Muscles for fighting

What muscles are most important for throwing good punches?

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Other urls found in this thread: dempsey championship fighting

legs hips shoulders

literally all of them to some degree. It doesn't matter though, because you can't lift your way to better punches unless you're just trying to get big and swing blindly. Actually learn how to punch, and practice daily. The difference will be huge.

Strong back and strong legs right?

Triceps, front delts and pecs. Some idiots will say it doesn't just pecs but they are just trying to justify their "muh ohp". The motion is very similar to incline bench press with a close grip.

Of course you gotta practice but don't tell me a 120 pound skelly practicing 5x a week VS a 120 kg monster training 3x a week would win because of practice

Ever see Tyson's legs?

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never once said that, weight classes exist for a reason.

It requires surprisingly little muscle power to punch well. I did a little boxing when I was younger and the one thing that improved my punching power at the time was technique. The more relaxed your muscles are before a connection is made the more your punch hurts. My instructor always said to be a bullwhip not a bulldozer

No, strong core, legs, and delts.

Wouldn't strong lats be necessary for a full swing?

Real talk, for fighting, explosive cardio. Do:

-Kettlebell swings
-100m, 200, 400m sprints. Once a week do a long run (3-5 miles, easy pace). Once a week is enough for the long run
-Sandbag toss and chase
-Sandbag or kettlebell get-ups

forearms and grip. your punch can only be as strong as your hands allow. google gene tunney grip training for his fight against jack dempsey

Lats are for pulling, how is that going to help you punch? Punches are basically a pushing motion.

>what is kinetic chain
If I had to give singular answer, arse and haunches

Are you actually retarded? Your forearms and grip have nothing to do with your punching power.

Surprisingly, glutes and legs are usually the most important muscle for any athletic movement.

Lats assist in core rotation, they are very important for a hard punch. Most boxers' lats are disproportionately large because of how much they use them

google irradiation. if you have weak hands you'll have weak punches, it's a fact.

Calves for uppercuts.

strong neck for taking punches

Push press

>3-5 miles, easy pace
>Once a week is enough
What kind of shit tier advice is this? 99% of good fighters do a lot more cardio than one relatively short run per week

You want good cardio? run 4-6x a week, Half of the days are 5 Miles+ at a decent pace(runs should be 30 minutes -1 hour depending on pace, but at least 8mph
The other half of runs are 20 minute run at 8mph+ followed by sprints.
Start at 40 yard sprints, for every second sprinting, you get 3 seconds rest, this works out to sprint 40 yards, with an average walking pace back to start line, start with sets of 10, then 12, 14, etc until doing 20 sets. After reaching that move on to 80-100 yard sprints, starting at 10 again.

If you are a fighter and don't want to gas this is the type of cardio it takes to go 8+ rounds.

The brain muscle is most important.

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Lots of unilateral leg stuff eg lunges and core rotation stuff. You'll see fighters hit tyres with sledgehammers because it works rotation of the trunk - although they're probably doing it for conditioning because fighters are by and large retards at S&C.

This and eye muscles. They can't hit you if you see in slow motion.

Yes he actually would.
Some people just punch stronger than others, I don't know how or what counts but muscles are not everything.

Fighting skill and technique. Followed by being relaxed is number one.

After that legs, core, forearms.

Punching starts from the ground. Legs and hips are important for power. Punching is like cracking a whip, the momentum builds and does damage at the tip, in this case your fist

>I don't know how or what counts
You made that obvious with your first sentence, genius

Amateur fights aren't twelve rounds my dude. If you just want to spar or do a few amateur fights then you would be much, much better served emphasizing intervals and actual fighting for cardio rather than 4-6x a week running.

Serratus anterior

You're retarded. The power comes from the legs and torso rotation. The real killer for being a good puncher is quickly retracting your arm, which heavily involves the back. dempsey championship fighting
you are welcome, Jow Forums

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Way ahead of you user.

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Power comes from the back and legs boy

Naisu, got mine last week.

Just work on your kicks. Unless you are doing comp in which case just do full body compound stuff. More efficient and look cooler.

Belive it or not got this bad boy today. It's a great read so far.

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none of my orders show as delivered, what gives

Do you have amazon prime?

nope, wanted to get it but it doesn't even offer latest season of GT, lul, only s1

Byakugan and Sharingan

Dude was a fucking top-tier athlete. He would have been great at whatever he chose to do.

lats, legs, core. But technique >> muscle. There are pro boxers who can't bench more than 155 at 145 pounds that throw bombs

A huge majority of punch power comes from rotating your body into it, you do that with your legs mostly. Punching with your arm will never do as much as rotating into it

nigga stfu, don't give advice if you don't know shit.

all pushing muscles + serratus + obliques and other anterior core muscles + hip and leg momentum

For fighting technique and stamina are way more important than strength. In fact, strength is only very relevant in fighting sports that rely on grappling.

In all honesty, your forearm and wrist muscles are most important. Good grip strength equals a strong and tight fist. You can swing a baseballbat as hard as you want, but if the top is soft or breaks off, you’re not gonna have much of an impact.

Its all about technique. You want to do a full body turn with your hooks and your forward punches need to strike like a whip rather than a big slug.

Punch a bag like a whip, “cracking” on contact with the bag. If the bag isnt swinging and it feels intense and makes a loud contact sound, you’re doin it right.

Muscle mass will help with overall power sure but its more about technique.