
murica edition

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sweet jesus

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Make america great again by putting these things to work on the wheel of pain

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two fucking sodas for that landwhale on the left. Jesus christ how do these people exist?

I absolutely hate myself if I'm even a little pudgy from eating like shit for a week. Also I feel shit because of that lifestyle.

They don't know how much better it feels to eat right. Guzzling poison is all they know.

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Welcome to the current day.

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If only all of America could fucking see this and the truth it is

What is tax payer funded health care?

imagine being in those seats after them, full of sweat stains, poop juice and all sorts of nasty shit


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are there pictures of slim/fit girls that wear these oversized 5xxl clothes just to show how big those sheets are? im amazed by the size of that bikini ... its a tent.

Really hating myself, lost 120 pounds then someone said to up my calories to get strength and gains and potentially miss skinny fat mode, just plateauing at this point, feed me your hate

>but your fingers says "no"

>imagine the smell

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That man has a huge dick

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jesus this looks like a fat dude on his knees wtf

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Is this the same nigger that has the "ALL WHITE PEOPLE IS RACIST. PAYPAL ME" whiteboard?

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God fuck off fatty. Your going to kill her.

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straight from the fatlogic subreddit.

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> oh that, yea.. one day I was so hungry i ate my leg.
Is kind of her facial expression

holy fuck that hurts

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>If only you knew how bad things really are.

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>I lost 100 pounds with this one simple trick!
>Doctors hate her


> my arm muscles are probably close to double hers

I tried the chicken recipe from last thread, it was amazing, thanks user and user's mom. Only change I'd make next time is to use half-3/4ths of the salt of the original

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oh yeah it is

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Based Marcus

Is this the "PayPal me" bitch?

I suggest rubbing some mustard over the chicken

retard read a few replies before this


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This makes me feel ill

>Fat folks don't die from being fat

Everyone join in me laughing

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that the same girl that wants people to donate to her paypal?

yeah i'd like to know too

Glad to hear it worked out for you buddeh.

god such delusional thinking makes my blood boil.. and im a fat fuck myself

>implying you wouldn't

Most self respecting women (M and below) wouldn't buy Walmart brand bikinis

Fuck you racist, sexist, fatphobic pigs. Ashleigh is a brave woman trying to advance fat acceptance and destroy the patriarchy that’s imposed on POC by white males. Die you nazi scumbags

>I look amazing.
It's always a fat woman who says that. I never heard a fat man to brag about his appearance.

Pretty sure this chick actually ended up losing weight after being criticized.

Holy shit I thought her hair was a dude's pants, her brah was his underwear and so on

this is a subreddit designed to ridicule fat people but i see comments like that pretty frequently. i once got downvoted to oblivion because i was arguing with some fat chick and i told her to eat less. i miss the old fat people hate sub but these threads are the next best thing because i dont have to deal with redditors

Is there a non shopped version?

Where can I get that?!

"Lost muh leg last year to the beetus"

>-10 points

say what you want about Reddit but even they'll call out delusional fatfucks sometimes

hey is that the paypal me girl

I didn't know black jews existed.

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Look at this absolute unit

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o so Im a hero already huh

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That fingers gonna fall off in about 5 weeks.

You deserve to exist just not that much

>that thicc blondie that kicks the ball

>be me, user who works as lifeguard
>two hamplanets appear, upon entering the pool, waves of water fucking flow out
>nbd, they're both at least 400 lbs and 5' tall.
>both in bikinis which their fupas eclipse making them look naked
>proceed to overhear how larger ham is waiting on her bf to arrive and how he's so handsome and fit
>45 minutes pass, i'm waiting too at this point to see who the fuck is willing to harpoon these whales
>they're getting progressively more upset
>he apparently stood her up, hear her wailing 'why can't i find a real man'

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number 6 is sick of her shit

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Fph for ants

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>Gets a metal prosthetic
>Snaps as soon as she puts weight on it

It's the tranny argument. "The mental disorder/obesity isn't what causes suicides/kills us, its the oppression of society and the whateverphobic attitudes". It makes half decent spin for trannies because you could see how being socially ostracized leads to suicides, but not diabetes.

>that boomer who saves the thumbnail

they exist and I know them personally, you are just a shut in incel

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I would also like to know if these pictures exist somewhere

Nice try

The worst part is that the large and medium are probably larger than they once we're. Vanity sizing is a real bitch.

I got 2 for ya

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I hate the new AMC redesigns. The chairs aren't comfy and you can fit maybe half of the people you used to be able to in a theater.

Sure smells like fucking SUMMER

Knowing there are nonbaity people who legit think like that makes me lift extra hard.

>will get fat
>eats all your food
>treats your protein powder like a snack
>can't fight anyone
>Loves you until Chad comes along

Robot gf
>Eats all of your electricity
>Doesn't get fat
>Helps you track your macros
>Combat protocols to fight anybody
>Very efficient heart loves you more than a human gf could

Mecha gf
>Eats one rod of plutonium
>Weighs 20T, still not fat
>Helps you fight Cipher's private military
>Cannot be stopped
>Loves you at a rate of 50 gf/s (gfs per second)

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Man, I haven't seen Harlaus for a while.

Is this the simpsons come to life?

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do the robot/mech gf come with a feminine benis?

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I haven't keked this hard in a while. Thanks for the laugh user