Let's be honest, pro athletes have no reason to be natty besides risking being caught on doping of course...

Let's be honest, pro athletes have no reason to be natty besides risking being caught on doping of course. So how do they avoid getting caught? What kind of PEDs do they take? HGH? Or novel stuff we don't know yet?

Attached: 695f1200d19e613d4f7bb3dd023adecd--cristiano-ronaldo-hot-cr-ronaldo.jpg (736x736, 132K)

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a combination of good programming so they don't juice close to a drug test, and also designer drugs that we don't have tests yet. Of course, it depends on the athlete, and what exactly they're juicing for.

so this guy isn't natty right? I mean, he's not that big etc, but his body looks very unrealistic. I can't point exactly why, but it does and it does look good

Attached: the chad stride.webm (960x540, 990K)

I dont know if CR7 is natty but that body is achievable naturally.

CR7 isn't a good choice to illustrate what you're saying because he's prob natty.
His lats are very wide, other than that he's pretty small, look at his arms and chest.

They’re fucking natty you nigger

Superstar athletes don't get tested unless they piss someone off because they bring in outrageous amounts of money
It's like "random" drug tests a regular job, they are only going to test you if they want you gone or know you'll pass
Could be wrong but it seems pretty common sense

They have access to the best trainers, nutritionists and gym facilities on the planet. Ronaldo is also a natural athlete. Of course they're ripped if they have all that

>look at his arms and chest.

with the amount of cardio he does it's virtually impossible to get "big"

I wonder why so few footballers have this kind of physique. Some muscularity with very low-body fat percentage seems the norm with the olympic atheletes

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they need to be fast you idiot

CR7s body is attainable natty, but he's not. There's no reason for him to be

CR7 and every other footballer needs

100% of Olympic athletes are on peds

what are the most common peds being used?

>skinny mexican
>the chad stride




How do they avoid getting caught?
Short cycles of test suspension. They're juiced even at the events.

achieving ronaldo's physique takes at most 3 years of training

he has maintained the same look for over a decade.

It's probably test, because after it's gone you're back below whatever limit the doping regulators have set. These guys probably stay away from fat-soluble heavy hitters that hang around in your system a long time, although maybe there's shit we don't know about that doesn't get tested for.


guys, if you believe ronaldo's phisique is not natural you are completely wrong. I am sorry, but this is also what I believed maybe 2 years ago which is when I started training.

His phisique is 100% doable. What some people here find "weird"/"strange" is the fact that he has a low body fat, which makes sense being a pro football player where you want to have as much of a low body fat as possible to maximize efficiency in the pitch.

please, after 2 years of consistent lifting you will start developing a similar shape, and with proper diet in 3 years you will look exactly the same if not better.


This. Yall fuckin retarded.

depends on the genetics tho, ronaldo is extremely ectomorph

has nobody ever heard of piss infusion? If you just juiced and are getting tested, heres what you do.
>piss all urine out of system
>get a close friend who you know is disease free and natty
>have them pee in a container and give it to you
>buy a hand powered liquid pump
> buy catheter
>attach pump to catheter, and insert catheter
>pump their clean urine into your bladder
>visit hospital
I'm surprised none of you fucks have ever heard of this. It's common for body building contests.

Attached: Dorbees3.png (225x158, 34K)

I wish I had a relationship as cute as your webm

This, there's nothing about his physique that looks unnatty. Guy's a fucking professional athlete for fucks sake

Most piss tests don't let them do that. Some dude literally shows up and says "pee in this cup while I watch." They'll follow you around from that time until you pee. No opportunity to self cath since that would defeat the purpose of the test. Of course most athletes have other ways of avoiding the testing.

So, this is friendship..

Attached: 1505035277584.png (400x400, 16K)

from the Island of Madeira

Tom Daley is gay not even jk desu

if you need to be tested, you do it on your own time. Pro athletes don't have the schedule to be followed around by some beta asking for piss.


La Liga barely drug tests. There's a reason why the teams in that league have been so dominant in Europe the past 5 years.


I don't know user, sure that's not just english propaganda?

WADA is based in Montreal.

Football isn't tested seriously. Most sports aren't.

At the very least, everyone in almost every sport is on HGH for the rapidly improved recovery time + injury healing. It's virtually undetectable unless you get popped within a few hours of injecting.

In sports where cardio is important, almost everyone is doing some form of blood doping like EPO injections. It's particularly rampant in football and cycling. Clenbuterol is also pretty common.

I think a surprisingly low number of elite athletes are on any form of steroid. Exception being for sports like NFL and Baseball, and for athletes in their mid to late 30's who are often on some form of TRT.


>He's natty

Lmao at people who actually believe a top athlete that does cardio all day is big and lean enough to compete in men's physique shows at almost 35.

Actually no let me rephrase.

Lmao at anyone who believes an athlete who gets paid hundreds of millions is natty.

Lmao at all these brainlets.


Agreed. He literally does HIIT for a living. He's not big. Of course he looks shredded.

he's a fucking stingray lmao

Lots of under 18s in this thread I see. No, Ronaldo is not natty. Please take up a sport and push yourself to the highest level and see for yourself.

Why do people give blanket answers on how many athletes are on drugs? The level of drug use differs insanely depending on which country they are from and what sport they play.

When an athlete is in his own country it is down to that countries own drug testing agency to test them. Some countries don't give a fuck, some countries have state sponsored doping and some countries make a sincere effort to test and catch people. I know 2 pro athletes in the UK since childhood and they get regular drug tests that they do not get warned about ahead of time.

It's hilarious how nearly all of the info on drugs in sports comes from smug bodybuilders who are complete outsiders to pro sport basically guessing what is going on. It's the easy position to take since you get to feel woke and can never be disproved since you can just always say they must have a way to cheat the test.

It only looks like he has abs and no obliques compared to where he looks pretty good

i saw literally hundreds of people in my teenage years look like that when i was growing up playing footy

Well read about Lance Armstrong over 7 years he doped and gt tested. They say in his the tour was won by the athlete with the best doctor. Obviously it was a complicated setup designed for cycling but 1 thing they did was micro dosing test with patches overnight and in the morning he would be fine for his puss test

>world's most genetically gifted and best trained are on PEDs
>my uncle's boss's cousin is an Olympic curler and he said he doesn't inject dope
Everyone is on drugs. Natural athletes don't have enough recovery to be able to do the workouts Olympians have.

I'm not
>t. 2016 Olympic long jumper

I know plenty are though, especially the guys that do well in swimming, sprints, cycling etc

>Everyone is on drugs.

While I agree, they are still the top 1%

I mean take like Usain Bolt example: he probably roids, but come on

There are lots of guys who can do outdo the 10-second barrier in 100metre, but that is where it stops.

You can give some random nigger all the drugs in the world, but he will be no Bolt.

These guys are not only genetic freaks, they also probably need less roids than normal people.

Same could be said about pro bodybuilders, most of them have insane genetics to begin with: some of the amateurs use more dope than guys who compete in Mr. Olympia

Imagine thinking cardio stops you from obtaining an ottermode body
Imagine thinking having abs is not possible while doing lots of cardio.
Imagine thinking 14.5-15" arms with abs is not possible as a natty

>with the amount of cardio he does it's virtually impossible to get "big"

Attached: sir-chris-hoy-picture.jpg (478x762, 46K)

>big and lean enough to compete in men's physique shows
Definitely not

It's absolutely not natty for a footballer. A dedicated professional bodybuildet could get there natty, not someone who has to run hours a week

These threads are just an excuse for frauds to justify their shitty choices
>"b-but all the big athletes do it!"

where's your proof? this same thread gets posted here 4 times a week with the same CR7 pictures posted every time, you must be retarded if you think one of the top professional footballers who has been doing this his entire life would not be natty, his body isn't hard to achieve with his lifestyle

yeah but you're also an underperforming shit and will never be top 5 let alone top 3

so to rephrase the other guy : Every noteworthy athlete is on steroids

You are pathetic, so insecure you insist your heroes are natty to maintain this belief you could get there. Feel free to go look up natty bodybuilders of the 40s, a top footballer running marathon equivalents weekly and skill training is not going to be getting anywhere near that.

how about you go look up his diet and what he does everyday, the guy refuses to get any tattoos so he can continue donating blood, educate yourself before looking like a retarded faggot next time

> literally his hero
I had no idea I'd be that bang fucking on oh dear you loser.

>t. Never even placed in school athletics carnival

I get paid a living wage to exercise, study and travel. What do you do?

>literally his hero
it's common knowledge to know this, but I guess ameriflaps only know about stuffing their face with burgers and watching Tyrone bend their bitch over

he has perfect nutrition for the exertion he undertakes and to maintain/build the muscles he needs to play football. he has world class trainers who schedule his training and eating to maintain his level. he has no reason to dope as he has the money to pay for the best natty everything and has the drive to make it happen. his risk/reward for doping is too big too: lose all of his reputation for what? he is in his 30s and still fast and strong enough for football.

>thinking any top level athlete is natty

>implying thats a bad thing

>world class athlete

Attached: 1531312707628.jpg (960x882, 59K)

is he natty ?

Attached: dirar.jpg (1200x818, 105K)


Is bale natty ?

Attached: DeUIyUCWkAEmbPh.jpg (1078x1068, 233K)

Hahaha he is right though, you will never be noteworthy unless you take PEDs. You are just there to make the top guy look good.

If you can't see a difference between him and ronaldo you are an idiot.

it's not great to have great big fuckoff wings with little noodles attached, no?

Look at their shoulders and lats then all you got to ask yourself. Does this manlet do ohp rows often enough to warrant that muscle tissue build up? I doubt these soccer players do. He sticks test in his ass.

Classic Ameritard believing every athlete in the world uses PEDs just like the roided monkeys in your sports.

>world class athlete
user please

Attached: costanza.jpg (601x601, 57K)

t. someone who knows nothing about soccer

Based ameritardbro.

achievable natty.

consistency is key.

He's been training year in year out since his late teens...

He looks like superman in that thumbnail. Mirin'

Nope, ADA piss tester can come around everywhere and anytime. You as a pro athlete have to tell WADA/NADA where you are so they can come over and test, whenever they want to. Tester is told "do athlete x at place y in given (short) period of time". If you are not found at the named place, you do have a problem. This is at least the theory of it ...

Ronaldo is a faggot and he is as vain as a peacock. He can afford to have his kids carried out by some surrogate putas so think about what else he can afford in medical treatment and enhancement.

As stated, football/soccer isn't tested as serious as it should/could, but panem et circenses are good for the masses and he is a big and famous gladiator in the game so catching him cheating is not of interest.

>has nobody ever heard of piss infusion?
I fucking hate Jow Forums