Rate my body transformation?

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dude you're really small. keep lifting. there's no transformation yet

wow! how long did it take you to take your clothes off?

You went from having a shirt on and raising your eyebrows to shirtless and lowering your eyebrows.

How long did it take to renovate your bathroom?

Kill yourself faggot.


Forever lmao
I'm still a virgin

Nice observation

So you were on hunger-strike until someone fix ur bathroom?

if you were at the gym and saw OP would you rape his boi hole?

I don't get why my bathroom is relevant lol
My dad got a promotion, new house

Lol did you do 10 pushups and 10 situps once a month? Fucking skelly

Wow are you paraplegic and thats why you consider taking your shirt off a "transformation"?

Hit the gym 5-6 times a week for 5 months

Still progress

well op....

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>narrow shoulders
Might aswell start pumping estrogen into yourself

Natty limit bra. Well done.

Not really a transformation, body looks great tho.

Now all you need is breast implants.

You are either really short or you have a really big head

Oh, you took off your shirt.

Gonna start pumping dmt soon

I agree my head is big... the one downstairs.

You are literally a blank canvas. Just start eating with a calorie surplus and start lifting heavier than what you're used to and you can only go upwards from here.

Should I start counting calories?

If you want gains, yes. You're super fucking skinny so obviously you don't eat a whole lot. It's a good habit anyways.

No appetite cuz of depression/anxiety
Can't force myself to eat

i was gonna make fun of you but then i realized im in the same situation

i dont make gains because i have a weak mind and terrible discipline. i only go to the gym but i never eat more than two meals a day and a few snacks in between

maybe suicide is the way to go desu

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Perfect body imo
You just need a qt dress and some tights

I feel you brother I think about ending it everyday

You stopped doing that gay shit with your eyebrows
Instantly look 1000x better

How much can you bench

One rep or 12?



One rep max I can bench 175
Otherwise 140

looking good for 5 months dude. Glad to see you didn't fall for the SS bulk meme. Cutting/lean bulking slowly is superior for aesthetics, which I assume you give a shit about.

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