Literally been trying to cook them properly since january

>literally been trying to cook them properly since january
>let them boil for 12 minutes
>shell removal fails
>some parts are still raw
>not tasty
Why am i failing this hard?

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what the fuck 12 minutes? I boil my eggs 6 minutes and they're just right, yolk is still liquid but you can easily remove the shell

Lmao I boil mine 4 1/2 mins for that tasty gooey yolk.

Dumb nigger

How can you fuck up frying eggs? Literally just cook thrm until they look done. Takes 5 minutes max.

Why do you have to eat them hardboiled?
Literally crack them over a pan with a tiny bit of oil, let them cook until the center around the yolk is no longer liquidy
tastes great with breakfast potatoes

You can also do scrambled eggs which is even easier
Just put them in a bowl with some salt, pepper, maybe a tiny bit of milk depending on what you like.
whisk them up so they're liquidy, place in pan and keep them scrambly until they're cooked.
You can also add cheese to them if you're feeling adventurous

12 minutes is way too long.
my favorite boil is:
leave eggs in cold water.
heat until rolling boil
shut off flame and cover
wait 7 minutes
put eggs immediately in cold water.
Perfect medium boiled eggs

I don't like boiled eggs so most of the times I prefer over medium, poached, or english scramble.

Cover in cold water, bring to boil, boil for 1 minute, turn off heat, put on lid, leave in water for 12 minutes. After 12 minutes pour out hot water and eat if you want them hot. If you want to eat them later, run under cold water for 5 minutes to stop the cooking.
This is the professional kitchen way to cook big batches of boiled eggs. It works.
Don't keep your fresh eggs in the fridge.

eggs are a boomer meme.

I boil mine in the instant pot.

Buy those hard boiled egg makers in Amazon man, they actually work perfectly

>let them boil for 12 minutes
are you counting from when the water starts to boil? because thats when you start counting
>>shell removal fails
try running them under cold water first
>>some parts are still raw
are the eggs fully submerged in the water?
>>not tasty
that's a given, add salt

>yes, i do
>i do put them under cold water
>no, i've always been told that water should not cover them totally
>probably will do

i bought these, they work, but are a bitch to clean. even after dishwasher need to scrape out white

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Buy liquid egg whites for the best sip of your life

OP listen the fuck to me
I was like you
My eggs kept having bad shells and raw spots
I looked all over the internet on how to fix this, I tried all the fucking meme methods people are suggesting you
now listen to me
The way to have good eggs is to HAVE A HOT START
Do not put them in cold water. Boil the water first, THEN place the eggs. That way they will always be very easy to peel. 100% guaranteed. Try it now with one egg I fucking guaranteei t
Thank me later

Steam them my dude. 10 minutes, shock with cold water. Peels like a dream.

Why did you buy a glorified egg shell? It fucking comes in a shell already.

because i could never get them to peel easily

Please reflect on the fact that you have failed in making the easiest food.
Im without words.

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buy this. Perfect eggs every time

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Are you tapping the bottom and giving it a small crack to easily peel

>get egg
>microwave for 6 minutes
enjoy your boiled egg

Step 1.
Get the water to boil.
Step 2.
Put eggs into water for ~10 min. (Depends on what eggs are we speaking about, american eggs take less European eggs take longer on avg.)
Step 3.
Take eggs out put them into cold water.
Step 4.
Peel them and eat.

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>little onions sauce or vinegar on boiling water
>add egg
>8-9 minutes later egg is done and super easy to peel

PROTIP: don't boil fresh eggs, they are hard to peel.
Not saying that you should boil year old eggs now, just don't boil them the same day you buy them.

>inb4 my eggs always peel super easy
Yeah because you don't actually get fresh eggs