I'm trying to reduce my masturbation and porn consumption to weekends only.
Any advice?
I'm trying to reduce my masturbation and porn consumption to weekends only.
Any advice?
Don't fap or watch porn between Monday and Friday
Ok but srsly, punish yourself if you give in during the week. Such as, I fapped on Wednesday, now I can't fap this weekend.
Have sex
Stop browsing the internet.
Breaking it is alot easier than people make it out to be. It's not quite as simple as "don't touch your dick" especially if it's been ingrained in you for years. Stop doing the things that lead up to you touching your dick, i.e. taking your phone with you to bed, looking at the softcore fit qts and high test threads, thinking about being lonely, etc. Idle hands are truly the devil's playthings: find something constructive to do. I find reading a book in bed is the best for me, might work for you too. Just sit there with a book until you pass out.
The other big thing is to realize that we're all pretty bad at abstaining from stuff with bad long-term effects. It's why the majority of non-smokers, if you ask them why they don't smoke, will say something along the lines of, "it tastes bad" or "it makes my clothes smell" etc rather than citing long-term consequences i.e. "cancer" or "cardiovascular health". So the trick is to convince yourself how bad it is in the short-term, this can be done religiously or morally, or just as simple as recognizing how sluggish it makes you feel, the fact that you'll get all sweaty in your pj's or whatever. Short-term physical consequences are the easiest to avoid, that's why you don't usually find people falling for mousetraps or beartraps, but they fall for other traps, like credit cards. At least tell yourself in your head that touching your dick is literally bad for you. Or just do push-ups every time you get the urge.
Good luck OP
I beat my meat on rest day, so thats 1 or 2 times a week, and when i do it from menory or pictures of girls i find hot
Also if you get the chance, have sex instead, duh
This boi gets it
Mediocre advice, desu. Having sex with someone you love is great and (for me at least) removes most of the desire to fap. Having sex with someone you don't really care about is way worse than fapping, desu.
Thanks for the advice, sounds good.
Are word filters a thing again?
I wrote the abbreviation for t0 b3 h0n3st and it wrote d3su
solid advice user
Do kegels or towel raises whenever you pop a boner. I'm on day 74 of nofap that's what's been keeping me going.
How is that supposed to help?
Avoid porn and/or sexy stuff during the week. Anything that might make you horny really.
And if you wake up horny it's a matter of self control.
When you do fap, your goal should be no porn. Start by watching more and more vanilla stuff; then go for watching a bit of porn, turn it off and then fap; eventually you'll be browsing insta, look a a couple of thots and then go fap without looking.
Why would I want to use instagram?
It's one of the worst social media platforms for mental health.
AH this meme again.
Fapping/nofapping won't make a difference to your meager gains, manlet.
OP here. Not trying to improve gains or height.
you're a cuck if you watch porn desu it is better to retain your vital energy for hobbies like shitposting and lifting
>you don't usually find people falling for mousetraps or beartraps, but they fall for other traps, like credit cards.
Damn, good post and digits
Most nofappers are virgins
OP here. I have slept with 4 girls including long-term gf, tinder ons and girls who cheated on their bf with me.
get a full time job, eat healthy, exercise, and sleep well
if you still have time after all above, work on a project
It gets rid of the boner