Tfw not a manlet

>tfw not a manlet

Even when things cant get any worse i remember im 6'2 and i feel better

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You care way too much about one single aspect of human physiology

Yea i know since i lack in other aspects

6'2" is manlet you fucking dolt.
>6'2" guy standing next to 6'5" guy
Even 1.88 vs 1.91 is pretty fucking noticable

6'5" here, it's not unless both are standing straight on even grounds

6'5" is fucking manlet as well, lol midget.
>he buys 2xl shirts, the manlet of XL shirts
Lol get on my level, 6XL is the only acceptable shirt size for a man

>think I'm 6'2"
>physical today
> "Looks like you're 6'1"!"
Fuck I'm not a manlet but I'd rather not be this close

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>not being 8'9"
you actually think you're tall?

Do yoga, that'll give you like 2-3 more inches.

>not a manlet
Umm okay sweetie, looks like you should go back to the pit

>2-3 more inches
Fuck off.

You 4srs? I could be 6'3" or 6'4"?

If your spine is compressed, then yes. Yoga will decompress your spine. Also, drink milk and be sure to have enough vitamin D in your body.

Vitamin D is in fish and dairy products, sunshine plays a big factor in vitamin D.

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Try these poses out, I decompressed my spine in about over a month and fixed my bad posture.

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Imagine being such a failure that your only source of self esteem comes from your height.

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Him and 99% of women

>be about 6'4" barefoot 6'5" in my shoes
>Go to Safeway
>Feel like manlet in public
>Feel like shit
>Come home and shitpost on Jow Forums
>Been doing this for about last 6 months
>See taller person
>Think they're like 7'0" due to mind being warped from manlet memes and too high expectations
>Get closer and realize they're only like and inch taller than me

thanks user this made me laugh.

t. manlet

I'm 6'3" and good looking and anxious and depressed and squandering everything I've been given

When I feel self-conscious and depressed I just think at least I'm tall and strong and can hold on my own in a fight unlike a manlet.

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>bothering with yoga
Totally pointless. Hang upside down. That's all you need for spinal decompression. If you want to increase your mobility just do the proper stretches.

gosh I wish that were me

>Proper stretches
Such as.....
