>22 years old, natty.
>dont drink, barely party.
>PPL 2x a week , carb cycling slightly under maintenance.
Please Jow Forumsizens don't hold back,
what are my weakpoints?
>in b4 shitskin im spaniard
>22 years old, natty.
>dont drink, barely party.
>PPL 2x a week , carb cycling slightly under maintenance.
Please Jow Forumsizens don't hold back,
what are my weakpoints?
>in b4 shitskin im spaniard
too lazy to re-size photos just turn your fucking heads sideways
i'm really trying to make it, not sure if i should get shredded or huge
looking good brah, I'd say since it's summer you shouldn't be bulking until in a few months, cut a bit if you want until you have more visible abs if you plan on going to beaches / pools
ps de donde en españa eres
Thanks i was thinking hard cut too, maybe get bottom abs and cut carbs completely.
I live in miami now (of course lol) but originalmente onions de Las Islas Canarias
How pathetic are lanklets that they visit threads just to call people manlets?
>not sure if i should get shredded or get huge
them pecs looking like pepe eyes
cope faggot, literally women height
Pick two.
You look pretty good, senpai. What's your PPL routine look like?
To answer your question: I'd either maintain or go on a slight cut to really pull those abs out. I think you really need a new haircut but other than that I think you made it brah.
Cut body fat %. And get 6 pack abs.
Your bicep needs some work to look bigger when not flexing. Average guy in T-shirt has average bicep. You should have bigger bicep.
confirmed DYELs, probably even self-hating manlets
Damn dude now Rachel definitely won't leave you for some Chad
Think for yourself and make your choice
Muchos kekos
face and haircut
at least the second is fixable but if you don't have the awareness to tell you look bad now i hardly trust you'll make a right decision
Personally i always tell people to bulk given a choice between the two but you already look pretty good bro
Cut, then bulk again in like 5 months
Your ugly ass haircut, what the fuck man
le gymcel face
Your chest looks like boobs. Also never cut/bulk as a natty. Just eat clean 24/7 - sorry bro if we’re not frauds this is how we compete
>no biceps
>no forearms either
>chest underdeveloped
cmon mane
well, you don't drink or party, go perma bulk then, when you start having a social life cut and be happy