments not too long ago after hitting rock bottom, and its crazy how much I've improved my life since then.
Quit drugs/alcohol/high carb foods/lazy behavior/victim mentality.
I truly believe that we're gonna make it because we have to.
Why eggs?
I had a girlfriend that had a really femine face, but body was built like a boys and it was the best sex I've ever had.
Only bad thing was she wouldn't cut her hair short like it was in the beginning because she thought she looked like a female memeber of one direction.
Buy some sriracha. It literally goes on everything and tastes good and gives you a little kick of dopamine from the spiciness.
The bra ruins it. Love that delicious twink chest
All it means is that he's a strong boy. He'd probably fight back a little when you roughly locked his arms behind his back and pushed your cock into his boypussy.
No homo
Where do I get one of these creatures you speak of? Not that I would know what to do with it. FUUUUUCK.
only eat eggs or fish, beans/nuts/legumes are too calorie dense for me to eat them and somewhat full
I found her through okcupid. You could also just approach women in public that look like that, but chances are they're lesbians.
Plus if they're lesbians you can be a bro and your lesbro can be your wingman when you go to the gay club where bi girls are abound.
I have a wife. I want a femboy.
I'd say go to gayclubs then. I'd stay away from dating apps because those people tend to be more histrionic.
Fucking making me use Google to read.
I want to get on tinder, find femboys, and pee on them.
How does one achieve this kind of body?
I want this, and I'll do whatever it takes to achieve it
just stop eating lmao
Don't pee on people. Stop it.
My guess is a combination of pro ana and some kind of exercise.
Well shit i'm already halfway to being ana anyways
Fuck it, i'll take a shot at this shit
I already water fast multiple times a week anyways
gimme sauce you faggot
>no homo
>He'd probably fight back a little
the best
>Don't pee on people.
Why not? They want my peepee.
Exactly. Nothing makes my cock stiffer than a fighter.
lmao about as far as i can get without going to south america, sorry daddy
I'm sorry to disappoint!
Will you be my little girl? Call me daddy while I pee on you.
I told you to stop fucking peeing on people.
Stop telling me what to do!
he could pee on me if he DLs at least 3 plate desu
I have a back injury, so no diddles. Can I still be your daddy?
w-what is your routine like
That's fairly easy, just slim down, don't be sedentary and shave.
Keto helped me because when I go off my diet, I gain 15+lb. Makes me feel extremely guilty. While I'm wolfing down pizza, soda and candy, it never brings me the temporary joy it used to before I got fitter. When I go back low carb and cut off all that weight I gained, I feel so much better. That positive feeling makes me feel like I'm winning the war on my formerly morbidly obese self. 2% bf left until I'm a healthy BMI...
I can leg press 600+, so there's that. I've got telephone-pole quads.
>mental health thread deleted
>this shit is still up
i bet its a trap
this is the natural state of my body from eating whatever and not exercising
I drink milk daily, if you know what I mean.
But seriously though, not sure if stopping will help my diet.
>thread about food
>full of gay people
fuck this place is truly dead
The only reason you are a slave to food is because you aren't eating the right stuff and your body is never satisfied.
That's my sweet little girl. I've got a routine for you, too:
Come here and suck daddy's big cock xF
Bend over and take it xF
I wish I didn't have to eat as much to maintain weight
Why is it, that at one point I found this kind of shit attractive, now I am repulsed by it and other faggotry? There is something really visceral about it that makes me sick to my stomach now
>You have to eat all the eggs
Considering I'm 230 pounds and most of it is fat, yeah I'd say so.
is that a guy
>Low Carb
You got meme'd