Redpill me on why omnivores/carnivores have such a strong urge to ridicule vegans and their delicious vitamins, fiber, minerals, complex carb rich plant based diets?
Redpill me on why omnivores/carnivores have such a strong urge to ridicule vegans and their delicious vitamins, fiber...
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because the guy in your picture is using steroids
Because vegans are obnoxious, arrogant, sanctimonious faggots who love to berate people for eating meat. Don't want ridicule? Don't dish it out.
Redpill me on why these threads fucking suck.
Because OP is a faggot
This just isn't a thing that actually happens in real life
I know it isn't because vegans are spineless herbivores
but he is not.
I don't believe it one bit
beta words right here
post body
>that boomer who still says post body
proof or gtfo
Redpill me on why you fkin care?
vegans are all the same- complete assholes and have no personality
they complain all the fucking time because they’re lacking essential amino acids and b12 which turns them into a lowtest bitch
basically a fucking woman
redpill me on why you have to be a vegan faggot and have to beg businesses to cater to you and only you while the rest of us have to suffer
same any essential amino acids from meat, and b12 plants, absolute state on meat eaters
>smurf semen and oats
because they're insecure knowing that they willingly choose to make unethical choices every day, and they know they have no defense for that, so they just ridicule the opposition instead.
>smurf semen
The conclusion to the ethics of vegans is antinatalism, the elimination of suffering by eliminating all life.
Making false claims with no data to back it up. Nice.
Probably because you're DYEL. I've been following the guy in the pic since he was an average-muscled meat-eater. Definitely natty gains, you'd be surprised at what proper nutrition and training can do.
Hahaha imagine being this new to lifting.
since all you vegans just send over these studys, i will too
vegetables are very low in lysine and methionine if thats what you wanted to hear
Proper nutrition and training doesn't save you from being a faggot
T. Brainwashed vegtard
Is this fucking projection? Because all of this sounds exactly like what meat eaters do.
Really makes me think.
Yeah, it turns out, the "you are what you eat" thing has some truth to it. Vegans have the thought capacity and aggression of a potted plant.
ha ha i'm not a vegan, sucks to be you
Cope is the last resort of the brainlet hordes.
>while the rest of us have to suffer
lmao look at this crybabby lads
All vegans will be gassed
Kek i think you’re right
I think that the reason for higher IQ demonstrated in people who are vegetarian is the fact that they have the ability to think, to reason, to possess the self-awareness required to make a change to their diet. Someone with the IQ of 80 isn't gonna be worrying about the ethics of battery farms because they don't have the abstraction required to process it.
>vitamins, fiber, minerals, complex carb rich plant based diets
this is bait
You get your vitamins and minerals from a lot of fruits and veggies. What's the problem?
Because of cancerous posts from meat eaters, perhaps.
>want to reduce suffering
eat free range then, that would probably do more good for the overall suffering of animals than if you just don't eat meat at all.
Vegans have no ethical high ground.
>ethics of battery farms
Don't eat meat from battery farms.
This guy knows whats up. Also is this an argument only amerfats need to have? Cause I'm pretty sure the EU outlawed battery farming. At least its illegal in austria.
>every meat I buy is automatically ethical, feelsgoodman.jpg
because retards coping with their braindead thought process feel the need to shit on anything diet wise that is against the norm and not to mention cope with their lack of athletic or fitness related achievements by downplaying the achievemnts of others on diets that differ from their own.
Just retards being retards.
(((free range))) is literally nothing more than a marketing gimmick, you turbobrainlets
That's not what I was talking about, I'm just saying people with 80IQ aren't able to moralize about something because they literally don't have the brain hardware to do so. Just saying, if vegans managed to take over the world or whatever they'd have a real problem with those hordes in subsaharan Africa and other third world locations who not only eat disease-ridden meat, but each other.
You managed to prove OP's point. Great going halfwit.
Googled it. Yeah in the us its totally arbitrary. Not in the EU though. Haha
if you do some research you'll probably find something that's ethical
You mean I answered OP's and 's question at the same time.
Nice try dumbnuts.
and you're a faggot being a faggot
e.g. veganism
>moving the goalposts
>t. didn't do his research
>muh ethical male baby chicks being ground up alive for nuggets
k then
brainlet gymcel dietcel cope
Right back at you. Now you got anything more than memes to throw around? You don't get to call ME the one who hasn't done their research when you were just full on damage controlling for free range just before.
>b-b-but you'll find something, I'm sure!
kek how pathetic
It's the same thing about why vegans have better health then non-vegans, since any diet is better then no diet.
correlation =/= causation my man.
everyone on here is a gymcel
>has rois shoulders but nothing else is roidsized
>Vegan roids just to look like omnivore
How exactly? Most joints that offer vegan food either offer regular options as well, or they are purely vegan/vegetarian. What's your problem, how are you suffering exactly? Are you simply emotional?
If vegans could shut the fuck up about being vegan I wouldnt give a flying fuck
It's pretty universal that being nice to animals is "good" so when someone makes a dietary and lifestyle choice your brain percieves them as a "better person" so by extension not making that same choice makes you "worse" so you get defensive and thing that they're the asshole for making you feel like a bad person. In reality it's just a personal choice, no good or bad attached to it, and people who aren't brainlets can realize this and not judge themselves based on the choices of others but since Jow Forums is just a bunch of insecure degenerates they sperg out any time a vegan just exists.
if you look at your average vegan on youtube like vegan-gains u will see they want us to die and not even have the choice to eat meat.
it's obvious.
>>muh ethical male baby chicks being ground up alive for nuggets
Doesn't happen in the eu
Free range is perfectly labeled and categorized in the eu. You can buy meat and eggs from animals that have spent their whole life in probably more freedom than most humans do.
>b-b-but you'll find something, I'm sure!
You would if you cared. The thing that drives me the most away from vegans is that they don't care about complex arguments or the truth. Being a vegan seems to be a fucking cult where you just play for your team and honesty takes a backseat.
maybe most are, but not everyone is a gymcel brainlet dietcel dweebmaxingcel like you are.
>Doesn't happen in the eu
Enlighten me on what exactly happens to the male chicks then. I'll be happy to eat my words.
yeah, a literalmutt raised by a single mom who hates his family and was raised on video games and television hates children and natality and is literally mentally ill is what the average vegan is like
actually go to a vegan/vegetarian place, most people there are literally white fit people with children
Anti-natalism. Google it, most vegans aren't aware of it but this belief is a core part of their moral arguments.
They are fed onions and turned into trans chickens and then forced to shit eggs ofc.
i once went to a vegan restaurant and asked for some steak and vegan-gains tried to kill me
that's funny as shit, wish that happened to me.
Ha ha, very funny. Nice thinly vieled damage control faggot. They get ground up just like elsewhere and you know it. Keep eating eggs and chicken all you want but don't delude yourself into thinking that you're being ethical. You're voluntarily giving money to a needlessly unethical industry to satisfy your taste buds and gluttony.
For the record, I'm not even vegan myself, and I have a lot of problems with a lot of self-proclaimed vegans. But I can admit that veganism is the ultimate redpill and too many meat eaters try to justify their actions with the most ridiculous crap ever.
Vegans don't have vitamin and mineral rich diets because the human body is barely able to absorb even %4 of the minerals/vits in plants.
Also theyre missing all the nutrients from meat and fat and are malnourished.
who fucking cares about chicks getting ground up and into nuggets? It's just a late abortion.
source, sounds stupid tho.
Faggot, my whole post was about not what's wrong with not caring but rather PRETENDING to care when you in fact don't. Do you even fucking read?
Fiber is indigestable, why would you expect to absorb a meaningful ammount of vitamins from it?
Vegans are the best, guys
I dont understand this logic.
Do you think that fiber has all the vitamins?
Do you think there is only indigestable fiber?
People get mad when their values are questioned.
People try to justify their habits.
People are also misinformed.
>human body is barely able to absorb even %4 of the minerals/vits in plants
This better be bait. That's not even remotely how the human body works and the 4% figure sounds straight out of your ass. Human bodies have regulators for certain vitamins where if you intake an excess the body will simply piss it out. For others, not so much. Which is why it's possible to get Vitamin A poisoning. Absorption of nutrients also depends of synergy between nutrients as were as the nature of the nutrient e.g. heme or non-heme.
Antinatalism is the logical conclusion everyone should reach, yeah.
We usually feed 'em with grains.
Though once I saw a chicken hunt a mouse and eat it, it was weird.
Please, everyone:
If you're vegan, supp b12. 2000mcg a week for maintenance
If you're not vegan, add b12 to your next bloodwork because there's a huge genetic component in b12 absorption and rejection
If you're deficient, you can have neurological problems, anemia and other shit.
If you're an athlete, you'll benefit from supplementing and piss out any excess you take.
Its cheap as fuck. 1000mcg a day
straighten your back, troglodyte
or just eat a little bit of liver every day
N-no buy (((our))) pills goy, they're cheap! Ur not poor, right?
>vegans claim their diet is superior
>ask them to post body
>they post pictures of roided out youtubers who gave up being a vegan after two months and just lie now.
Not the EU guy, but who fucking cares. They die instantly, that's all the matters. Not like they are kept alive in inhumane conditions, they are turned straight to dog food. Everyone is happy.
post budy
nice try retard
Veganism is being pushed hard in western society because it is a lot more environment friendly and thus we could support a bigger population for the same ecological footprint. Because you know, progress and growth is an end in itself and all this.
Globlist elites need people to go vegan, it won't be done in a day but just as surely as the individuals surrender their private data to corporations he will be subjected to mediatic and societal pressure to go vegan.
Just like mass migration, these things are so macro that most people miss it or they can't even think that big.
Read Limits To Growth and Kaczynski's manifesto, it's a good start.
Why do vegans think they're the only ones who eat this stuff? I eat the same things + meat, milk, and eggs.
Okay, now you vegan (timestamp is from like a week ago)
3 years vegan.
>he roided for this